Featured in Print

I was so excited to learn that Quilting Gallery was chosen as one of the top 55 favourite blogs for quilters in the latest issue of Quilter’s Home magazine. Check us out on pg. 17, middle column.




Last month, we were also chosen as the blog pick of the month in the local Ottawa computer magazine, M2. This is a fabulous resource of techy information. For the locals, I pick mine up at the Main library. Look for it all over town.



And lastly, my stitch and flip quilt was featured in the Spring issue of Canada’s Quilter’s Connection Magazine.


Even though I had sent in the photo, it was such a thrill to see a quilt I made in a quilting magazine. This quilt is one of my favourites as it contains so many memories of past projects. Sadly, it’s starting to show its age with faded fabrics throughout. Yet it still hangs proudly in my living room until I make something else to replace it.

P.S. Shout Out Thursday will return next week.

9 responses to “Featured in Print”

  1. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    Congratulations, Michele, however we all knew it is a very important site to quilters anyway. I’m hereby challenging everyone to make sure their guilds newsletter posts the Quilting Gallery as a great resource !!!

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Ruth, I wish guilds would include me in their newsletters too. 🙂


  3. Teresa/MarieSews Avatar

    CONGRATS Michelle! The recognition is well deserved. The Quilting Gallery is a great resource and a way to connect with quilters worldwide.

    And to have your quilt published! Wonderful!

  4. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Teresa! 🙂

  5. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    well now……..just how cool is that?!!!!
    .-= The Quilt Rat’s latest post: Finished! =-.

  6. Karen Avatar

    The quilting gallery is such a neat site Michelle – you have made it possible for me to be in touch with so many people over world the last 2 years = even though I have never met these quilters in person I count many among my friends! Great job!!
    .-= Karen’s latest post: Apple Blossom Quilts =-.

  7. MaggieB Avatar

    You put a lot of work into your blog & it shows! You deserve the recognition! CELEBRATE!

    .-= MaggieB’s latest post: Traveling the Patchwork Quilting Trail =-.

  8. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Congratulations Michele, that’s awesome. If someone had told me I would come in contact with quilters worldwide and that I would enjoy sitting behind my computer checking things out, I would have pointed at my head!! But since I’ve stumbled upon your site, I’ve “met” a lot of quilters, learned new stuff, participated in swaps and so on. So I’m very grateful to you. You rock Michele! Big hug from Anita.

  9. Sandie Avatar

    What a lot of wow factor all at once. Congratulations!
    I saw your quilt in the magazine but forgot to comment on it earlier. I am terrifically impressed!

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