I have been working on scrappy blocks for a new queen-sized bed quilt for myself.

I started with 320 paper templates, cut at 5″ from an old phone book.


Testing the layout of 16 squares (trimmed to 4.75″) on the design wall. Need 20 of these blocks that are 17.5″ unfinished.


Auditioning the 20 blocks before sashing.


Close-up of the blocks.


Eventually it will become this:


Finished size will be: 93″ x 113″.

August 15, 2011 – Part two: More Progress on My Scrappy Bed Quilt

25 responses to “Scrappy Bed Quilt in Progress”

  1. Vicki W Avatar

    Ooooh, I love the way you are going to sash it!

  2. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    Wow! Just have to say that the quilt is going to be GORGEOUS when it’s completed. Also, I’m loving the idea of reusing pages from a phone book as “templates”. So, thank you for sharing that! 🙂

  3. Anita Avatar

    I like this very much. The sashing is beautiful.

  4. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Vicki .. 3 yards of fabric just for the sashing… definitely the largest quilt I’ve ever made.

    Thanks Lee Ann … the phone book paper is a bit messy when you are tearing it off at the end. Thankfully it didn’t bleed though or transfer to any of the fabrics. I tested it first, just in case.

    Thanks Anita!

    Thanks Valerie! Sadly, it did not make a big dent in my scrap bin.

  5. VickiT Avatar

    WOW! You have done a beautiful job on that so far. I bet you’ll be so excited to put the very last stitch in that quilt and put it onto your bed. I would love to do something just as beautiful myself.

  6. Susan Avatar

    This is going to be a beautiful quilt! The sashing will be perfect to show off the blocks. Keep us posted on your progress.

  7. sheila Avatar

    What a fabulous quilt. I love it but I wouldn’t put the sashing in (only because I have a thing about straight lines on quilts)
    But is going to look great probably have to recorate the bedroom as well lol.

  8. Lovie Ball Avatar
    Lovie Ball

    I love making string blocks, great way to use up my scraps. Like the triple bar sashing you have picked.

  9. Pamela Avatar

    Wow, that sashing really makes the blocks pop! I’ll have to remember that for my next scrappy quilt!

  10. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    Yeah Michele! You’ve been working hard to get all those blocks done! I like how the dark (black) fabrics stand out. When you put the sashing in it will really pull together.

  11. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    Love it! I am doing a similar one using selvages. My own pattern, making it up as I go along 🙂
    But I love yours, the colors are amazing.

  12. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    I am going to start one like it, using my scraps, and dryer sheets as the foundation, just love this!

  13. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Michele, it looks stunning, what a fantastic idea!!!

  14. Mishka Avatar

    Sharon: Let me know please how you make out with the dryer sheets. I’m curious how stable they will be. I will admit working with all those bias edges was quite a challenge. I starched and ironed the blogs a lot once they were joined. Once the sashing has been added they’ll be much more stable.

    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments. 🙂

  15. Norma Avatar


    Your quilt is lovely!

  16. Karen Lange Avatar

    Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! I love all the colors and patterns and can see some of the ones that I also used in my ongoing string project.

    What a mess my sewing room has been the past two days…. I was going through ALL of my scraps for another project, when I came across many strips and then remembered MY strings! I had made about 30 (9″ or so squares)…then when we moved, I had packed them away and didn’t touch them till now! So, today, I made several more. Will lay them out soon. Will probably make a lap sized quilt or for a wall hanging!


  17. Lindy Weber Avatar

    There is a richness imbued in scrappies…Once our quilt club made a VERY scrappy log cabin for a charity auction. Several members were mummering at the start of the evening, “This will never work”, as we had five people making blocks by grabbing blindly from the lights bag and a darks bag. The rule was, “You grab it? In it goes!” By the time we finished the top everyone in the group mourned that it would go to charity-and not home with them! It was stunning. :?)

  18. suzy quaife Avatar

    A beautiful job – so bright and cheerful!

  19. Sandy Avatar

    I love the colors and design. I will have to put this one on my list of “have to do’s”.

  20. Amy Avatar

    This is going to be so beautiful, and such a wonderful reminder of all of your great fabrics.

  21. Teresa Felgueiras Avatar

    When I think of scraps, my mind immediately thinks about String Quilts. I haven´t done one yet but yours has been a true inspiration. The phone book hint is fantastic.Thank you very much and happy quilting.

  22. freemanor Avatar

    Hi Michelle:
    Love your quilt. I love the way you are finishing it off. I just finished a twin size extra long but it is not finished so nicely. That arealy makes it. I use blocks of old sheets to make them on, which gives it extra warmth. My aunt always backed her log cabin blocks with pieces of old sheeting. The next one I try will copy your idea
    . Thanks,

  23. Shannon Avatar

    I love string blocks! I like your sashing to set off each kaleidoscope

  24. freemanor Avatar

    I love the way you finish your quilt off. I do make that scrap quilt. I don’t use any Usually sew them on a backing, (old sheeting,material I don’t like etc. I usually cut old sheeting into 13″ blocks and just sew strips diagonally.I trim them down to 12″ so they will all be the same. My next one I am going to try your idea.


  25. Liz Avatar

    love it and you used a phone book pages for the paper how smart of you!

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