This week’s Shout Out Thursday blogger is The Quilt Rat. She’s a fabulous quilter and doodler and always has inspiring projects she’s working on. She shares her trials and errors and I’ve learned a lot just by reading her blog the past several months.


We had fabulous weather in Ontario over the Easter weekend. Check out the sun printing experiments she did. I love the safety pins.


She participates in the Creative Prompt Project, and her interpretations of the weekly prompt in doodles are amazing. Here are a few: Steam, Pear and Quiet, and Hand.


You’ll also want to check out this post on Dryer Sheet Applique. I’ve been saving my used dryer sheets for a future project.

UPDATE: Enter for your chance to win a postcard with one of the Quilt Rat’s doodles on it. I’m thrilled to be getting one too. Thanks!

3 responses to “Shout Out Thursday: The Quilt Rat”

  1. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    Thanks so much for the “Shout-Out” Michele.
    I am delighted and honoured to have my little space on the web featured……so only 76 years 11 months and 2 weeks till you are all caught up?

  2. Quilt Fabrics Avatar

    I love the Quilt Rat… Thanks for sharing, more people need to follow her.

  3. Mishka Avatar

    You’re very welcome Jill. 🙂

    Maybe I can convince my nieces to carry on for me, they’ll only be in their early 70s. haha


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