One of my goals this year, is to finish up some UFO’s before I start anything new. I pulled out my scrappy bed quilt a few weeks ago and have been making progress on it. You can read part 1 of this quilt here: Scrappy Bed Quilt in Progress. When I put this project away last time, I had the 20 large blocks done and an idea on the sashing.


Now, I’ve attached the triple sashings and created the 5 rows. I then spray basted the rows and have started the quilting. This quilt is massive, finishing at 95″x115″. I’ve decided to quilt the rows as a group, then will join the rows together to make the whole quilt. It’s sort of a “quilt as you go” method, but by rows instead of individual blocks.

The top and bottom rows have the triple sashing attached already and the inner white border. The 3 inner rows have just the white sashing and part of the black cornerstone. When I join the rows together, I’ll be using 1.5″ pieces of black sashing (for the front). The backing and batting are already at full size including the outer border for the top and bottom and the side borders that will be added once the quilt is all put together.


I’ve stitched in the ditch all of the sashings and stabilized each row. That took 5 bobbins of Aurifil 50wt thread. As much as I hate to stitch in the ditch, it had to be done. These blocks are wonky, with all the bias edges, even though they’ve been stabilized with the straight of grain sashings.

I debated for several days how to do the quilting. I knew I wanted something fairly dense, but not too complex that it would take forever to complete. I finally decided on diagonal wavy lines that are stitched in the opposite direction of how the blocks were put together.

The sashings are 1″ finished for each colour and even though I’ve already stitched in the ditch each one, I will probably go back and add at least one straight line of stitching down the centre. I might do two lines, 1/4″ from each edge, still deciding.


The back is scrappy too. The pieces are joined with 1/2″ finished size black sashing. This will also be the size used on the back to join the rows together.


In keeping with the scrappy feel of the quilt, I’m using up older spools of thread and bobbins. When I first started quilting, I’d use the same thread in the bobbin as the top. I don’t do this anymore for heavier threads, so had numerous bobbins that needed to be used up.

I’m using bottomline in the bobbin. I’m not crazy about this thread, so want to use it up. Unlike using Aurifil, I do have to manually adjust my thread tension on the Horizon with this combination of threads.

The threads I’m currently working with:


Quilting close up:


This is the first time I’ve attempted such a huge project and using the quilt as you go method. I hope it all works out. I’ll admit, I was very discouraged yesterday and debated if I should just throw the entire thing in the dumpster and head to Sears to buy a quilt for my bed. Thankfully, today is going much better! LOL

28 responses to “More Progress on My Scrappy Bed Quilt”

  1. Sallie Avatar

    I like the quilting design you selected, and I like your idea of using up threads in various colors.

  2. Betsy Lynn Avatar
    Betsy Lynn

    The quilting looks great Michele. This is going to be one awesome quilt when it’s done!

  3. Denise :) Avatar

    This is gorgeous — the sashing really sets of your scrappy blocks. And I love the idea of using ‘scrappy’ threads for your quilting. I do a lot of quilt as you go stuff, but I’ve never thought about doing it in rows — I’ll be interested in hearing how you felt it went together. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    I love the second photo. It gives great perspective and the color and depth are wonderful. Sashing was perfect choice! NO DUMPSTER!

  5. jean Avatar

    I like the quilting. If you feel like throwing it away again, just call me, I will send you my address! love it!

  6. Carli Heinrichs Avatar
    Carli Heinrichs

    Way to go! I use the quilt as I go method on almost all my work. It has to be manageable to keep you coming back to it. Who knows what new inspiration comes along?

  7. Billie K Avatar

    It looks like it is working out very well. I must admit I haven’t tried it yet.

  8. evelyn Avatar

    Oh, keep at it. It is looking great. I love how the black and white make the colours pop. Think of all the stash you have used up. It is going to be awesome when it is done.

  9. Deborah Avatar

    I love how this is turning out. The 3 part black and white sashing really sets the blocks off and the quilting is perfect. Great job, Michele! So glad you decided to keep going. It will be gorgeous when it is all done.
    Hugs, Deborah

  10. Laura Avatar

    Wow, Michele! I give you a lot of credit for not tossing it in the dumpster and going to Sears! That’s a big project!

    One of my goals this year is to finish up some UFOs before I start anything new too! It hasn’t worked for me, however!

    I’m just getting ready to start piecing my biggest project to date: an 87×101 sampler. It’ll be heading either to the hand quilting frame or LQS long arm machine when it’s done. I shudder to even think of trying to quilt that by machine myself – domestic or longarm.

  11. Patricia Avatar

    I love this quilt.

  12. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    Your quilt looks great.

  13. Ranch Wife Avatar

    Don’t you DARE throw that lovely quilt in the dumpster! I will come shake you. LOL! It’s going to be worth all the rotten days…I promise. It’s going to be fabulous! Hang in there!

  14. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    Oh I think this is going to be WONDERFUL!!!! Love your quilting choice and I really like that you have chosen to use up odd threads in a quilt that is using up scraps…………..oh and ditch that dumpster talk………uh unless you wanna tell me which dumpster. I’d dive in for it ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Stephanie Avatar

    Now, now…none of that dumpster talk missy!! I like scrappy, but have never made one. I like your idea of using all different threads as well even if it’s kind of a pain and can’t wait to see the finished project.

  16. grace thorne Avatar
    grace thorne

    michele, it’s beautiful! i just love string quilts, i’ve never seen an ugly one at all and yours is no exception…can’t wait to see it finished!

  17. Shirley Clark Avatar

    I made a quilt similar to this years ago, except I sewed a white strip down the middle, and it give it a whole different look. It’s almost worn out now.
    I also have a little basket like that with my wooden spools of thread I kept from my mama’s stash.
    I love this kind of quilting.

  18. Susan Avatar

    Love it! You are doing a great job. I really love the triple sashing. It makes the blocks really pop.

  19. Connie Avatar

    Beautiful quilt and I love the way you quilted it!

  20. Laura Avatar

    You’re so disciplined! Wish I could finish some wips b4 starting others!

  21. Rebecca Grace Avatar

    I love this design, and love your colorful fabric selections! Nooooo dumpster!! Bite your tongue!

    I’m curious about this quilt-as-you-go method. Can you recommend a good book that explains how it’s done? I’m just starting machine quilting and having trouble moving big huge quilts around my sewing machine, makes me tense and I get jerky-jerky stitches when I lose control. Quilting smaller pieces and then putting them together sounds tempting but I don’t know how to do it without the joins being obvious in the finished quilt.

  22. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Rebecca,

    I’ll be blogging about the process of putting the quilt together. It’ll be a few weeks though before I get to it. It’s not easy to find “good” quilt as you go instructions. I’ve looked and talked to several people about it. Hopefully, I’ll be able to pull it off nicely. I promise it’ll be worth the wait!! LOL


  23. Carolyn Goddard Avatar
    Carolyn Goddard

    Love this quilt. I made one years ago. One of my first ones that I made. It is across the back of my couch. I get so many comments on it. Great Idea about useing up all of the thread. A great way to use up scraps.
    Happy Quilting

  24. Deb Avatar

    Don’t give up. This is an awesome quilt

  25. Cheryl Avatar

    Thanks for the idea to use up the scraps of material! And I agree with the ones that said the sashing sets it off. Beautiful!

  26. Debbie Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am a learning domestic machine quilter too, and this is the part I struggle with the most. I do love what you have done with it so far. I think I would be tempted to not quilt any more in the sashing, as it leaves a fresh look to it and gives the eye a place to rest. Thank you again for this. It would be nice to see what method you are using to join the sections if you haven’t already done so.

  27. Mary Ellen Hood Avatar
    Mary Ellen Hood

    This project is SO INSPIRING to me!

    I love string quilts & can’t begin to imagine the number of hours & hours of labor that have gone into this project so far.

    This project is a JEWEL TO BE TREASURED. Please keep it & hand it down through the family. Please continue to write about your thought processes as you work on it. I’m picking up good information.

    Yesterday I was in a used book store & found a string quilt how to book on making landscape quilts: blues for the sky, greens for land, whites & grays for fog & winter-scapes….It is amazing the effects that be achieved by throwing in a narrow contrasting color. It adds dimension.

    Keep sewing & keep inspiring me & others! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Mary Ellen Hood Avatar
    Mary Ellen Hood

    Please frequently post pics of this project. …I love string quilts & check your progress regularly!!!!…………No pressure or anything…..Ha!

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