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This Gallery is so much fun. Very inspiring. A big thank you to all of you who make it possible. 🙂
This year I was clever an didn’t make a New Years resolution, so I can’t struggle
How am I doing with my New Years’ resolutions? Actually Great. I made a resolution to get my Sewing/Craft Room Organized. I have completed organizing my Jewelry (Beads and Things) and 3/4 through my quilting Stash. What a Job! When done I can complete all my UFO’s and start on the wish list my family and friends have requested. Elizabeth, Silverdale, WA
I don’t do BOMs because I like things to be symmetrical and even and so it would bother me too much LOL…
ooh, such a hard choice to pick my faves. I haven’t actually started a new BOM just yet – I am still to finish my HST BOM, but I have bookmarked the Lucky Stars BOM to start as soon as I can
I love your weekly contests..enjoy seeing what people make!
Hi!!! Love looking through the contests!!! I don’t make resolutions…Nope!!! Not me!!! I just always have things I want to work towards!!! So learning to quilt and use a sewing machine is on my list!!! So far so good!!! Thanks for the fun!!!
I like seeing all the creative designs in the quilts!
I’ve started the Craftsy BOM. It’s bright and colourful, and starts out easy, but will lead to some new techniques for me. Craftsy is at http://www.craftsy.com
Yep, I’ve started one, thats all I’m allowing myself for the year. Nothing else new, only UFO’s….yeah right…but I can try. Anyway Erin Russeks BOM Jingle here’s the link its a doosy! http://erinrussek.typepad.com/one-piece-at-a-time/jingle-bom/
i feel really dumb – first I can’t find an area for comments just after the weekly contest so I’m writing my questions here in hopes someone can answer them.
I see over 30 entries but only a limited number of titles with boxes to check – my favorites are not among that list – I’m confused.
also — at one place on the page it says only one vote per e-mail address, but then in another place it says each person gets 2 votes.
I love this site and enjoy the contests – this is only my 3rd or 4th time to visit, but I am obviously confused.
Oh about Block of the Months – I never do them – like someone else mentioned I really like symmetry – and just don’t like the look of “sampler” type quilts. I might enjoy doing a BOM that showed depictions of the 12 months, or the same pattern in different colors or something like that.
Hi Cheryl,
Vote on the actual blog post page, where you left the comment:
There was an error for The Blog link, that I forgot about until I saw your message. It’s fixed now.
You can only vote once but you can select two favourites, i.e. two boxes then hit the Vote button once.
I haven’t started a block of the month yet–still working on my unfinished projects from previous years. But once I’m caught up I’ll be working on the Gen X Block of the Month, Sisters Ten. Here is a link to the main page: http://www.genxquilters.com/2012/12/sisters-ten-bom-details.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GenXQuiltersandYToo+%28Gen+X+Quilters+%28and+Y+too%21%29%29
I don’t do BOM’s because I already have too much on my plate and I like to finish what I start before going on to a new project. Sometimes that isn’t possible though, but I do finish it as soon as I possibly can. Don’t like to have UFO’s just sitting there for years.
I haven’t started a block of the month yet but would like to start a Christmas themed one. But I’ve made a crib quilt already this year.
Am presently on last 2 months of “Forget Me Not” a floral applique BOM by Esther Aliu
Not sure how to post a link properly as am not good on computer but this is her group address
Have made other quilts from her designs and am sure I will be doing her BOM for this year.
I started BOMs like every year…Erin Russek’s Bom , Sulky, etc….
ik ben nog niet begonnen met een blok of de maand maar wie weet komt dat nog
i have not tried a bom yet, but am planning to make one for myself. i have found 12 lovely blocks that would go nicely together, mainly stars, and will be trying to complete this quilt step by step this year.
I have indeed joined a BOM – 2 in fact. ‘Lucky Stars’ with Don’t Call me Betsy and the ‘And Sew on’ with Kristy at Quiet Play. ‘And Sew On’ is a free one. Free is always great!!
I Luv this site. Looking at other people’s work & having the opportunity to vote for some ones gorgeous work.
Love seeing all the different projects. Very hard to vote for just 2!
I am not doing any BOM right now as I am finishing up 5 quilts before I start anything else.
I am working on a new design for a BOM to teach my quilting students.
Love the Nature’s Pirouette and want to try it. I will have to try and find the pattern.
Awesome quilts….. I voted… Thanks for giving this oppurtunity to vote 🙂
Oh and as far as the new block of the month…. Started on one and hopefully will continue 🙂
I have not started a BOM but I do participate in Stash Bee and there are always fun blocks that we make for the queen bee for the month.
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