Very Charmed


I received a wonderful package on Friday from Jane of Jane’s Fabrics. She sent me six full charm packs, 5 for the Charms for Charity Contest and one for my new niece, Alice. She wouldn’t let me pay for Alice’s either. Thank you Jane!

Included in the package are Moda’s Recipe for Friendship, Butterfly Fling and Recess, RJR’s Portobello Road and Marcus Brother’s Aunt Grace Polka Dots.


The winner of the second batch of charms is Grace Lambie, from Windsor, Ontario. Congratulations Grace!

I’d like to thank the following participants for their donations:


Total charms received: 399
Charms for the contest winners: 72
Charms for charity: 327

Want to get involved? You just need six 5″ charms. Find out more about the Charms for Charity Contest.

Barbara Valente wins for the most creative mailing package.


As much as I’m looking forward to a few days at my parents to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, I’m really looking forward to coming home and getting a few days of sewing in before work crazy begins again. I’m taking all the charms with me so I can show them to my mom and we can coordinate them into quilts.

One response to “Very Charmed”

  1. grace Avatar

    oh cool!! Never thought that I would win ..

    Thanx for running this Michele – and I’m glad that I was able to contribute to the charity quilts.

    Enjoy your visit to TO .. btw .. you’ll be about 4 hrs from me while you are there 😉


    merry Christmas


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