Travel-Inspired Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 16
  • Total countries: 6
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 9

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A Southern Tribute A Southern Tribute
By: Christine L, Washington, USA

This Underground Railroad quilt is a Tribute to my years in the great South, Growing up as a kid with all the history of the South. I have hand quilted this quilt and placed warm n natural for batting and flannel for the backing. Keeps me warm here in the Pacific North West on our rainy days.

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 76"

Caribbean Sunset Caribbean Sunset
By: Kathi Tate, Illinois, USA

This quilt was made for my oldest daughter’s first baby. My daughter and her family live on a sailboat. My husband and I had sailed the Caribbean with them a year prior to the birth of their daughter. The quilt was inspired by the beautiful sunsets we saw as we were sailing.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Dogwoods in the Smokeys Dogwoods in the Smokeys
By: Dodds Jay, Texas, USA

I took a class at Arrowmont in Gatlinberg, the heart of the Smokey Mountains…on dyeing fabric using a reduction of color technique. With some additional fabric, quilting and painting, I created this quilt to hang in my house as a reminder of a wonderful trip!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 40"

Grand Canyon Quilt Grand Canyon Quilt
By: Lynn P, Texas, USA

In April of 2009 my husband and I made a once in a lifetime trip to celebrate our 45th anniversary. We rode the mules down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, spent the night and rode out the next morning. It a blessing from God and we loved the trip.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 60"

I Saw a Moose I Saw a Moose
By: Debbie Clarke, South Carolina, USA

Highlights from a family trip to Alaska are remembered in each block..from The Chapel on the Hill to Glacier Bay and Index Lake to Anchorage. I drew patterns for all the appliques, including the purple moose. I named the quilt for the happy dance my daughter did when she saw her first moose.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 73"

Les dames de Cormatin Les dames de Cormatin
By: Patricia Fuentes, Switzerland

Inspired from a trip to “bourgogne” in France. This is an adaptation of the picture I took from the castel of Cormatin.
I made it for a contest in France : “jeux de dames” (ladies games) that’s why the castle is made like a check board.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 24"

Linda Parker Linda Parker
By: Linda Parker, Montana, USA

Once upon a time I made star quilts and only star quilts, then my daughter drug me to Hawaii, kicking and screaming of course. The Honu star is a direct result of the rainbows, the green sea turtles, the sun, the water, the beach…..

Quilt size: width: 36″" height: 36″"

Memories of North Dakota Memories of North Dakota
By: Kaaren Biggs, Ontario, Canada

On a trip to Western Canada several years ago, we drove through several Northern U.S. States and I looked forward to seeing endless fields of sunflowers – this is my “souvenir” of the trip! I learned so much from this project that I now teach drafting and sewing of Mariner’s Compass designs.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Moonllight Journey Moonllight Journey
By: Lorraine Shergold, United Kingdom

Original design from the memory of a late evening walk by the sea while on holiday in Cornwall. Midnight blue bridal remnant fabrics for the crazy patchwork ‘sea’, with sheers for the Moon & Sails. Machine quilted using rayon thread and embellished with sequin stars.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 13"

Our beautiful land Our beautiful land
By: marilyn mugford, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

I have always wanted to a flag quilt;here it is the flag of labrador;and we take it on the road when travelling in our big land.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 84"

Papillons de Paris (Butterflies of Paris) Papillons de Paris (Butterflies of Paris)
By: Debbie Allred, California, USA

Paris-themed fabric in center is one piece of fabric. I chose blocks whose names seem to relate to Paris and French: Souvenir and Quatrefoils. Butterflies were not part of original plan but I fell in love with the fabric and included it. Quilting includes stylized Eiffel Towers. My original design.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 71"

Prairie Sunshine Prairie Sunshine
By: Toadally Quilts, Nebraska, USA

This quilt was inspired by a trip in late summer across western Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado. It was amazing seeing fields of these sunflowers! The only picture I have of this quilt is the pre-quilted one.

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 76"

Puerto Colombia Puerto Colombia
By: bohemiannie! art, Colombia

Before moving to Colombia, I took this picture at Puerto Colombia from a pier on the Caribbean and translated it w/ fabric & paint. The shacks are where the locals fix you a meal if you’re sitting on “their” part of the beach and the A-frames are potties. It’s a wildly beautiful area.

Quilt size: width: 29" height: 18"

Rest Stop at Red Top Rest Stop at Red Top
By: Dinah Tackett, New Mexico, USA

Red Top is a real place on old Route 66. Based on an photo of mine with an older motorcycle in front, I imagined at break on a long trip.
A combination of applique and fabric painting.

Quilt size: width: 20.5" height: 18"

Texas Wildflowers Texas Wildflowers
By: Starwood Quilter, Colorado, USA

I lived in Texas for eleven years and don’t miss the weather except for the springs. Spring in Colorado is cold, so I used to travel back home to Texas every spring break. When I saw this line of fabric, I knew I had to make a quilt out of it, so I can always feel like I’m in Texas in the spring.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

Trainquilt Trainquilt
By: Berit Stavik Hansen, Norway

Made this trainquilt for my first grandchild. All the train is embrodeied.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"

5 responses to “Travel-Inspired Quilts”

  1. karen Avatar

    I think you need it is very good job. many beautiful quilts to choose from.

  2. moehi Avatar

    Wow! What wonderful works. The decision isn’t easy

  3. Robin Avatar

    Hi! I know that is not related to this topic, but I read about the Saral transfer paper and your tests. I am DESPERATE to find out if you actually used the Saral transfer paper on a REAL quilt, quilted it AND it came off!

    Or do you know if any of your followers/winners used it, quilted over it AND it came out?

    I thought this was going to be the end of all my problems, but in my tests I have a MESS and am afraid to continue as this is not my quilt.

    Hoping you (or someone else) see this and respond with your experience.

    Robin (quilting a top for a friend who made it for her granddaughter)

  4. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Robin,

    Most of my quilting is free motion or straight lines, so I haven’t marked quilting lines with Saral yet. I have used it for applique placement and didn’t have any problems. What problems have you run into?


  5. annie! Avatar

    Thank you all SO very much for voting for my quilt, Puerto Colombia! What a thrill and honor it is to have won.

    Create your life,


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