My girlfriend had a baby boy in April. Here’s the quilt I’ll be making for him this weekend. The one-year rule applies to new babies too, right? The quilt will finish at 36″x51″.

Focus fabric:

Coloured fabrics:

Estimated yardage from EQ7:

The block is super simple, finishing at 5″ square. The black strips are 1″x5″, the coloured centre pieces are 3″x5″. If you are making this yourself, add 1/2″ to each measurement for seam allowance for your cut pieces. I’ll be strip-piecing the yardage, then cutting the blocks at 5.5″ as one unit.

I’m really glad I took the time to draft the quilt out in EQ7 with the focus fabric. I was originally going to use it for the blocks too, but hated it once I saw it.

Off to cut some fabrics and start stitching. The first I’ve done in a month.. hope I remember how!

Updated: The Making of a Baby Quilt โ€“ Part 2

9 responses to “The Making of a Baby Quilt”

  1. Deborah Avatar

    This will be stunning, Michele!!! Love the fireworks fabric. Can’t wait to see it finished.

    I recently had a book passed to me called “Hearts and Hands, The Influence of Women & Quilts on American Society.” Have you read this one? I’m really enjoying it.
    Happy Quilting!

  2. cityquilter grace Avatar
    cityquilter grace

    OMG! i love those fireworks!

  3. Connie Avatar

    What a great pattern Michele! I agree that the black is much better as a background. Don’t you just love EQ! Might have to put this one on my list. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Jean Kritenbrink Avatar

    This is so cute. I love my EQ6, haven’t gotten 7 yet, but it is so nice to be able to play around with colors and settings. Be sure to post pics of the finished quilt.

  5. Angie Avatar

    That’s going to be cute! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it will be a nice surprise. Who wouldn’t love a new quilt ……makes it more special since it will be given directly to the baby instead of before the baby is born. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  6. Barbara Avatar

    That is going to be a stunning quilt! Can’t wait to see it finished.

  7. Karen Wilson Avatar

    I think the one year rule definitely applies. I didn’t finish the baby quilt for my own baby till she was 5 months old!!

  8. Lynn McCandless Avatar
    Lynn McCandless

    I love this…. I must get a girl blanket made for a neighbor’s unborn child. I plan to get some bright pink fabric the first part of next month when I make my doctor’s appointment which is very near JoAnn in north Austin. One good reason to go to the Dr. office. LOL

  9. Harvey Avatar

    Good luck friend!! I hope the baby enjoys lying on this quilt.

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