Red or Cheddar Orange?

strippers quilt

Thanks everyone for your kind words and suggestions for my Strippers Quilt. I’ve got the last two strips done, as well as stripped borders that are 1/2 the width of the quilt top strips.

Here’s what I’ve decided to do for the borders. There will be 2 solid borders of the same colour and a stripped border in between them. All three borders will be the same size at 2″ finished.

I’ve narrowed it down to red or cheddar orange. Which one do you like best?

red strippers

orange strippers

I also found this great multi-coloured print in my stash that I’ll use for binding. This is one of those prints that I wish I had bought several yards of. Oh well, I have plenty for the binding at least.


Scrappy Quilt Challenge

Fabrics N Quilts is hosting another Scrappy Quilt Challenge.


With all the scrappy quilts that I’ve been working on lately, I really must get one of them actually completed to enter the contest this year.

48 responses to “Red or Cheddar Orange?”

  1. Jo Avatar

    Cheddar for sure…its my new favorite color right now…beautiful quilt top!

  2. Melissa Avatar

    Cheddar – it really pops. The red blends in a bit too much 🙂 It is beautiful!

  3. Kell Avatar

    I like the cheddar better than the red.

  4. Carmela Avatar

    I am usually partial to red, but the cheddar (orange) really brings light to your quilt. So my vote CHEDDAR!

  5. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    definitely the red!!!! somebody says “red is a neutral” but i can’t remember who.

  6. Cokie K Avatar
    Cokie K

    Cheddar, of course. I love orange so much!!! It really does nead the orange, the red is just too, too red!

  7. Margie Avatar

    The cheddar looks nice , but I like the red best !
    I really like the fabric for the binding and it looks better with the red !

  8. Pam in KC Avatar

    I think I like the orange the best. As for your binding — I love that fabric. A couple of years ago I used it as a backing on a bright and black scrappy quilt.

  9. Elaine Avatar

    although I LOVE orange, in this case I don’t think the orange does the quilt justice. My vote – go for the RED.

  10. Cokie K Avatar
    Cokie K

    Can’t believe I spelled need wrong. I am not the best at typingt, but I do know to spell need. I still say cheddar!

  11. Elaine Avatar

    Oh – I hate when people leave comments and just say – pick the red – pick the orange. I hit send too soon on my last comment. So I said RED and why???? There is VERY LITTLE orange in that scrap quilt. The orange just seems out of place, while the red BELONGS because there is red in the quilt. And looks better with that border for the same reason. While there is a smidge of orange in that border – the red suits it best. good luck with your decision.

  12. Nann Avatar

    I would use both. Cheddar for the inner, red for the outer.

  13. Flo@butterfly Quilting Avatar

    Definitely RED !! hands down.
    Although I like orange, it just doesn’t do anything for this. The red really finishes it!

  14. Sandy K Avatar

    Although I really wanted to vote cheddar (because I love it now too) I think the red really goes with the other colors. It pops too but in a nicer way then the cheddar. Great quilt!

  15. Mary Avatar

    After having started to read Joen Wolfrom’s “Color Play” and buying a color wheel at the NQA Quilt Show in Columbus, Ohio in my “expert” opinion go with the cheddar. Why? Because I see orange in the quilt and I like it! I also see orange on the color wheel. Haha!

  16. tubakk Avatar

    I love this quilt! And I love orange, but here I think I would have used red.

  17. nancy Avatar

    By all means CHEDDAR……

  18. Karin Avatar

    Personally, I don’t much care for either red or orange as a color in general, and I never use either one, nor do I have any clothes of either color…however…the red border works for me, but the orange one makes my eye go WHY? However, you’ve got to know I’m not the best on color combos, so, let Milo pick!

  19. Barbara Avatar

    I think I’m going against the stream, but I like redder bedder than chedder.

    I used that binding fabric in the first quilt I ever made . . . therefore, my opinion should count more than the opinions of others. You do follow my logic, don’t you?

  20. Cheryl Hartzog Avatar

    I really like the Cheddar Orange as it makes the whole quilt pop. the red is so common!

    Also I see lots of orange in the first picture you posted.
    The red would be better for the binding.
    Good luck with which ever you chose .

  21. Heidi @ Buttons and Butterflies Avatar

    Red if you want it to go with the quilt.
    Orange if you want it to pop.
    Hate to say it and confuse the whole matter…but have you thought of yellow?

  22. sandy Avatar

    Cheddar. I love love red but in this case it just seems to over power the quilt (my opinion).

  23. sandy Avatar

    AND I have that same fabric for the binding …. it does have orange (cheddar) in it too …. perfect print for binding.

  24. Rbuckley Avatar


  25. VickiT Avatar

    In all honesty, I don’t think there is enough of the cheddar/orange in the quilt to justify using it. Maybe it looks different in person, but from what I am looking at the red goes much better. I see the different pops of red throughout the quilt and love how the red makes that awesome bubble fabric you are using on the border just pop so much more than the cheddar.

    Yep. Red for me.

  26. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    I think the red makes it pop a little more than the orange! Hope you find the right solution soon! Gorgeous quilt!

  27. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    I like the cheddar. It sings.

  28. Ginette Avatar

    Orange is my favorite color, however, I don’t think it works with this quilt. I really love the red for your borders… mostly because there is red in the quilt. Go for RED!!!

  29. Ray J Avatar
    Ray J

    Absolutely – RED!!!

  30. A.J. Dub (Amy) Avatar

    Red! Love the Red.

  31. Sue Preece Avatar
    Sue Preece

    I like the red as I think it picks up the red in the quilt. That would be my pick. Love the binding fabric!

  32. Lori Avatar

    I like the red best. I, too, think it’s blends beautifully with the rest of the quilt. It makes the other red in the piecing stand out.

  33. jaime Avatar

    Red for sure!

  34. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    Orange would normally be a favourite of mine, but, I think there is a lot more red in the quilt top. So I’d pick red for the border.
    I might try either making the centre border wider that the solid colours, or if the strips are already cut, perhaps the solid colours could be narrow. Sometimes variety of size makes the border pop.
    I love the binding fabric. It really ties it all together.

  35. Kathy Stolhand Avatar
    Kathy Stolhand

    I definitely like the cheddar orange better. It adds a zip and bit of the unexpected to the quilt. Matchy scrappy quilts are not interesting to look at. Love the quilt and want to see how you finish it.

  36. Leo Avatar

    Red, don’t ask why it just “feels” better

  37. PatC Avatar


  38. Edie Avatar

    Cheddar for sure! Makes it pop – red is a little too predictable. It’s nice, but doesn’t have the impact that the orange does.

    Nice use of scraps and leftovers. Will have to keep this in mind.

  39. Margie Avatar

    Still like the red the best . There are more red scraps in the quilt so the red border blends better and gives the eye a resting place from all the scrappy. It is going to be beautiful no matter what you decide though !

  40. Jolene Avatar


  41. Maryellen M Avatar
    Maryellen M

    Red. It’s a great red, and looks great with the top and binding!

  42. Bev Avatar

    I would choose the red. There is a lot going on in the quilt so the red gives the eye a place to rest. I think the orange would draw the eyes too much to the border. This quilt is a great way to use up fabric and it looks awesome.

  43. Sandra Avatar

    I would chose red.

  44. Jennifer Richards Avatar

    You know, I would go for red too……because, as has been said, there is already red in the quilt. You can always make another quilt to use the cheddar as a border, perhaps with more orange in its fabrics!

  45. Kim D. Avatar
    Kim D.

    I like the RED the best with this quilt. Orange is a nice color too, but I think the red pops it more.

  46. Jeanne J. Avatar
    Jeanne J.

    I like the cheddar orange best. The black dot fabric is still in Jo-Ann’s. It’s a great fabric. Just used the last of mine on a backing.

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