
The Aiming for Accuracy quilt-along (QAL) was held in the Summer/early Fall of 2013. The lessons, blocks and detailed photo tutorials have been removed from this site and are now available for sale as a complete booklet.

Find out more about it here: Aiming for Accuracy Booklet.


Welcome everyone to Lesson 6 for the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along (A4AQAL). If you’re new here, check out the main QAL page where you’ll find all the information so that you can join us on this QAL adventure.

We have weekly prizes that everyone can enter. Each Saturday, there will be a blog post available on the Quilting Gallery site, where you will upload your completed photo for that week’s lesson. Check the main QAL page for the link. You’ll have until the following Friday evening to enter. For those that have completed Lesson 5, submit your photos here before midnight on Friday (tomorrow) (EDT).

We are chatting up a storm in our Facebook Group and you can also share photos in our Flickr Group.

Quilting Accuracy Lesson: Ripping out Seams

Ripping out seams is never a fun task, but a necessary one in quilting/sewing. Don’t think it’s just beginners that need to rip out seams, I’ve ripped out at least one seam for each of the lessons completed so far.

Start with a good seam ripper, not your dollar store variety. You want one with a thin point and a sharp blade. Personally, I love my Clover seam ripper.


Vanessa from Crafty Gemini created this great video tutorial on how to rip seams.

This is how I do mine. It’s quick and easy, tho a little messy. I keep tweezers beside my sewing table and use those to take out the little bits left over. Here’s a photo tutorial that shows the same thing.

Disclaimer: This quilt design, tutorial and all photos are copyright Michele Foster of Mishka’s Playground. Please respect my copyright and do not copy this tutorial or republish it, for free or for sale, in print or online. You may use this tutorial to create quilts for your own personal use for free or for sale. However, please credit Michele Foster of Mishka’s Playground for the design. No mass production is allowed.