Share the Link Love … Add a graphic to your blog
Thanks for helping to promote the Quilting Gallery web site. I appreciate your support!
Please feel free to use the images below on your own web site or blog. The code beside each image can be copied and pasted directly into your web site. Tip: In some browsers, if you click three times with your mouse inside the code block, the entire block will be selected at once for you to copy.
White background, width: 180px, height: 68px
<a href="" title="Quilting Gallery"><img width="180" height="68" border="0" src="" alt="Quilting Gallery Logo" /></a>

White background, width: 150px, height: 57px
<a href="" title="Quilting Gallery"><img width="150" height="57" border="0" src="" alt="Quilting Gallery Logo" /></a>

Yellow background with black border, 125px square
<a href="" title="Quilting Gallery"><img width="125" height="125" border="0" src="" alt="Quilting Gallery Logo" /></a>

Mishka’s Playground – My Quilting designs and patterns, 125px square
<a href="" title="Mishka’s Playground"><img width="125" height="125" border="0" src="" alt="Mishka’s Playground" /></a>

White background, width: 180px, height: 70px
<a href="" title="Quilting Bloggers"><img width="180" height="70" border="0" src="" alt="Quilting Bloggers Logo" /></a>

Coloured background with gold border, 125px square
<a href="" title="Quilting Bloggers"><img width="125" height="125" border="0" src="" alt="Quilting Bloggers Logo" /></a>

If you have a Blogger/Blogspot blog, please see How to Add a Logo to Blogger/Blogspot for instructions. For help with sites, see this tutorial on text widgets and for TypePad blogs, see this tutorial.
Note: Graphics above have been optimized for web use. If you require a print-ready graphic, please contact me.