Version 3

Welcome to Version 3 of the Quilting Gallery site. As you can see, everything has changed, in a big way! Don’t worry, all your favourite information is still here, just better organized with a cleaner and more simple design.

Please, if you see any errors, let me know. I’ve tested it like crazy, but it’s possible I’ve missed things.

A huge thank you to my blogless designer friend Tyson Kingsbury, who worked with me last year to come up with the new design. I sent him several pages worth of requirements and ideas, and I think he nailed it right on with the direction I wanted to see the site grow.

I hope you like it!!

Finally, after a very long delay caused by life just getting in the way, I’m pleased to announce that the Quilt Guilds Directory is done. However, I’ve only managed to review and approve about 1/3rd of the guilds submitted over the past months. I’ll get the rest of them approved over the next few days.

Next up for me… Taxes due this weekend! Ouch!

A thumbnail of the old version:

17 responses to “Version 3”

  1. Deborah Avatar

    It looks wonderful!! Great job!!
    aka: Quilting Yai Yai

  2. Lone Jakobsen Avatar

    Hey friend

    I think you have done a wonderfull job, and it’s looking just as great as ever – so keep up the good and nice work you do for a lot of happy quilting people around the world.


    Hugs from Lone in Denmark

  3. Dena G. Avatar

    Very nice! THANKS for all the work you did!!

  4. Cheryl T Avatar

    It looks great! Clean, fresh and inspiring!

  5. Cindy's Crafty Creations Avatar

    Love it! awesome job ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Mom Avatar

    I love it Honey! Looks wonderful, and very easy to navigate. Your hard work has certainly paid off.

    Now get those taxes done!!


  7. carol c Avatar
    carol c

    i saw some patterns for the state stamps, every link I tried to find the price, gave me no info on how much or how to order. same with soemthing else I tred

  8. Mishka Avatar


    Go to Debra’s site, Zebra patterns:

    Click zebra patterns online store red/pink link bottom left side of the menu, when that page opens, click Stamps at the top red link, then you can click on the individual stamps to order from her.

    This is all on Barbara’s site, not the Quilting Gallery. She’s one of my advertisers in the Quilter’s Market section.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Judy Cooper Avatar

    Great job! However, the white lettering on yellow on the home page is really difficult to read. I’d stick with the black on yellow as you’ve done elsewhere. I don’t mean to be critical but you did ask ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Judy Cooper Avatar

    It’s really strange but when I went back to the home page, ithe colours were white on pink! Go figure – just when I made an observation – sorry!

  11. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    would love to see a dedicated “swaps” button or link somewhere prominent ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. beebee Avatar

    The site does not load correctly in firefox. The ads and boxes are stacked on top of adjoining areas so I can’t read anything. And the ampersand signs appear as “&amp” all over the page. Can you fix this to be Firefox compatible?

  13. Mishka Avatar

    @ Princess Pudge:

    Quilter’s Fun is where you’ll find all that info.


  14. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Beebee

    What version of FF are you using? I’ve tested in versions 2 and 3 on the PC, and all is fine here.

    Please provide more information on your specific version and if Mac or PC computer. A screen shot would be most helpful too.

    Also, are there specific pages of my site that are messed up, or the entire site? Have you tried to refresh your browser, so that the latest files are downloaded. To do this, in most cases, use hit the control and holding it down, hit the F5 key.


  15. Roos Avatar

    You did a great job it looks very good,

  16. tammie bivins Avatar
    tammie bivins

    i have searched every where, I need to be removed from your list I recieve RSS feed to my email at work. and it must stop I am no longer allowed to recieve these. but i can not find where to stop them. PLease help me!!! Thank you!!

  17. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Tammie,

    I can’t find that email address listed as a subscriber via the Feedblitz, which is the service I offer on my site. However, you could have used any other service to subscribe to receive RSS emails. Can you forward one of the emails to me that you get and I’ll try to help. Did you look for an unsubscribe option in the email that you are getting?


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