Postage Stamp Quilt

The past few weeks, I have been sorting fabrics, and attempting to make sense out of my scraps. I’ve been cutting pieces smaller than a fat quarter into more useful pieces for some upcoming projects.

One of the quilts I want to make for myself is a scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt. It will be totally random with 1.5″ finished pieces. I’ll start piecing these together as leaders/enders, while I work on other projects.

Over the weekend, I started doing the math, to get a rough idea of how many 2″ unfinished squares I’ll need. For a 40″ x 60″ lap/wall quilt, I’ll need 1,040. For a 50″ x 70″ lap quilt to cuddle under, I’ll need 1,380 pieces. Wow!

Here’s what I’ve got so far:


Two things come to mind immediately: 1) I don’t have anywhere near enough fabric cut and 2) I need a larger box. Without having counted what’s there, I’m guessing 150 to 200 pieces.

I’ve limited myself to only four of one print, though I may change my mind about this as time goes on. I need 260 or 345 different fabrics.

Do you know where this is going?

Anyone interested in exchanging 2″ pieces? I have lots of 2″ extras cut and lots of charms at 5″ too if you prefer those instead. This would be a one-to-one swap, I’m not organizing anything fancy. If you’d like to contribute to my postage stamp quilt, you’ll find my mailing address on the contact page.

A couple notes:

  • I need reds, pinks, greys and light blues, but really anything is fine.
  • No more than 4 of one print, please. Less is fine too.
  • Accurate 2″ squares of good quality, 100% cotton fabric.

If you want to drop me an email to let me know they are coming, that would be great, so I can make sure I have enough to return to you. If you don’t want any in return, thanks!!

12 responses to “Postage Stamp Quilt”

  1. Vicki W Avatar

    Bummer – I recently gave away a box of 2″ squares!
    .-= Vicki W’s latest post: Busy Busy Weekend =-.

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Bummer is right… oh well. I figure it’ll take me 6 months or so to gather the fabrics. I have other projects I’m working on in the meantime.

  3. Peggi Avatar

    You’re very brave. 🙂

    For a while, I was addicted to buying 2″ squares off eBay. Now I’m using them in small quilts to donate to an animal shelter. Somehow I’m just not accurate enough to make anything larger with them. 🙁

  4. threeundertwo Avatar

    They look so pretty in that box! I have such an overflowing bin of scraps that I really need to cut them up. I’ve been meaning to do a starters/enders project too. I like your 4 of a kind rule.

    For piecing – have you tried fork pins? Peggi’s comment reminded me that they’re great for matching together perfect seams. I learned about them from another blogger. I got some from Connecting Threads.
    .-= threeundertwo’s latest post: The Hoarder in My House =-.

  5. Mishka Avatar

    I ordered some fork pins, hopefully they’ll arrive soon. Someone else emailed me, and she did hers with 4,000 pieces. She did hers in blocks as opposed to strips. It was easier to handle that way I guess.

  6. Phaedra Avatar

    If I knew where to send them; I have a bazillion fabrics that I have been doing primitive applique baby quilts. I could cut some 2″ pieces and zip them along to you if you would like.

  7. Teresa/MarieSews Avatar

    I had not heard of a postage stamp quilt before. What a great way to use scraps! AND my Dad was a letter carrier for many years AND a stamp collector. He is 93 and will be 94 this November. You have just solved my problem of what to get/make him for his birthday – a postage stamp quilt. THANK YOU.

    I will be happy to send you some 2″ squares. I will go through my scraps this weekend and see what I can come up with to send to you and to start my own collection. I have till November 5th to get this done – should be doable, maybe, I think. May have to shift some other things down the to-do list.

  8. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Teresa,

    That would be a great gift for your dad. If you search google (or even Flickr), you can find several layouts for postage stamp quilts. I’m not planning any design or sashing in mine, but I might change my mind.


  9. Mary Avatar

    I have made a few queen size postage stamp quilts with Two Inch squares, may attempt a ONE inch square one yet. DEFINATELY sew them in blocks, not rows! The neat thing is your corners do not have to match up perfectly, as the quilt is so ‘busy’ no one will notice!

    Good luck on my blog drawing for two inch squares!
    -Mary, The Curious Quilter

  10. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Mary,

    Yes, I am sewing mine in blocks too. 8×8 which works out to 12.5″ blocks. I can then Best Press them and square them up before attaching to others.


  11. Ann Marie Avatar
    Ann Marie

    I hope to see some photos of some work in progress soon, I am getting ready to start one of these myself to clear out all the little scraps I have.

  12. Cassy Avatar

    Did anyone attempt this over the holiday? I had the wonderful plan of putting something like this together for my sister, but quickly learned that I’m not nearly as skilled as I imagined!

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