
The Aiming for Accuracy quilt-along (QAL) was held in the Summer/early Fall of 2013. The lessons, blocks and detailed photo tutorials have been removed from this site and are now available for sale as a complete booklet.

Find out more about it here: Aiming for Accuracy Booklet.


It’s finally time to submit your quilt top photos to be eligible for one of the grand prizes for our Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along.

The A4A Booklet will be available October 31st. If you’ve enjoyed the QAL, I do hope you’ll show your support and purchase the Booklet.

If you’re new here, check out the main QAL page where you’ll find all the information that you need, including the links to all the lessons.

Reminder: We are chatting up a storm in our Facebook Group, come join us, and you can also share photos in our Flickr Group too.

Grand Prizes

We have twelve (12) grand prizes to award. As a thank you to Amy for being such a fabulous volunteer prize coordinator, she will claim one of the prizes. So, we’ll have eleven (11) winners from the quilt top submissions.

Please show your thanks, and support the sponsors by visiting their sites to learn more about them.

Please note: It is Quilt Market and Festival time and as such many of our sponsors are in Houston until the first week of November. The sending of some prizes may be delayed, please be patient.

Pat Sloan has donated four of her newest patterns and a tassle of her new Bobbins & Bits fabrics… these are the fabrics I’m using for my QAL version. One winner for all prizes.

Pat Sloan prize for Aiming for Accuracy

Pam from Mad About Patchwork has donated a $50 gift certificate to be used in her online shop. Be sure to check out the beautiful fabrics and great prices from this online retailer … you won’t be disappointed.



Aurifil has donated one of Pat Sloan’s Art Collection 50 wt. thread kit. This kit contains 12 – 1,300 metre spools of 50 wt thread in Pat’s choice of basic colours: 2000, 2140, 2220, 2340, 2372, 2460, 2605, 2692, 2775, 2887, 2890, 2920.

Pat Sloan's Art Collection

Granma’s Treasures has donated this lovely give package containing 3 yards of mushroom print cotton from Clothworks ‘Critter Jamboree’, 1 90-degree triangle ruler, Omnigrid #98L, 4 packages of la petite buttons, and the kit to make two pillows from the fabric ‘Garden Song’by Nancy Halvorsen – includes all fabrics and instructions, no filler. You can see the sample pillows in the background.


Dorothy from Crazy Horse Quilting has donated longarm quilting services. The winner can choose between a free edge-to-edge (her choice of pattern) on the finished QAL quilt or 50% off custom quilting on the QAL quilt. Winner is responsible for the cost of batting; thread is included. Location: Washington state


Olivia from Just Sew Olivia has donated a $100 gift certificate towards her custom longarm quilting services. All of her quilting is hand-guided custom work — no pantograph or computerized quilting. Location: Florida


If there is no need for the longarm quilting services, Olivia has donated two of her latest patterns as an alternative.


Jennifer from Shabby Fabrics has donated a $50 gift certificate to be used in her online shop. Be sure to check out the beautiful fabrics and gorgeous appliqué Blocks of the Month that they do… you won’t be disappointed. Also, there’s a free year-long BOM too that I just adore.


Quilter Janet Monnett has donated this lovely package of goodies from her stash which includes one yard of black batik, four fat quarters, two patterns and two books along with a note pad.

Janet Barger Monnett

Daphne Greig of the Patchworks Studio has donated her The Pond Kit. This quilt kit includes: The Pond pattern and Northcott Stonehenge fabrics for the quilt top and binding. Quilt size: 45 1/2″ x 53″.


June Tailor has donated Shape Cut Ruler. Check out the product video to learn how it works.


QuiltMate Pro is the perfect companion for watching quilting videos and viewing online tutorials. It is stand that enables you to use your iPad, Kindle or other 5″ to 10: tablet to its fullest potential by securing it in virtually any position to be used as a monitor, wireless camera, video recorder, webcam and more. Winner should have portable device to be able to use this prize.


15 responses to “A4AQAL: Grand Prizes and Quilt Top Photos”

  1. kbo Avatar

    Michelle, when you say “One photo only per colour way” I created 2 will one black, another white count as 2 entries?

  2. Mishka Avatar

    If you’ve made two (or more) quilts, you can enter a photo for each one.

  3. maria wilson Avatar

    thank you Michele for another great QAL.. I loved doing all the blocks and they went together perfectly..
    sew many ladies created beautiful quilt tops, it is hard to pick a favourite..
    look forward to the next one..

  4. Susan Entwistle Avatar

    Thanks so much for the chance to make a quilt I love. The photos being submitted are gorgeous, we should all be proud. The grand prizes are wonderful, so thanks to the sponsors for their generosity. Good luck to all of us in this final drawing, and I hope to see you all at Michelle’s next QAL.

  5. Nancy Avatar

    I was not able to work on the quilt during the time all of you did. I can’t wait to work on mine. I congratulate all of you quilters, these quilts are just gorgeous–no matter what colorway.

  6. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    ohhh.. these are so pretty!

  7. Eileen Avatar

    Unbelieveable! all so beautiful and each one so unique. Thank you Michelle for a wonderful time and the lessons learned.

  8. Anna Avatar

    Prześliczne kołdry! Bardzo mi się podobają!

    Lovely quilts! I really like them!


  9. Amy @ Butterfly Angels Avatar

    Ya’ll ready???!!! Cause here are the WINNERS!!!!

    #103 QuiltJulie of FLorida
    #51 Wendy B of Australia
    #49 Maria of Australia
    #96 Mary Anne Gasparetty of Ontario
    #104 Gunda of Pennsylvania
    #72 Denette stoll of Iowa
    #62 Tracy T of Washington
    #6 Brenda Conolly of Alberta
    #79 ccook of Colorado
    #93 Jamie Harris of nevada
    #37 Leslee Cunningham of Oregon

    Emails have already gone out. PLEASE check your spam folder. If I havn’t heard back by tomorrow morning, you will get a 2nd email. If I don’t hear back by Saturday afternoon, you forfeit your prize and I will pull another number.

  10. Gale Avatar

    Congratulations to all the winners of prizes, however I think everyone who made this quilt is a winner with such beautiful quilts. Thanks Michelle for designing this beautiful quilt and for all the tutorials along the way.

  11. Gunda Avatar

    I found my name in the winner list…………………..blown away………… Think I pass out


  12. Jeanne Avatar

    Michelle, thank you for this quilt tutorial. I always wanted to make one like this and I so enjoyed putting this one together. All the quilts are just beautiful.


  13. Sue Jennings Avatar

    All the quilts look beautiful. They remind me of stained glass windows.

  14. Wendy B Avatar

    Oh Michele it was such a pleasure following along with your instructions for this quiltalong and to end up with a gorgeous quilt top AND a major prize just blew me away….I’m still gobsmacked!!!! Thank you (and Amy) so much…….you’re just amazing! thank you! xoxoxox

  15. Татьяна Шмелева Avatar
    Татьяна Шмелева

    Жаль, что мне не пришлось закончить одеяло, просто не хватило ткани на последнюю кайму…

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