The past few weeks, I have been sorting fabrics, and attempting to make sense out of my scraps. I’ve been cutting pieces smaller than a fat quarter into more useful pieces for some upcoming projects.
One of the quilts I want to make for myself is a scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt. It will be totally random with 1.5″ finished pieces. I’ll start piecing these together as leaders/enders, while I work on other projects.
Over the weekend, I started doing the math, to get a rough idea of how many 2″ unfinished squares I’ll need. For a 40″ x 60″ lap/wall quilt, I’ll need 1,040. For a 50″ x 70″ lap quilt to cuddle under, I’ll need 1,380 pieces. Wow!
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
Two things come to mind immediately: 1) I don’t have anywhere near enough fabric cut and 2) I need a larger box. Without having counted what’s there, I’m guessing 150 to 200 pieces.
I’ve limited myself to only four of one print, though I may change my mind about this as time goes on. I need 260 or 345 different fabrics.
Do you know where this is going?
Anyone interested in exchanging 2″ pieces? I have lots of 2″ extras cut and lots of charms at 5″ too if you prefer those instead. This would be a one-to-one swap, I’m not organizing anything fancy. If you’d like to contribute to my postage stamp quilt, you’ll find my mailing address on the contact page.
A couple notes:
- I need reds, pinks, greys and light blues, but really anything is fine.
- No more than 4 of one print, please. Less is fine too.
- Accurate 2″ squares of good quality, 100% cotton fabric.
If you want to drop me an email to let me know they are coming, that would be great, so I can make sure I have enough to return to you. If you don’t want any in return, thanks!!
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