For those following along with our Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along, you might have noticed that I neglected to assign myself a date. Duh!!

Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters

So, I created a bonus block called Christmas Ornaments and I’ve included instructions on making it into a mini quilt too. If you make the block/mini quilt, please share in the Flickr group… I’d love to see it.



Purchase the Pattern


Quilt-Along Links

Today’s Super Deal for Quilters


Save up to 60% – Quilter’s Cookbooks (Just $4/each)

I have had great pleasure to put together two Quilter’s Cookbooks filled with recipes, stories and quilts from quilters around the world. They are available instantly as downloadable PDF files. They make a wonderful and inexpensive gift for your quilty friends!

The first edition (2009) is "Quick and easy recipes, so we can get back to quilting!" and contains 119 recipes, 76 photos of gorgeous quilts and the real life stories behind them. The second edition (2010) is "Holiday Traditions" and contains 135 recipes and 72 photos.

Get your Super Deal savings here!

Updated: November 28, 2011

97 responses to “Quilt-Along Bonus Block: Christmas Ornaments”

  1. Nancy Avatar

    I am from Madame Samm’s, and I Love your Ornament Quilting Block!!! You have so much to offer readers here on your Fantastic blog!! I signed up for your Newsletter and I am following by email. Thanks sew much for Sharing!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  2. gail Avatar

    What a great giveaway! This is a beautiful block – I am a newbie so mine won’t be as beautifully quilted, but I can’t wait to try it anyway!

  3. Debbie Meyer Avatar

    Your block is wonderful, so very pretty. I can’t wait to try to win this one. Thanks again and I’ll keep checking out your shop.

  4. Mickey Kelly White Avatar

    Oh this looks even more pretty close up ! love it ! I’m here from MS and Sew We Quilt !

  5. Suz Avatar

    I love your ornaments!! I’ll be back to visit all the posts from your Christmas Quilt a Long – – I love Christmas and I love quilts – so how could I not visit??

    I’m visiting from Wantobe Quilter!! Thanks for your post!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  6. Dee Avatar

    Loving those blocks and signed up for your newsletter so I don’t miss anything:)

  7. CarolC Avatar

    I too love your block and have downloaded the pattern. Can’t wait to give it a try. Found you from Stash Manicure and I am now a follower. Thanks for the great tutorial.

  8. Denise :) Avatar

    Michele, yours was one of the best tutorials yet. And I love your block — the hanging ornaments are quite darling. Thank you! 🙂

  9. Alicia Avatar

    I love your block! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Scrapbook-ChickADoodle Avatar

    Thanks for being a guest blogger at Madame Samm’s. Thanks for the great tutorial. The Ornaments are sweet.

  11. Renea Avatar

    I love this block. I will be printing off the instructions and making this into a small quilt. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Kathie Avatar

    Very pretty Christmas block. I have been enjoying the Quilting Gallery for a while now and it was nice to see you on Stash Manicure.

  13. Elaine Avatar

    Thanks so much for being on Stash Manicure. I really enjoyed all the lovely Christmas blocks. I need to try some.

  14. Deonn Avatar

    Hi, Michele,
    Thanks for sharing your pattern and your site today on SewWeQuilt! I already receive newsletters, and enjoy your quilt contests each month. You are doing a great thing here – sharing the quilty love! The ornament quilt is really adorable, a perfect table topper or wall hanging for Christmas!

  15. Angie @ Summerfield Quilts Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing on Sew We Quilt. I love your ornaments block.

  16. Kathy Avatar

    I love all the Christmas blocks-so many great ideas!

  17. Jacque Avatar

    Wonderful post at SewWeQuilt….I’ve just got to print your block pattern – love it! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  18. grace Avatar

    Lovely to see your work, thanks for sharing it with us.

  19. Jane Avatar

    I love these Christmas blocks, so many great ideas, so little time.
    An added bonus is the great prize. Thank you.

  20. Mary Ann Tate Avatar

    Just came from Stash Manicure. Love your ornaments block and the mini quilt. A lovely little decoration for Christmas. Thanks for all the ideas.

  21. LeAnne Avatar

    Cute, cute, cute ornaments. Can’t wait to make it. I always like to make little wallhangings for the holiday season.

  22. Julie Avatar

    I love this – ready for Christmas! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Lisa Avatar

    Love the block!

  24. Janell Baker Avatar
    Janell Baker

    Ahhh… Christmas ideas… very timely and so very clever! Thank you, so much!

  25. Mama Bear Avatar

    I would love to receive your newsletter.

  26. Elaine Avatar

    Can’t wait to finish this so I can get over to your blog!! LOVE the block you did!! And I LOVE to paper piece – so – ttfn (tah tah for now!)

  27. Judy Avatar

    What a beautiful Christmas block. Thank you.

  28. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    i had stopped by once before and failed to keep a link; so i’m sure glad mme.samm had you as a guest blogger. your christmas block is very pretty, a keeper! i’ll enjoy browsing through your blog and following along.

  29. luckymom Avatar

    Love your block, will have to put that on my to do list.

  30. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen


    I love this block and your Christmas quilt along. Will defiinitely be following along. We have an ornament party every year and I think this might be a good gift for the loser of the exchange. Hope to see you again on SewWeQuilt.

  31. julie Avatar

    I love this block! I will applique it with hand embroidery and maybe some gold thread for the hanging strings. As I winter in a travel trailer in Mississippi and don’t have a tree, this block will be the next best thing when I’m jonesing to decorate!

  32. Paul Avatar

    Beautiful block. I am just starting Christmas stuff this week! Perfect timing to see this, I may just try it myself…


  33. Heather Avatar

    I’m one of your follower alongers! Thanks for this sweet tutorial. I just love the ornaments. I think they’d make a nice couple of rows in a quilt.

  34. Liz Renner Avatar
    Liz Renner

    I love the block, and thanks for the instructions. Nice and easy.

  35. Lisa Avatar

    I love this block! I am heading to your site RIGHT AWAY to get the pattern! This is so perfect for Christmas!
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for doing a giveaway!

  36. Kathleen S Avatar
    Kathleen S

    I am here from SM but I have been following the Christmas Blocks since it began with Pat Sloan…I am a follower and want to thank you for the tut on your Christmas block….I will definitely make a mini quilt…

  37. Kim McM Avatar
    Kim McM

    I am a new follower of Quilting Gallery. Found out about you from Mme. Samm. Thanks for the ornament tutorial. Cute!

  38. Mimi Avatar

    I just popped in from Madamme Samm’s. Your ornament wall hanging would be such a nice gift at Christmas. Thanks for sharing!1

  39. Mimi Avatar

    Oops, forgot to say that I was already a follower of Quilting Gallery.

  40. Lu Avatar

    Thank you Michele for sharing your cute tutorial at Sew We Quilt for this wantobe quilter. Will check out Quilting Gallery and sign on.



  42. LJ Avatar

    Hi, Michele,
    Your ornament square is darling and I am looking forward to using your pattern. Your blog looks like fun and I will be signing up for your newsletter, too.

  43. Bonnie Avatar

    What a cute block. I was looking for a Christmas project and this will be perfect. Thanks.

  44. Judy Liechte Avatar
    Judy Liechte

    Your Christmas ornament block is so cute. I hope to get it made for Christmas.

  45. Sherill Avatar

    This Christmas mini quilt is sooo cute! Thank you for the pattern. I’ll be hand appliquing it.

  46. Dana Avatar

    That is such a nice wall hanging. Thank you so much.

  47. Elizabeth Avatar

    Thanks for the opportunity to win these fabulous prizes. I am not sure where I register, but i wanted to say I enjoyed visiting your blog. Thanks, Elizabeth

  48. Jansie Avatar

    Your block is absolutely adorable!!! I will definitely be trying this. I am so glad to have found your site and your blog. Thanks M. Samm! 🙂

  49. Tamie Avatar

    Thanks for visiting Stash Manicure.

  50. Kelly Avatar

    Love the ornaments!! Visiting from Madame Samm.
    oshnpashn at gmail dot com

  51. Denise Briggs Avatar
    Denise Briggs

    I have been a lurker for quite some time..I have had you bookmarked on my daily blog stroll… I am an official follower thanks to Madamme Samm… and the opportunity to win! Thank you!

  52. Jennifer Gail Avatar
    Jennifer Gail

    I love the ornie block. It’s beautiful.

  53. Faye Nettles Avatar
    Faye Nettles

    I love the tut. Can’t leave here without signing up to follow your blog.

  54. Tina Avatar

    I am definitely going to try the Christmas ornaments quilt. Thanks for sharing with us over at Sew We Quilt giveaway.

  55. Leesa Gentry Avatar
    Leesa Gentry

    Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas Block with us. Having to add another project to my To Quilt List. After the Wantobe Campaign, Madame Samm and yourself i have a huge list my never get them all done but love to dream.

  56. Kat Avatar

    Love the block going to try to make the mini quilt :0)

  57. rosa Avatar

    I arrived Madame Samm and love your block,adorable.

  58. Anita Avatar

    Great giveaway. I love your Christmas applique design and it’s now on my must do list for this year. Thank you for sharing it.

  59. Marlene Avatar

    Lovely, lindo lindo!!
    Marlene from Brasil

  60. Dianne Giles Avatar
    Dianne Giles

    I love the Christmas Ornaments block! So festive. Thanks, Dianne

  61. Judy Avatar

    What a great small quilt! I will be making some of these for gifts for my friends and for my office. I would love to win. I am going to be checking on your blog often.

  62. daisy Avatar

    thanks for the block – its gorgeous

  63. Lori Genovario Avatar
    Lori Genovario

    Cute block. I saved it to make later. Will look great in a quilt!

  64. Susan rizzi Avatar
    Susan rizzi

    Love this pattern!

  65. Pam Sharpe Avatar
    Pam Sharpe

    Loved your post and the pattern – wonderful!

  66. evelyn Avatar

    I have been visisting for quite a while. Love your weekly gallery. Just came over from Sew we Quilt to say thanks for a great pattern and tutorial.

  67. Nancy Avatar

    Great post over on Stash Manicure Michele. I am really loving the quilt along blocks. Thanks so much. Hugs…

  68. Meghan Romeo Avatar
    Meghan Romeo

    Enjoyed your post over at Stash Manicure.

  69. Sallie Avatar

    I “wheelie” like your Christmas ornaments block!

  70. Toni Anne Avatar
    Toni Anne

    Thanks for being a guest on Madame Samm’s blog. I enjoyed your tutorial and I became a follower. ;->

  71. erin m. Avatar
    erin m.

    Very beautiful works, and gets me in the mood for Christmas.

  72. ozjane Avatar

    loved the block however when I tried to download was told it was irretrievably damaged. sobs.

  73. ozjane Avatar

    It did not like the side my nose was twitching too on the first run…it downloaded the second time.
    Thank you.

  74. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    Love the ornament block.

  75. AlthemeseB Avatar

    I came over from Sew We Quilt blog. Love your post today. Also, love your Christmas ornament block. It is beautiful. Thanks for the free pattern. I am now a follower on your blog.

  76. Karen O Avatar
    Karen O

    Love that block. I am not a big Christmas decoration person, but I can picture that mini quilt on my wall. Thank you so much for the tutorial and pattern.

  77. Jane Avatar

    Love the ornament block. Thanks for posting. Christmas is right around the corner!!

  78. Margaret Parks Avatar
    Margaret Parks

    Dear Michelle,
    So glad that you were the guest at Stash Manicure. Isn’t Madame Samm great?
    I love your ornaments block! So cheery and I LOVE Christmas!
    I am following your blog now and want to say thanks for sharing

  79. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    I’ve been following the Celebrate Christmas blog a long. Your block is really nice. Thanks.

  80. CJ Avatar

    Great quilting block! Love it. Thanks for the share and good luck to anyone, including me for the giveaway! 🙂

  81. Deborah in Atlanta Avatar
    Deborah in Atlanta

    I’m visiting from Madame Samm’s, and just love your Chrismas block. Can’t wait to try to make it.

  82. pam Duxbury Avatar
    pam Duxbury

    I’m visiting from Maddame Samm’s also and love your blog.

  83. MarciaW Avatar

    Thanks for the lovely post with tutorial for your block at sewwequilt. I already follow/subscribe to your blog.

  84. Pauline Avatar

    Thanks you for organizing the ‘Celebrate Christmas Quilt Along’ The blocks are wonderful….love your ‘Quilting Ornaments’ block!….(o:

  85. JJ Avatar

    Your ornament block it way cute. Thank you for sharing.

  86. LeslieG Avatar

    What a great tutorial. I love the block/quilt. It matches my good friend’s style perfectly so I think I will make her a little kit to put together for her December birthday.
    Thanks for sharing.

  87. Carmen Avatar

    Love your block, it’s so pretty.

  88. Terry Avatar

    Visiting from Sew We Quilt…enjoyed your tutorial and love the block.

  89. Nancy B Avatar
    Nancy B

    I’m a new follower from Sew We Quilt. Thanks for your participation today and I love your ornament block. So pretty.

  90. Nikki Avatar

    Thank you for your guest appearance on Sew We Quilt – I love the tutorial!

  91. Marika Avatar

    csodálatos szép blok karácsonyi szeretem elkészíteni köszönöm lehetőséget

  92. Darice Avatar

    Loving your site! Christmas…yeah!! Thanks for the awesome tutorial and the great giveaway too. I am pretty new, but I did just finish machine quilting my first quilt tonight! Whew! Maybe if I start Christmas projects now, they’ll be done in time? Wish me luck!

  93. Pat V. Avatar
    Pat V.

    I really like this block, I’ll be checking out all the others as well. So glad Madame Samm sent me over!

  94. Mary Farley Avatar
    Mary Farley

    Look forward to trying this block over the next week or so. Love the entire site.

  95. Arlene Avatar

    Love the blog and the give away looks super

  96. Susan Clark Avatar
    Susan Clark

    Love the blog & blocks that are being posted and looks like a great give away!

  97. Kim Struthers Avatar
    Kim Struthers

    Wonderful Block! Thanks so much for sharing!

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