
Last weekend, I was inspired by this quilt top that Victoria was sharing the progress of on Facebook. Well, inspiration, a wet & rainy weekend and a need to stitch this is what I have so far.

I dug out my bin of strips/strings…


Cut 5″ pieces from the strips, ran out of fabrics, cut more .. repeat several times. Had to raid the charm box for more pieces to cut up and add some variety.

5 inch pieces

Making progress, needs to be BIGGER:


Ok, now we’re getting somewhere, 10 columns and it’s 45″ wide x 70″ long.


Needs two more columns to bring it up to 55″ wide. I’m thinking a 1″ inner border in light grey and 2.5″ outer border in darker grey. Still thinking about the borders, not sure I’m in love with the light grey inner border. What do you think?


What’s left of my strip bin .. not much!


32 responses to “Strippers”

  1. Barbie Kanta Avatar
    Barbie Kanta


  2. Barbie Kanta Avatar
    Barbie Kanta

    Yellow! for inner border

  3. Francine Avatar

    I like Barbie’s idea a thin yellow border and then how about no wide border?

  4. Barbie Kanta Avatar
    Barbie Kanta

    I still like the outer border, the yellow will give the eye a place to move from color to color, (and give it spark) and the darker gray a place to rest….

  5. Mishka Avatar

    I probably have enough yellow strips left in the strip bin for the inner border. It’ll be a bit scrappy, as there are 3 or 4 different yellows. Not sure I have enough yellow yardage to make the binding, and not enough of the dark grey. Maybe black for binding.

  6. Kathy Avatar

    I see this differently. How about a 2″ inner border in a multicolor polka dot (w/black background), then a solid color 3″ border. The binding could be in black. I tend to use polka dots and stripes alot for either small inner borders, or for the binding. Ties the whole scrappy quilt togethr.

  7. BJ Avatar

    Yes, black for one of the borders or binding. There is enough black in the strips to make everything pop. I love this strippy quilt!

  8. LisaG Avatar

    Lovely quilt but more importantly I think i-spy the Janome Horizon that I covert 🙂

  9. Jo Avatar

    Way fun! I’m doing the same thing using my strips as leaders. While i work on a quilt with a pattern, this one is growing. Don’t have as many columns as yours, but isn’t it fun? I’m kind of liking Kathy’s border idea….hmmmmm

  10. Cheryl Hartzog Avatar

    Love the strips in this quilt , I would go with black, a dark green or dark purple , I think darker inner boarder make a better quilt .

  11. Debbie Avatar

    A scrappy binding would be great with the grey border. Use any and all strips for the binding…just join them all together. As for the inner border, a darker value of one color will stop all the movement. You don’t have to use the same fabric but I would stick to the same color. I make lots of these scrappy coins for donation quilts….they are always a hit.

  12. A.J. Dub (Amy) Avatar

    Very cool! I have to say, I don’t care for the grey. I think the quilt has warmer colors overall and the grey is very cool.

  13. Claire Witherspoon Avatar

    I love bar quilts! Especially scrapy ones! There easy to make mechanically and the fabrics just seam to design themselves! cheers, cw

  14. Jenny Avatar

    Simply BEAUTIFUL!

  15. Victoria Carroll-Parkhill Avatar

    It is amazing to see it grow and to see the empty bin, too!! Good job! Vic in NH

  16. quiltSwissy Avatar

    Lynn Roddy Brown says to use purple for quilts with all these colors and patterns inside them! Imagine that, purple! but it works!

    glen in Louisiana

  17. ane Avatar

    Un trabajo muy divertido, yo primero pondría un marco negro de 3″ y para terminar el borde de granate de 6″



  18. Angie Avatar

    I think black or a dark color for the inner border would bring the focus back to all of the great colored strips. The grey seems too light.

  19. Teresa Avatar

    I really like this! I agree with using a different, darker color for the borders. The gray washes it out to me. That is just my opinion though. I may have to make one of these!

  20. Dawn Caines Avatar
    Dawn Caines

    Wow love this, have just sat pressing and cutting out strips from my scrap bag ready to sew tomorrow !! will be great in the caravan 🙂
    Think i agree with the darker colour boarder 🙂

  21. Chris - WI Avatar
    Chris – WI

    bright “HOT PINK” inner border & the grey outer border, oh yahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

  22. gail Avatar

    The grays are too blah. I think a dark for the outer border, and a second dark, but a bit lighter, for the inner border.

  23. gail Avatar

    Here’s another thought: A jewel tone blue, like the blues in the top middle of the quilt for the outer border, and a hot pink for the inner border.

  24. Nina Lise@Mrs Moen Avatar

    I actually love your string quilt just as it is right now! A red inner border could be fun and make all the brights pop a little, but then again pretty much any colour would be fine. You can never go wrong with a scrappy quilt, can you:)

  25. Elna Munro Avatar
    Elna Munro

    I go with the dark grey outer border but a red inner border will do the trick. You are getting so much advice will just have to go with your gut feeling.

  26. Shari Avatar

    This is so full of stringy scrappy wonderfulness. I love it.

    Deep purple, red or black for an inner border I think. Grey is just too soft next to all that colour.

  27. Lorraine Shergold Avatar
    Lorraine Shergold

    Definitely Yellows for a narrow border, then how about joining lots of small pieces together to make a random coloured binding, I do this quite often with multi- colour quilts and it seem to give them some uniformity.

  28. Carol Avatar

    Think fast…what was your favorite color when you were a child? That is the color you should use for the border…as it will bring back happy memories every time you see it.

  29. Laurie Avatar

    I know others have said yellow and blacks.. I like red as an inner border… just my opinion.

  30. Liz Avatar

    This reminds me of what my mother called her “string quilt”. She made it almost 65 years ago and it was all done by hand. No piece was longer or wider than my middle finger. She sewed those tiny string pieces on small blocks and then put the hundreds of blocks together. Of course, I was too young to actually remember how she did it, but one could easily see how it was put together. She won a blue ribbon at the Alabama State Fair the year she finished it. I work with CASA kids and coordinate Christmas every year for those who need sponsors. Last year several little girls received American Girl dolls from their sponsors so this year I am making quilts for all of them, using small strips and squares. from my scrap bags.

  31. Johanna Zweden Avatar
    Johanna Zweden

    I love your quilt! I also use my scraps for charity quilts.
    Greetings from Sweden

  32. Pat Avatar

    yellow of course !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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