The Charm Report

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a nice holiday … I sure did. Here’s the latest report on the Charms for Charity Contest.

If you would like to participate, the final contest drawing will be held January 31st. With the holidays over, the mail seems to be moving a lot quicker, so there’s still time to mail those packages within North America. If you mail from overseas, they might not make it in time for the drawing, but I’d still be thrilled with the donation. Read the Charms for Charity Contest post for more info.

I’m all caught up with sending thank you emails to everyone that sent charms. If you haven’t received an email from me, I have not received your package yet, or there wasn’t an email address included.

The day I was leaving Ottawa for Christmas with the family in Toronto, I received a wonderful package of 120 gorgeous charms from Greta VanDenBerg-Nestle from Pennsylvania. They were already organized by colour, which made it super-easy for me to add what I already had to her pile. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of just Greta’s charms. Instead, here’s a photo of my desk drawer where I have the charms stored.


When I returned from Toronto, there was a card from the post office to pick up a package. Well, the package was from Rachel of 2nd Avenue Studio (you might remember her, as she sent me Market in a Box last summer). Here’s a photo of what she sent.


There’s more than 600 charms of Jinny Beyer’s 2007 fabric line. They are absolutely gorgeous. A huge thank you to both Greta and Rachel … your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Also thank you to the following participants of Group 3 for their donations:

Barbara Bunchuk is the lucky random winner of the third package of charms for the contest.

The totals below include what I’ve received so far for Group 4 too.

Total charms received: 1,278
Charms for the contest winner: 129
Charms for charity: 1,149

During the holidays, I spent some quiet time sewing. I’ve just about finished the first top for a donation to Victorias Quilts. I used 80 charms (plus 4 for the sample block). I used the Tri-Recs ruler set that I bought last week. The rest of the fabric used came from my stash. The pink, blue and border fabric were from my Bed Quilt and Wall Hanging I made many years ago.

I’m calling this quilt Flowers in the Wind. Here’s a photo of the final layout.


A close-up photo along with the border fabric, which will be 4-6″ depending on what’s needed to meet the requirements.


And, the quality control inspector, Daniel. He’ll often hang his head over the back of the couch to see what I’m working on or to have a chat.


6 responses to “The Charm Report”

  1. Vicki Avatar

    WOW you are going to be busy with 1,149 charms in and counting. Inspector Daniel will insure that each and every quilt meets his cat approval.

    Nice work on the Flowers in the Wind quilt. It’s amazing how all those different fabrics all come together.

  2. Phyllis Avatar

    Flowers In The Wind is lovely. Pretty colors.

  3. Kritta22 Avatar

    I hate to be a little whiner but my name isn’t up there. I got an email saying you got my package but I just wanna make sure you really got it!

  4. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Krista,

    Your in group 4 and the contest drawing for that group hasn’t happened yet. It’ll be the last one as I wait for the last of the packages to arrive by the end of January. I will have your name and a link to your blog posted once that’s been done.


  5. Mishka Avatar

    Vicki and Phyllis,

    The quilt isn’t long enough to meet Victoria Quilts standards so I’ll be adding a fancy pieced border to make it longer. Will post pictures once it’s done.

    Thanks for the comments,

  6. Maria Avatar

    Hi, Michele,
    I see, you are working under hard supervision! I like your inspector eyes!
    I was glad, when I discovered my fabric (with the little red flowers) in your desk drawer.
    It is amazing, that I took a photo of them on our dining table (in Hungary) only a few weeks ago, and now I see them there at your place, in Canada.
    Your quilt is so beautiful, and you were really fast.
    I whish happy sewing and further nice quilts!

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