Triangle Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 17
  • Total countries: 7
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 11

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12 Days of Christmas Napkins 12 Days of Christmas Napkins
By: Joey Nakagawa, Arizona, USA

My sister gave me a package of 12 Days of Christmas Napkins suggesting I could turn them into a quilt. But the picture in one corner was right side up and upside down in the other. I cut the napkins in half diagonally replacing the upper half with half square triangles in Christmas prints.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"

Behlmer Family Quilt Behlmer Family Quilt
By: Patty, Texas, USA

This is a embroidered signature quilt of the family’s names from the name of the mother all the way to the great grandchildren’s names. This took 7 1/2 month’s to make.

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 95"

birds and triangles birds and triangles
By: Doreen Kennedy, Ontario, Bahamas

This is an Eleanor Burns baby quilt pattern I used for one of my Great-grandbabies!

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 34"

Crazy Rays Crazy Rays
By: Anne Sidell, California, USA

From a Buggy Barn Pattern. Fell in love with the colors and just had to make it! All made from stash on hand.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 65"

Dance Studios Dance Studios
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

I took a class is design recently. While laying squares on my wild flannel board I had an ‘ah hah’ moment. I don’t ‘do’ geometric shapes, but sure had fun playing with this. It is finished, but still might get a ribbon-bedecked hanging rod and more roof decor. Flannel, hand dyes, satin stitch. Play!

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 36"

Double Flying Geese Circle pillow Double Flying Geese Circle pillow
By: Suleon, Germany

This block was inspired by “Lily’s Quilts”. I used some scraps of my postage stamp quilt and added two borders. This pillow matches perfectly my quilt ๐Ÿ™‚

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"

fries museumquilt fries museumquilt
By: Jelly, Netherlands

It’s a One Block Wonder quilt. De blocks are “doorkijkjes”. Some fabric from the blocks are my died fabric.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 48"

Geese Geese
By: WilmaNC, North Carolina, USA

Zillions of triangles!!! With geese flying across. All hand quilted too.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 108"

geometry blues geometry blues
By: grace thorne, Maine, USA

made for maine quilts blueberry theme in 2010; the name geometry blues indicates my feelings about math!

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 84"

Lillian Rose's Lillies & Roses Lillian Rose’s Lillies & Roses
By: thePieceCorps, Colorado, USA

I started creating this quilt as a challenge for myself to use fat quarters only for the main part of the quilt. When my grandaughter Lillian Rose was born 4 Jan 2011, I knew the quilt was just for her! I like baby quilts to be bright and have a lot of contrast.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Primarily Stars Primarily Stars
By: Linda Duncan, Iowa, USA

While this is an easy quilt, by the time I had cut 640 half square triangles and then assembled them, I was pretty sick of triangles! However the effect is awesome and makes for an outstanding quilt. I tried to swear off triangles but they keep coming back!!

Quilt size: width: 81" height: 99"

Scraps of Love Scraps of Love
By: Vivien Tan, Singapore

This is a single-bed quilt which was specially made for my daughter. I’ve used scraps of many different fabrics to piece it together. They are pieced together in a zig zag pattern using light and dark fabrics. These scraps represent bits and pieces of my unconditional love for my daughter.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 86"

Seaport Harbor Seaport Harbor
By: Sandy, West Virginia, USA

The quilt pattern is the simple half square triangle … hst’s are so easy and lend themselves to many striking patterns.

I made the full size quilt for our DD#2 and new SIL for their guest room. SIL, Greg, is a collector of lighthouses. I quilted in all types of sea shells and water for motion

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 90"

The The “dude”-quilt
By: Agneta Ekholm, Sweden

I was playing around with triangles made out of strips with three different fabrics, and all of a sudden I realized that making a kind of staircase, and letting small black men – dudes – climb up or just hang around would make the quilt great!

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 32"

Triangle Inheritance Triangle Inheritance
By: Charlotte, Ontario, Canada

These triangles were all cut by my friend’s grandmother. My friend had enough of using triangles and passed these on to me. I played around with the triangles until I was happy with the result. The fabric was quite old and getting matching fabric was a challenge but I love the way it turned out.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 76"

Tyler's Star Tyler’s Star
By: Kathy Gabrysch, Virginia, USA

This was made for a nephew. It has browns and golds from my moms 70’s stash. I love this patten and have made it many times. It always excites me with all the different arrangements possible. I intended to be random but in the end created diamonds and stars.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 108"

Zig Zag Adventure Zig Zag Adventure
By: Linda Hall, Florida, USA

This was my first all-triangle quilt. It’s composed of 364 1/2 square triangles.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 51"

9 responses to “Triangle Quilts”

  1. Marlene @ KISSed Quilts Avatar

    Crazy Rays–beautiful with those colors. Nice to see a buggy barn pattern done in brights–hardly recognize it ;-)!

  2. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    omg why are there so many AWESOME quilts this time!?!? usually it’s only 1 or 2 that really stand out for me but this time there must be at least 5 and i can only vote for 1 .. waahhh!!!

  3. Barbie K Avatar
    Barbie K

    Can’t wait to read the book! and Thanks for introducing me to the series, as well!

  4. Stitches Avatar

    Some really neat quilts again this week..

  5. margret Avatar

    these are just beautiful quilts.I really love birds and triangles’.
    oh it is just to choose which one is better than the other. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Susanne Avatar

    Thanks again for this nice contest ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Colleen Avatar

    I like the geometry blues!

  8. Kathleen Avatar

    I am looking for a Blue Hill reproduction fabric by Sara Morgan to finish my paper piecing quilt. The fabric is called Gettysburg Rememberance. Its a small brown tonal flower and squiggle. The flower has a blue dot in the center. I hope that someone has some of this fabric that I may purchase.
    Thank you

  9. Mishka Avatar


    Can you ask on the Facebook group, you might have better luck there, and I can share it with my friends too in the hopes that someone has some.


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