Scrappy Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 67
  • Total countries: 13
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 26

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#2168 Scraps #2168 Scraps
By: Bente,

This quilt was sewn last year as a mystery and ONLY from my batik-stash. Finished this year april 24.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 76"

900 Scraps and Strings 900 Scraps and Strings
By: Gene Black,
Alabama, USA

I love trying different quilt blocks and experimenting with piecing. So I took all the extra blocks and added them to my “I got bored with it” string blocks and made a Happy Scrappy quilt. The owner loves this quilt. And I love visiting so I get to see it again -enjoying the memory of the journey.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 92"

A bit of sunshine A bit of sunshine
By: quilterbell,

I finished this quilt last February. It was so much fun to make, I use it quite a lot, it actually makes me smile when I see it on my bed, I think it is the bright colors or maybe the fact that I used so many scraps from my scrap bin!.
I hope you like it as much as I do! Thank you for your vote!.

Quilt size: width: 79" height: 87"

Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt
By: Kim of Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

This quilt was done using the ‘free form’ quilting technique. The only fabrics in the top of the quilt came from my fabric scraps. Using 9 main color themes I created the quilt you see pictured with lots of sewing, cutting, Repeat. Machine quilted lime green circles by Barb Raisbeck of QuiltsbyBarb.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 76"

Autumn Days Autumn Days
By: Joni Cook,
Ontario, Canada

This was my first scrappy sampler. I love fall and wanted to use all of my fall fabrics in this wallhanging.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 37"

B-day out of a box B-day out of a box
By: Cookie,

from Birthday club I been in, I received on my B-day green and brown 4″ squares. For the longest time those squares lived in a box until I saw a clip at you tube and knew “thats it” Its so great to cuddle up with it now and look at all those squares and remember all the girls from the B-day club.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 75"

Baby bricks Baby bricks
By: Donna,
Michigan, USA

I had a great deal of fun cutting up scraps and stash to make the bricks in this quilt. I was inspired by a photo of a 1930s quilt, and I made this one in small dimensions

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Behemith Beauty Behemith Beauty
By: Calicojoan,
Colorado, USA

This scrappy quilt was inspired by an online quilt group. The top is a scrappy “wagon wheel” block, and the back is a scrappy “string” block. It’s put together with a “quilt as you go method”! It completely emptied out my scrap drawers, and tested my strength with its weight as it neared completion!

Quilt size: width: 120" height: 120"

Beka's Ocean Waves - HS graduation gift Beka’s Ocean Waves – HS graduation gift
By: Pam in KC,
Missouri, USA

There are scraps from the first shirt I made my nieces’ oldest brother when he was born, scraps from the both quilts I made my mother, jackets I made my MIL, my blouses, probably every quilt I’ve made to date, including some I made before I really got bit by the quilting bug.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 92"

Bella's Dream Bella’s Dream
By: Diana Baron,
North Carolina, USA

I made this quilt for my dogs for their day time bed and as a decorator item in my sun porch. I wanted to learn paper piecing and the spider web pattern seemed to be fairly easy. I quilted my quilt on my home sewing machine. I made the dog bed from an old coffee table and baby bed mattress.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 72"

Cat Circles Cat Circles
By: Tammy Kuse,
Illinois, USA

This is a quilt that I made in a class while learning how to use 1/4 circle templates. We were told to bring lots of light and dark fabrics that contrasted well. I brought some of my cat fabrics. Using the templates was easier than I thought and it turned out pretty well for a first timer.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

charmed charmed
By: craftytammie,
Kansas, USA

Floral prints and white tone on tone fabric make up this Yankee Puzzle quilt. Made from charms received in swaps and a white tonal print left from another project.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 56"

Chelsea's Quilt Chelsea’s Quilt
By: Mary Lines,
Washington, USA

I made this quilt completely from my stash using a pattern for a Scrappy Trip Around the World from Bonnie Hunter’s website: Quiltville’s Quilts and Snips

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Circles n' Circles Circles n’ Circles
By: Jeanie Lemmo,
Colorado, USA

Completing a project for a local non-profit, I ended up with lots of squares, strips, etc. I decided to just start sewing…thus the middle. I then decided it would look really cool to make a circle and bind it. It looked so good, I decided it needed little neighbors attached. Now its a big family

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 55"

Confetti Madness Confetti Madness
By: Ann Marie Voigt,
Florida, USA

This is a mystery quilt pattern by Bonnie K Hunter called Roll Roll Cotton Boll. It has about 5000 pieces in the top, most of which came out of my scrap bin. Thanks Bonnie!

Quilt size: width: 92" height: 92"

Corner at 42 Street, NY Corner at 42 Street, NY
By: Jayardi,
Wisconsin, USA

Created for the Scraps to Treasures Challenge where all participants send in a pair of 6″ squares so everyone has the same fabrics to work with. This is my take on a New York Beauty Block.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Crumb Patch Crumb Patch
By: Natasha,
Pennsylvania, USA

I needed to use up some of my crumbs and wanted to incorporate them into a traditional quilt design. The center of the stars and nine-patch blocks are crumb blocks. The flying geese, and other sections of the main blocks are all from my scrap fabric stash.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 80"

Dakota Log Cabin Dakota Log Cabin
By: Kristie,
Kentucky, USA

This is a log cabin quilt that I pieced a couple of years ago, it measures 96×96. I enjoyed every bit of the process. It is made from scraps, mostly Civil War scraps and others mixed in that were left over from various other quilts. My youngest son fell in love with it so I named it after him.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 96"

Divided Heart Divided Heart
By: Sam,
Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this quilt for my daughter out of a bag of scraps that I had acquired. She loved it at first then one day with all the dignity a five year old could muster she stated “You know, these arn’t really my colours”.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Everything...and the kitchen sink! Everything…and the kitchen sink!
By: Claire Witherspoon,
California, USA

The title came about because I used up all of my 30’s scraps and then, begged, barrowed and eventually ‘made’ more scraps in order to have enough scraps to make this quilt. This quilt and some others lead me to develop what I call “Scrap Strategies” a way of organizing and sewing scrap quilts.

Quilt size: width: 104″" height: 104″"

Four Sisters for Our Sister Four Sisters for Our Sister
By: Nancy,
North Carolina, USA

When one of our group of five adopted sisters had a heart attack, we made her a quilt with scraps from all of our stashes.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 72"

Friendly log cabin Friendly log cabin
By: Turid Bakken,

This quilt is made from scraps I’ve got from my friends. Machine quilted.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 88"

Gaby's Quilt - Colored Scrapps Gaby’s Quilt – Colored Scrapps
By: Gaby Fischer,

My friend and I made two scrappy-quilts of the same fabric for our “blogilee” – our blog’s first birthday.
And as a surprise for our followers, readers, guests, we made a photo tutorial, which is downloadable.
It’s made after a tutorial of Jenny from the MSQC.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Garden Party Garden Party
By: PAMELA Davis,
Pennsylvania, USA

Floral Delight is a recently completed New Year’s Eve Mystery quilt (12-31-11). I love Kaffe Fassett fabric, so I chose a couple of his fabrics along with the light purple background. This was my first long armed quilting machine experience!

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 98"

Geese Crossing Geese Crossing
By: Reenie Schneeberger,
New York, USA

i just started making string blocks to use up my ever growing pile of them. This quilt designed itself and surprised me with every new section added to it! Love how it turned out and am working on a pattern to share of it!

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 96"

Humble Pie Humble Pie
By: Victoria Carroll-Parkhill,
New Hampshire, USA

I named this quilt Humble Pie to celebrate that it began as lowly random scraps sewn into 4-patches as leaders and enders. My thanks to Mary Johnson (for her Easy Double 4-Patch design) and Bonnie K. Hunter (for methods). Linda Monasky of the Bear Paw Gallery in Alton, NH did the quilting.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 88"

In God's Eye In God’s Eye
By: Jeri McKay,
Florida, USA

Scraps of cotton, silks and netting freemotion quilted.

The Universe has always triggered my imagination. I am currently working on extending this series of celestial pieces.

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 18"

Jay's Chop Suey Jay’s Chop Suey
By: Kathleen Davies,
New York, USA

Some people collect squares, some people collect hearts. I collect strips. When I learned this neat technique called Chop Suey, I pulled out every strip of fabric that had any blue in it from my big bin. This is the result: a baby quilt for Jay.

Quilt size: width: 33" height: 44"

Kilah's Quilt Kilah’s Quilt
By: Karen,
Arkansas, USA

This is a charity quilt made by online friends for Kilah, who was beaten, nearly to death, by her stepfather. Quilters from England, Canada and all over the US made blocks for her. Designer Kate Spain donated fabric for the borders and backing (and then some!) I quilted it on the long arm.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 80"

Kordova Klosure Kordova Klosure
By: kwiltnkats,
California, USA

This is Bonnie Hunter’s 2011 Mystery design called Orca Bay. I’m a big fan of Bonnie’s designs and love her yearly mystery. I added all the red borders to make the quilt into a King. Kerry’s Quilting did the fabulous quilting. Kordova Klosure was finished in June of this year.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 100"

Life Events Life Events
By: Debbie,
South Carolina, USA

A very scrappy mix using a variation of the Star Struck pattern from Bonnie Hunter, called Tropical Twist. I made this for a friend’s daughter and husband after a couple of big “life events”.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"

Little Boy Blue Little Boy Blue
By: Pam @ Hip to be a Square,
Georgia, USA

Little Boy Blue started as a Farmer’s Wife sampler quilt, and when we heard our niece was expecting a baby boy in November, I thought these blocks would be perfect to celebrate his birth. The layout is my own design, and the checkerboard border is made entirely from my leaders & enders.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Little Tiles Little Tiles
By: Marjo B-W,

I was inspired by street tiles I saw in Indonesia. I started with little fabric leftovers of my quilt friends but it was so much fun to do, that I had to use my own stash as well. Check the whole story on my blog.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 39"

Love Quilt for handicapped children Love Quilt for handicapped children
By: Love Quilt for handicapped children,

This quilt I made for Verdanda, a charity in Holland. who makes dreams come through, that people, have there own quilt, to love.

Quilt size: width: 150" height: 190"

Mia's Friends Mia’s Friends
By: Rebelette,
Mississippi, USA

I made this quilt for my then 4-year-old granddaughter Mia last Christmas. Most of the hair, bows, dresses, backing and eyes were from fabrics in my stash. The pattern is by Kerry Hoyle. Her baby brother is getting the male version this Christmas!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 56"

Montpensier Montpensier
By: Marie’s quilts,
California, USA

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 44"

No Such Thing as Ugly Fabric No Such Thing as Ugly Fabric
By: Louise Rynkewicz,
Illinois, USA

I used Bonnie Hunter’s pattern “Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll” to use a lot of “ugly” fabric that had sat on my shelf for years. I particularly like the neutral strings. It is now my husband’s favorite quilt and I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that I didn’t spend any money on new fabric!

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 100"

north wind north wind
By: grace thorne,
Maine, USA

even though red is not my favorite color, i wanted to step outside my blue box and choose red. was intrigued by the display in new york earlier this year. this quilt was already in progress, which made me love it even more.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 74"

octagon scrappy octagon scrappy
By: susi,

this is my octagon quilt made out of 4″ squares and one black fabric .it is hand sewn over paper and handquilted.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 89"

On A Whim On A Whim
By: Vicki Welsh,
Virginia, USA

It really did start on a whim. It seemed like a good idea to try to use up a stash of 1″ – 1.25″ strips of fabric. Several years and 4160 pieces later I finished this quilt made up of 4″ log cabin blocks. I’m glad I stuck with it because it’s one of my personal favorites.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 80"

Orbit Orbit
By: Shruti,

Made with Jennifer Sampou’s pattern ORBIT from “We love Color”. This is a sure scrapbuster!

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Orca Bay Orca Bay
By: Sue’s Stitchin,
Indiana, USA

This is Bonnie Hunter’s Orca Bay mystery pattern made entirely from Goodwill shirts. The back of the quilt is all of the shirt backs.

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 85"

Paaul's Big Boy quilt Paaul’s Big Boy quilt
By: Julie Fukuda,

With my grandson now in a bed too big for his baby quilt, I went to my scrap bins and pulled out all the green and blue fabrics. Assembled into 5″ blocks, and then into 10″ blocks, they needed sashing to keep them better organized. This is hand sewed and hand quilted with my own design.

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 86"

Paseando bajo la lluvia-Walking under the rain Paseando bajo la lluvia-Walking under the rain
By: ana-ane,

Cojín manta realizado en aplicación a puntada escondida, el acolchado está hecho a mano.

Cushion blanket realized in application to hidden stitch, the quilted one is handmade.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Pineapple Blossom Quilt Pineapple Blossom Quilt
By: Kathy S.,
Ohio, USA

This quilt was made from the blocks that I won in May, 2011, in the Block Lotto. The Pineapple Blossom design is by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville’s blog. Blocks are color controlled with each block having two yellow and two grey fabrics in each block. Pineapple blossoms are echo stitched.

Quilt size: width: 82" height: 92"

Pinwheels and Strings Pinwheels and Strings
By: Lynn,
Michigan, USA

I have been working to use up small pieces of fabric from my overflowing basket of scraps. This quilt used a lot from the scrap bin. I built 6 inch base blocks of strings of fabric and then added the triangle corners. These blocks are set to form pinwheels.
I love making scraptacular quilts.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 83.5"

Scarppy Sawtooth Stars Scarppy Sawtooth Stars
By: Lorraine Wiseman,

I made this scrappy quilt for a present for my mother on Mothers’ Day. She loved it and used it until she died recently.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 84"

Scrap Happy Scrap Happy
By: Charming’s Mama,
Utah, USA

I participate in one of our local quilt shops free BOM clubs and this quilt is the happy result. Each month we received a kit to make four 6″ blocks. I set the blocks in rows, alternated with a modified Irish Chain using up fabrics from my stash so the only fabric purchased was the borders and back

Quilt size: width: 83" height: 97"

Scrappy Arrowheads Scrappy Arrowheads
By: QuilterinMotion,
Vermont, USA

My quilt was made with scraps from many other projects. The pattern, Anita’s Arrowhead, was featured in a past Quiltmaker magazine and I was very interested in trying the technique. The original quilt did not have sashings but I decided it helped to offset the bright colors.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 108"

Scrappy Christmas Scrappy Christmas
By: Liz Schaffner,

When I started to quilt (2000) I didn’t have alot of different fabrics so I traded with friends and made this Scrappy Chrismtas quilt. Trading fabrics was just as much fun as sewing it.
Every year when put it on the sofa for Christmas, I think of all the people I traded with….sweet memories!

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 120"

Scrappy Half Log Cabin Scrappy Half Log Cabin
By: Sheila P,
Ohio, USA

I took a class on how to make the half-log cabin, and it was a great stash buster! It’s quilted with a patriotic theme, of eagles, White House, Lincoln Memorial, etc. Fun to make!

Quilt size: width: 57" height: 82"

Scrappy Jacobs Ladder Scrappy Jacobs Ladder
By: Izy Denham,
United Kingdom

I started this quilt with the intention of it being a lap quilt for my Dear Husband who was terminally ill at the time. He took such a liking to it and helped choose the final layout of the blocks, he asked me to make it big enough for us to use on our bed in his final days..which we did 🙂

Quilt size: width: 98" height: 98"

Scrappy Log cabin Scrappy Log cabin
By: Sewgreenm,
Indiana, USA

I had never made a log cabin quilt before, and I had a lot of scraps I wanted to use. So I have scraps from almost all of my quilts (except the flannel ones) I have made. So every time I wrap up in it I can remember all my loved ones!

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"

Scrappy Niners - With A Little Help From My Friends Scrappy Niners – With A Little Help From My Friends
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

I received 81 nine-patch blocks in a guild exchange and that’s exactly how many it took to make this queen-sized quilt! I love scrappy quilts and it was hard to decide which one to enter this time!

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 103"

Scrappy Pineapples Scrappy Pineapples
By: Cecilia Young,
Georgia, USA

I made this from scraps that I received from Art Gallery Fabrics. It was made for Project Linus and I used the Pineapple Ruler by Gyleen Fitzgerald to make the pineapple blocks. The border and backing was made with fabric from my stash.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 38"

scrappy quilt scrappy quilt
By: trish poolson,
Mississippi, USA

My scrappy quilt is created with dear fabrics, and the process began as I was learning to quilt. Backed in flannel, making this quilt a warm and cozy addition.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 78"

Scrappy Spider Web (by Kathy in Arizona) Scrappy Spider Web (by Kathy in Arizona)
By: Kathy,
Arizona, USA

I made this quilt to use up my scraps. It won Best Scrap Quilt in my quilt guild’s show. I wish I had had enough scraps to make it bigger so it could fit on my bed!

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 65"

Scrappy Spiderweb (by Kathy in Ontario) Scrappy Spiderweb (by Kathy in Ontario)
By: Quilter Kathy,
Ontario, Canada

I started piecing this quilt in the late 1990s, and it sat in the closet for many years because I could not match up the seams accurately. Last year I got over worrying about that and finished the quilt top! Then I free motion quilted circles in the spiderweb blocks and feather quilted the borders.

Quilt size: width: 67" height: 67"

Scrappy Stars Scrappy Stars
By: Becky Peacock,

This pattern is from Judy Martin’s book “Cookies & Quilts”. I love making scrap quilts–why use 4 fabrics when you can use 40? For this quilt I challenged myself to use only fabrics from my stash, some of which are very old. Even the back is pieced!

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 74"

Scrappy Strings Scrappy Strings
By: P.V. Grammy,
Arizona, USA

This was just an experiment in scrappy strings.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 68"

Scraps for the Birds Scraps for the Birds
By: Doris Dove,
United Kingdom

An attempt to make a dent the ever growing scrap piles. Anything and everything went in the pineapples and the dark backgrounds are a mix of blacks and browns.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 66"

Stars Around the World Stars Around the World
By: Michelle Wyman,
Georgia, USA

Stars Around the World was made as part of an online Half Square Triangle Exchange through The Quilt Show. 396 HST’s made by quilters from the US, Canada, Europe and Australia are set into a Traditional Lemoyne Star Variation. It’s quilted on my A1 Longarm. I love the scrappy beauty of this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 59" height: 59"

Teacup quilt Teacup quilt
By: Alison K,
Pennsylvania, USA

This quilt has 120 different teacups cut from my mom’s scrap bin. Many of the fabrics are from dresses she made me and my sister when we were little or from quilts she had made. I love using this quilt because of all the memories attached to each cup!

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 90"

The Puzzle Quilt The Puzzle Quilt
By: Sara Victorious,
Utah, USA

This is a scrap quilt with only one fabric repeated, which is why I call it the puzzle quilt – it’s a puzzle to find the repeated fabric. There are 1,008 2 1/2 in squares.

Quilt size: width: 81" height: 109"

Very Scrappy Very Scrappy
By: Gun Adrian,

This is my first scrapquilt. 99 blocks, handquilted. I used the method “Quilt-As-You-Go”, when I sew it.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 98"

Wonky Scrappy Little Star Wonky Scrappy Little Star
By: cathy@blueberry patch,
British Columbia, Canada

This was a lot of fun to make and used a ton of scraps!

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"

Zig Zag Scrappy Zig Zag Scrappy
By: Lisa Marie,
Kentucky, USA

This quilt is my original design. It is a single block design made interesting by the color placement and by rotating every other block. I used 8 purple fabrics and about 15 of each of the other colors. This quilt was designed and made in 1 week as part of an online challenge.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 64"

8 responses to “Scrappy Quilts”

  1. Aliza Avatar

    Wow!!! This was the most dificult vote by far. All these quilts are gorgeous!!!

  2. Katie Wiseman Avatar

    That is so funny!! TWO Quilters, BOTH named KATHY (with a K) make the EXACT same scrappy spider web quilt, and BOTH name it: “Scrappy Spider Web Quilt” BAHAHAHA
    You guys really are kindred spirits I think!!!

  3. Mary Avatar

    I love the scrappy quilt contest. It always gives me ideas on how to use my scraps. This was very difficult to choose just 5 quilts. I love the 2 “Orca” quilts , the 2 spider web quilts. the pineapple quilts, the log cabin quilts: I could go on and on. Kodos ladies they are all fantastic!!!

  4. Contrarywife Avatar

    Scrappy quilts are my favorite! Choosing only five was very hard. Thank all of you for your contributions. There was something to appreciate and learn from each quilt.

  5. Sheila Avatar

    I find it interesting that the leading vote-getter isn’t a scrappy quilt….her blog shows that it was made from a jelly roll. And that she really isn’t in California….her blog is in a very foreign language. Just sayin’…..

  6. Mishka Avatar


    My guess is she’s a Russian living in California. There’s no reason to not be truthful about one’s location as anyone anywhere is welcome to enter the contests.

    Yes, different people have different definitions of scrappy. I chose not to police the contestants with my own personal definition. I try to leave the theme’s interpretation up to the quilter. It’s all about sharing in my mind and less about being very strict with the interpretation of the weekly themes.


  7. Marie's quilts Avatar
    Marie’s quilts

    Hi Sheila,

    Yes, I’m Russian, but I live in California now. Sorry, I didn’t know that only US citizens are allowed to participate in this contest…

  8. Napalil Avatar

    I love Stars Around the World!!!

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