Beginner's Quilt-Along

It’s voting time for our Beginner’s Quilt-Along quilts. I must say, I am so proud of everyone that participated in the QAL. I know for many of you, this really is your first quilt and you all did a fantastic job.

The voting for this contest is just for fun, to share your first quilts and so that I didn’t have to be responsible for awarding the fantastic grand prizes. What a difficult decision that would be! For this contest, only the quilt top needs to be completed. I notice that a few decided they didn’t want the borders or they changed them. That’s perfectly fine.

Grand Prizes

I have 14 prizes to give-away. The person with the most votes will get to choose what prize they would like first, then the second person, etc. Even if you’ve submitted two quilt tops, you can only win once.

Many thanks to our sponsors you have donated the prizes below and to those that donated the weekly prizes too.

Alex from Aurifil has kindly donated 4 packages of neutral 50wt threads. Each package contains 4 spools with 1,422 yards. This is my preferred thread for piecing, appliqué, hand stitching and dense quilting.

Photo credit unknown.

In recent years, Leah Day has done more for the quilting industry than anyone I know. She has a wonderful site, The Free Motion Quilting Project, where she took it upon herself to design and teach how to sew more than 365 free motion quilting designs. She has kindly donated a downloadable ebook copy of all the designs.

365 digital cover med

Pat Sloan has donated this lovely gift set including a honeybun, charm pack and Aurifil thread sampler pack:

One of my favourite teachers is Patsy Thompson who has taught me so much about free motion quilting. She has donated a copy of her fantastic video, Fast and Free Volume 0.5. Please note: winner pays shipping for this prize.


Our friends at Fort Worth Fabric Studio have donated a $25 gift certificate for use in their online store.

Fort Worth Fabric Studio

June Tailor has donated two grand prizes:

(1) Quilter’s Cut ‘n Press™ II – 12″ x 18″ Grid:


(2) a Shape Cut™ Ruler. Learn how to use this ruler here.


Our friends at Simplicity have donated two of each of these rulers:

(1) Easy Rule II Acrylic Tool 6.5″ x 24″


(2) Easy Rule Acrylic Tool 13″ x 6.5″


You can click the ruler photos to get a better look at them. I really like the easy to read lines on these rulers.

Vote for your Favourites

Voting will close Tuesday, October 9th at 8 a.m. (EDT). It may take a few days to award all the prizes, so please be patient as I contact each of the winners to figure out what they want, then move on to the next person who won.

One vote per person (based on IP address NOT email address). The same rules for the weekly quilt contests apply. While I encourage you to invite your family and friends to vote for your quilt, please don’t post on a web forum or mass mailing list asking for votes. That will disqualify you.

How to Vote:

  • Review the photos and stories below… there are several, so you’ll need to scroll down to see them all. You can also click the link to the slider version to review the quilts in the large format and then return to this page to vote.
  • Underneath the photos, scroll down, you’ll see the names of all the quilts with a square button** beside each one. Select the buttons for the quilts you want to vote for. You can select up to FOUR favourites.
  • Then scroll down, all the way, until you get to the bottom of the list of quilt names. Press the vote button.

** Note: If you don’t see the square buttons to vote, but instead see the voting results, that means someone on your IP Address already voted, or that the voting period has ended, or that you need to refresh the page to see the voting options. Shared IP addresses are very common in home or work networks.

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 32
  • Total countries: 8
  • Total provinces: 5
  • Total states: 11

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

Beginners Quilt Along (Fall is Here) Beginners Quilt Along (Fall is Here)
By: Bro3ther,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Using and assortment of fall colors I made all my blocks. Since I chose this method I had nothing in my stash to use for side setting triangles and I wanted to use what I had on hand. I love how it turned out and it will decorate our house for fall which has just arrived here.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 64"

Blue & Pink Quilt Blue & Pink Quilt
By: Rumeysa,
Blog: rumeysaatas

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 67"

BQA Quilt Bright BQA Quilt Bright
By: Gene Black,
Alabama, USA
Blog: Gene Black Alabama Artist and Quilter

Quilt size: width: 47" height: 63"

BQA Quilt Warm BQA Quilt Warm
By: Gene Black,
Alabama, USA
Blog: Gene Black Alabama Artist and Quilter

Quilt size: width: 47" height: 63"

Cardinals For Christmas Cardinals For Christmas
By: Nova Quilts,
Nova Scotia, Canada

This quilt was stitched from fabric pieces given to me when I visited a sister and admired her stash. Raiding my shelves built more blocks. Each time I put a block picture on FB a cousin commented on the lovely birds. So red cardinals became the setting blocks. A gift box awaiting this Xmas quilt.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"

colour splash colour splash
By: alice findlay,
United Kingdom
Blog: doris batting

first sampler quilt using many different fabrics , but each block containing a solid

Quilt size: width: 74" height: 74"

Crazy Quilt Crazy Quilt
By: Stacey T,
California, USA

A bright and whimsical quilt that was designed by my 7 year old who picked out the fabrics each week.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 67"

Fruit of the Vine Fruit of the Vine
By: Judy1522,
Oregon, USA

I found the fat quarters for this quilt at a local shop and loved the colors but I wasn’t sure what I would make. When I saw this QAL I decided to join and use them. Since I am self taught I figured it would be a good way to learn some new techniques and I have.

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 75"

Gylls Asian Gylls Asian
By: Gyll,
California, USA

An Asian fabric inspired quilt

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 67"

I Spy Blocks I Spy Blocks
By: Maria,
Blog: Life on the Block

This is my Beginner’s Quilt-A-Long Flimsy.Decided to make as an I Spy so it will suit a young child. Will be a lovely snuggle quilt.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 62"

Jen's Living Room Quilt Jen’s Living Room Quilt
By: Jennifer Croasdale,
New Jersey, USA

This is my second quilt top. I made it to match my living room furniture which is tan but we use blue covers. The quilt will match either way.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 68"

Jodi's sampler Jodi’s sampler
By: Jodi Meenan,
Rhode Island, USA
Blog: come tarry with me

Self taught for three years with bad habits. Decided to do this quilt-along to relearn, and I certainly did!

Quilt size: width: 69" height: 69"

Kerri's first ever quilt along Kerri’s first ever quilt along
By: Kerri Hunter,

when I bought my new Janome Horizen machine I was searching the internet for ideas on what to make and came across a beginner quilt along and thought yes I will have a go at this as it will help get my skills up to scratch and look at what I did. I am now hooked.

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 75"

Miya's Quilt Miya’s Quilt
By: Jean Smith,
California, USA

I am fairly new to quilting and am still learning all the great techniques that are out there. I choose the bright and funky fabrics because they match my granddaughter’s personality.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 68"

MoeWest's First QAL MoeWest’s First QAL
By: Maureen Mate,
Alberta, Canada

This is the quilt top from Quilting Gallery’s Beginner’s QAL (June to September 2012). This was my first QAL. I’ve been quilting for about 4 years.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 66"

My First Quilt My First Quilt
By: Mel Maj,
New Zealand
Blog: lemjam

This is my 1st time learning to make a quilt.My fabrics are a bit crazy, sqiggles, splodges, flames, skulls, paisleys, puzzle peices & dots, all in black, white & grey colourways. I’m really proud of the finished result that I will enjoy for many years to come.This quilt-along has taught me so much.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 68"

Patterns in Pastel Patterns in Pastel
By: Sherry Stevens,
Washington, USA
Blog: Blessings From Our Nest

I have been quilting for about a year and a half. I have learned so much from the Beginner’s Quilt Along. I used some fabric I purchased without a project in mind. My friend at my favorite quilt shop helped me choose my sashing and borders. I had great fun with this project

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 64"

Porch Quilt Porch Quilt
By: Debbie,
California, USA

Beginner’s Quilt Along Finish

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Quilt for my sister Inlaw Quilt for my sister Inlaw
By: Kerri Hunter,

I made this quilt for my sister in law for Xmas from her favorite fabrics

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 63"

Quilt of Many Colors Quilt of Many Colors
By: waglets,
Georgia, USA

This was my first try at making a quilt with any kind of guidance at all. I learned so much during this quilt along. I could see my skills progress while I was putting the top together. I wasn’t quite sure how the finished product was going to look. I am thrilled with the way it turned out!

Quilt size: width: 54.2" height: 67.2"

Souvenirs d'été d'enfance Souvenirs d’été d’enfance
By: Accroquilt,
Quebec, Canada
Blog: Accroquilt

I wanted a pink quilt and I found several printed pink fabrics with others colorful ones.
Sashings are green and outside border is pink with white circles.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 72"

spiritweaver's top 12! spiritweaver’s top 12!
By: Donna Gonzalez,
Massachusetts, USA

I wanted the quilt to be made from my stash, in true quilt fashion! I did not plan an overall color scheme. My parameters were that each block was to work within itself.My hope was that as a scrappy quilt, it would all work together.My only deviation was how to tie in block 2,which I did in block 11

Quilt size: width: 52.5" height: 63"

Stacey's 30's Stacey’s 30’s
By: Stacey T.,
California, USA

A pastel 1930’s vintage fabric quilt…

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 67"

stormy skies stormy skies
By: craftytammie,
Kansas, USA
Blog: craftytammie

I started with fabrics from my stash and used the deep brown to make the colors pop. Then a medium gray for the sashing, I think it brings a nice balance. Bright green for the cornerstones, I love how it draws out the greens in the prints! I’m not adding borders to mine. Hope I get your vote!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Strawberry Fields Strawberry Fields
By: Rose S.,
New York, USA

This is the first quilt I have ever made. I have tried a few small projects, but never a full size quilt. Many thanks to the Beginners Quilt-along for getting me hooked on quilting!

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 70"

Summer Fun Summer Fun
By: Betsy Lynn,
Illinois, USA
Blog: Lilypetunia

I made this out of a scrap bag of Riley Blake’s Summer Song that I bought from thesproutzstore on etsy.
I had a lot of fun doing this quilt along.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 79"

The Rose The Rose
By: Dorien van der Veen,
Blog: Scraphouse

I love the Rose, the real one, complete with the delicious fragrance…When I searched fabric in my stash for this quilt I realized that I also have many different kind of rose-fabrics and so the choice wasn’t to difficult..
My first quilt ever is called The Rose…

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 67"

This summer 2012 This summer 2012
By: Gun Adrian,
Blog: rutigt

I love quilt-alongs!! Since this was a summer q-a, I decided to use summerfabrics!

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 62"

Triangles Galore Triangles Galore
By: Isabell,
United Kingdom
Blog: ColourinStitch – Flickr

This is one side of the reversible quilt that I have made.
The other side has a Mauve/purple theme using the same block designs.
Making the two quilted pieces has not only been a challenge but also a joy. I have learnt so much and I look forward to hand quilting the quilt in the coming months.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 66"

VickiT's Calypso Swing Love VickiT’s Calypso Swing Love
By: VickiT,
Illinois, USA

Last Fall I took my first quilt class; a Beginner Quilt Piecing class where I made a table runner. This is my very first full sized quilt. I really love how it turned out.
I Loved “Calyspso Swing” by Mark Cesarik for Free Spirit Fabric the second I saw it. My cat had to inspect the quilt of course

Quilt size: width: 54.5" height: 67.5"

Yellow all over... Yellow all over…
By: Suvarna,
California, USA

I love Yellow…. started this beginners quilt along.. made one block and fell in love with it, that is when I decided the whole quilt will be in yellow.
This is my first on point setting. Very happy on how it turned out. 🙂

Quilt size: width: 69" height: 69"

You are my first. You are my first.
By: Sandy Lowery,
British Columbia, Canada

My friend, who introduced me to me to quilting, saw the Beginner’s Quilt Along and suggested I participate as I would learn lots. I have used the free fabric I received in a Quilters Shop Hop, plus some purchased fabric. It is called Rouenneries Deux.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 63"

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19 responses to “Voting time! Beginner’s Quilt Along Quilts”

  1. Judy1522 Avatar

    Did I miss something. My quilt top is not posted here and I never saw any instructions for posting it here?

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Judy,

    It’s been mentioned several times, newsletter, Flickr, blog post, QAL pages. I’m sorry you missed the notices.


  3. Mary Avatar

    Sorry Michele I can’t vote for just 4. I have to vote for them all. Quilters GREAT beginner quilts. I hope this project gave all of you the quilting bug and this is your first of many more to come.

  4. Quilt Rat Avatar

    FANTASTIC!!!!! Everyone did a wonderful job……great prizes from the sponsors too…….good luck to all

  5. Crystal S Avatar
    Crystal S

    Beautiful job everyone! I am still working on mine , So I didn’t get it added.

  6. Rita Allen Avatar
    Rita Allen

    I love Fruit of the Vine!

  7. Pat Sloan Avatar

    What GREAT quilts!!!! I love them all… clapping for all your finishes.. good luck!

  8. Betsy Avatar

    Fabulous finishes. Congratulations.

  9. janet chrzanowski Avatar
    janet chrzanowski

    Really enjoyed the wide variety of interpretations of the pattern.

  10. Sarah in Houston Avatar

    WOW! So many great looking quilts. I love it that so many people were using this as their first quilt. It’s so great to have a great design to learn from. Congratulations quilters.

  11. MarciaW Avatar

    Thanks for the parade of quilts.

  12. Judith Reynolds Avatar

    Beautiful Beginners Quilts! Hard to pick just one. Clapping for all the beginners on the quilt along. I did not get to enter my quilt, but I did enjoyed the hop. Judith, Texas

  13. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Votei nas quatro que mais gostei,mas pena não poder votar em todas.

  14. DianeP Avatar

    Congratulations, everyone, on your beautiful quilts! Special thanks to all the first-time quilters who took the challenge to make a full-size quilt! Yea you!

  15. Jennifer Gail Avatar
    Jennifer Gail

    Wow good job everybody:)

  16. Philomena Avatar

    Lovely quilts, everyone is awesome.

  17. Jane Bitz Avatar
    Jane Bitz

    These tops are really great! So fun to see all the variations on color and theme.

  18. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    Great job everyone!

  19. Jason Weisshaar Avatar
    Jason Weisshaar

    I vote for Kathy Stevens.

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