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Arlo’s Quilt By: LizA., Washington, USA
This quilt was made for our Dalmatian, Arlo. While camping one time we caught him all curled up on the bed in our VW bus with the edge of a quilt in his mouth, trying to figure out how to cover himself with it. He knows it’s HIS quilt & insists on being covered with it when he’s on the couch.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"
Boris and Natasha: The Yin-Yang Kittens By: Wendy L Starn, Louisiana, USA
In early 2000, we acquired litter mates Boris and Natasha. While not strays, they were the babies of a stray kitten adopted by friends. They were always aware of each other’s location in the house, and enjoyed hanging out together. Sadly, Natasha died of feline cancer in 2006, but Boris lives on.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Cat stitchery By: Anna, Sweden
“You can own a dog, but you must serve a cat” says this stitchery (pattern from That’s a brilliant description of everyday life with two cats. Hand stitched, machine pieced, machine quilted wall hanging finished in 2010.
Quilt size: width: 8,5" height: 28"
Cats for Diane By: Doodlebug Gail, Ontario, Canada
I made this quilt for my sister, Diane, while she was in the final stages of a Brain Tumor. She loved cats and my DD (3 at the time) helped me to select the fabrics for this quilt – each of the 16 cats is made from a different cat fabric. I have put more photos on my Blog.
Quilt size: width: 41" height: 42"
Charity Pinwheels By: SheilaC, New Hampshire, USA
This is my cat Hunter on a lap quilt that I made for a charity raffle. The raffle was to benefit the Childrens Hospital that saved my friend’s son’s life. He was born more than 3 months premature, and thanks to their hard work is now a healthy 6 year old. Hunter sure loved this quilt!
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"
Daddy’s Lil Girl By: Lynn Reyes, Oregon, USA
I made this for my Dad for Fathers Day. It very much resembles his little girl “Teena” now that my Sister and I are grown.
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 46"
Dog Scraps By: Marie Dellapiazza, Pennsylvania, USA
I made this after I saw the work of Therese May. The sheepdog wasn’t mine, but I was inspired by one named Jake that belonged to a friend. He isn’t with her any longer and I hope to make another quilt like this to give to her for her retirement gift. I promised this one to my granddaughter.
Quilt size: width: 32" height: 35"
Dogs By: Katrien Pattyn, Belgium
I made this dogquilt for the 18th birthday of my son,he loves dogs.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 75"
Floating Flowers By: Hilde Hoogwaerts, Netherlands
This quilt is one of my favorites. The colorful Floating Flowers is a design from the One-Block-Wonder book. Made out of one kind of fabric which is used in the border as well. Every time I lay out a quilt on the floor my little Schnauzer wants to snuggle on top. This is only a part of the quilt.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 75"
Grandpa & Missy By: Norma Bosley, Ohio, USA
The picture I choose did not have my quilt in it, but I framed the pic with my “Garden of Hearts” quilt. Grandpa went to the retirement home at the age of 90 and he hadn’t seen Missy, our Bull Mastiff since May. I took this picture in September and as you can see, Missy really loves her Grandpa.
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 45 1/2"
Gunnr By: LuAnn Kessi, Oregon, USA
Gunnr is a 4 year old boxer that keeps us smiling and makes us laugh every day. This quilt was created from a photo I took of Gunnr. I used Neocolors II crayons on fabric and Paintstik Oil Paints for the background, then quilted it. Click blog link above for more info.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 16"
il viaggio By: mteresaq, Italy
silk freehand drawing and patchwork. In memory of my father
Quilt size: width: 80 CM" height: 100 CM"
Jackson’s dog quilt By: Mary in MO, Missouri, USA
This quilt is made with pictures of the family dogs printed on fabric. My daughter commissioned the quilt for Jackson’s third birthday. His Mom sent the pics and chose the fabric. It is now 4 years old, and sees a lot of use by both Jackson and the dogs whose photos are in it. Well loved!
Quilt size: width: 58" height: 64"
Jelly Roll Quilt – with the girls By: Girls & the Quilt, Manitoba, Canada
Jelly Roll quilt – pattern from Quilter Magazine. Made with Moda Fresh Cotton. First time on the bed and a pad put out for the dogs, but they preferred actually being ON the quilt. 🙁
Quilt size: width: 92" height: 92"
Luci Quilt By: Jan-Maree Ball, Australia
My mother’s most treasured possession and companion was her white chihuahua, Luci. I bought 4m of fabric to get the 16 chihuahuas I needed for this quilt. Mum loved it. Now she is gone, and I have it back. My dog Maisy sits on it on her chair, next to me when I am hand sewing and I love it too.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"
Mizzo’s meows By: Manoli, Spain
This quilt was the first applique quilt when I started in the patchwork some years ago. I always thought that this would be for my first grandchild but, today I have no grandchildren yet, so still waiting
Quilt size: width: 57" height: 38"
Northern Lights By: Penny Globe, Ontario, Canada
This is Hunter who always had to be involved in what ever the project. Most days when I would return from work, I had to pick up any available quilt off the floor. He always had to have a comfortable spot to sleep. I still really miss him. This picture is Hunter helping with the bias tape.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 85"
Nosy Rosy By: Squeek, Louisiana, USA
My Arizona Grandmother had a beautiful Calico cat. When Nosy Rosy passed away, I made this quilt for Grandma. She still gets to sleep with her beloved cat every night.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
Pepper’s Quilt By: Marnie Brush, Virginia, USA
I made this quilt using blocks from a panel for a fabric book about dogs and The Humane Society. I put a silhouette of my dog Pepper in one of the blocks.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 58"
Pet Paws By: Fun & Comfort Quilts, Washington, USA
I often lay out my quilts on the living room floor. If the cats walk around it, I know that there’s something wrong with my design. Sometimes they really have fun with my quilts!
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Pete By: sheila Craigie, Australia
Made for No1 Son when he left home to further his horizons. We had 3 cats and he missed them. This quilt was made in Australia and has been hung in New Zealand and Tawain. Pattern by Michelle Steel of Holland Park Qld.Aus. but slightly adapted to make it personal. Pete was a stray adopted in NZ
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"
Punkin in the Sun By: Carrie Dunn, Michigan, USA
I took a picture of my cat Punkin when she was outside at the moment she looked up at the sun and it was such a sweet picture I wanted to try to do it in fabric and threads.. This is an ongoing project and I am not finished, but wanted to submit for others to see. Thank you!
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Purple Pride By: Elsie Campbell, Kansas, USA
Cats and quilts go together like bread and butter. When photographing quilts for my String Quilts book, I couldn’t keep Sally off the quilts, so we snapped a few with her on them. This is my favorite Sally the Cat portrait on the Purple Pride string quilt.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 90"
Shiny Bubbles By: Gerrie, Oregon, USA
I snapped a photo of my grandchildren blowing bubbles. Our Jack Russel Terrier, Maggie, was jumping up and popping the bubbles. I had to turn it into a quilt.
Part of the childrens bodies and Maggie are manipulated photos printed on fabric.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 37"
Stars and Stripes Allover By: Darlene, Ohio, USA
My quilt “Stars and Stripes Allover” is inspired by a quilt called Stars Galore by Sally Murray which is published in the Quilts on American Barns book by Eleanor Burns. This is also the first I designed in EQ7 and the first patriotic quilt I have made. Garfield really likes this quilt also.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"
There’s a Bear In There… By: Sarka, Australia
I once saw the design on the internet and have been saying for years that I would give quilting a go so I finally did it and made my first proper quilt. Im not sure if I fit the theme but my cat Merlin loves to sleep on it and it is a bear paw quilt so figured I might be able to enter.
Quilt size: width: 75" height: 90"
Wishing for Spring By: Tammy, Utah, USA
This looks like my cat, up in a tree, waiting for spring to come and the return of birds and warmth. During winter, He really misses the good weather, and so do I! I made this quilt using fake fur, ultrasuede, suede yarn, cotton fabrics and thread painting.
Quilt size: width: 22.5" height: 27.5"
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