Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters

Here’s Block 33 of our Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along. One Special Star has been designed by Jacquelynne Steves. Our friends at Shabby Fabrics have two gorgeous fabric collections at 40% off for you to enjoy too.

Super Deal from Shabby Fabrics

Shabby Fabrics

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Shabby Fabrics is an online quilt shop specializing in beautiful fabrics, quilt kits, patterns, and Block of the Month programs. They are also a pattern design company and currently have over 40 designs in print.

Today’s Super Deal:

Our Super Deal this week is 40% Off Fairfield and Panier de Fleurs. To receive these savings, enter coupon code TURKEY40 on the View Cart page before checking out. Coupon expires December 4, 2011.

The Super Deal this week is 40% Off Fairfield and Panier de Fleurs. To receive these savings, enter coupon code TURKEY40 on the View Cart page before checking out. Coupon expires December 4, 2011.


Panier de Fleurs

Featured Designer: Jacquelynne Steves

Jacquelynne Steves

Web site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Email

What is your quilting style?

As a painter, I draw a lot. That carries over into my quilting. I love applique because I always feel like a quilt isn’t complete until it has some sort of little flower or bird on it somewhere. I do a lot of machine applique because it’s fast, and I’ve gotten really good at it. I wish people weren’t so intimidated by it- it just takes a little practice. I have a tutorial on my website.

I like colors that are vibrant and deeply saturated. And I like a lot of contrast in my quilts – I especially love the “pop” of a bright against a dark background (like brown or navy), or a light background (I prefer the warmth of ivory or cream to white) .

How did you get started quilting and/or designing?

My mom and grandmother taught me how to sew, but neither of them quilted. One day I was out having lunch with a friend and we saw a sign in a quilt shop for a class, and we thought it would be a great way to get out of the house once a week. So it began purely as a social outing, but of course, after just one class I was hooked! I loved all of the pretty fabrics! Being someone who never follows directions, my second quilt was of my own design, and after a while, I figured if I was making up my own designs, I might as well write them down so someone else could also enjoy them. I have painted watercolors for many years, so when the opportunity to design fabric with Henry Glass came along, it was the perfect way for me to combine two things that I really enjoy – painting and quilting.

Do you have a favourite quilt?

That is a really hard question – I like them all for different reasons….. I would say that Spring Fling is in my top 5 because it definitely represents “me”. It has lots of half square triangles and a machine appliqued border. I love the green in it- and it is one of the first quilts I made with the very first fabric line that I ever designed (Sewing Room Social), so that quilt design is near and dear to my heart.

Spring Fling

Quick and fun questions:

  • Favourite colour: Red and pink
  • What part of the quilting process do you like the most? Designing and playing – choosing the colors and fabrics.
  • What part of the quilting process do you dislike the most? Cutting!!!
  • Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, or: all of them. I love them all.
  • Most exciting place you’ve travelled: I’ve been to England twice to visit my husband’s family, and I loved it! The castles, the countryside, the little villages…… It felt like a second home to me.
  • Favourite quote or mantra:
    “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
    If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
    If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
    Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
    For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
    -Mother Teresa

Block 33 – Jacquelynne’s One Special Star

Here’s Jacquelynne’s One Special Star block. Head over to Jacquelynne’s blog to view the photo tutorial.

One Special Star

Share Your Photos

sheep buttons

Upload your completed blocks to our Flickr group for a chance to win some adorable buttons from Button Mad – Incomparable Buttons. One winner for each of our quilt-along blocks will be randomly chosen. You have three weeks to complete Jacquelynne’s One Special Star block to be eligible to win.

Quilt-Along Links

Please share the Quilt-Along graphic on your own blog. The more participants, the more FUN!

Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters

<a href="http://quiltinggallery.com/quilters-fun/celebrate-christmas/"><img src="http://quiltinggallery.com/images/celebrate-christmas-125.jpg" alt="Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters" width="125" height="125" border="0" /></a>

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