Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome to the Quilting Gallery last week. I am so happy to have quilting friends all over the world. My Facebook friends say their day is not complete until they get their Milo fix! You can follow my mom and me here. She posts a daily photo of me.

Our friends over at Generation Q Magazine have invited me to participate in their Oh Thank Cuteness! fun. You can write your own cuteness post to participate and link it up over there too.


Last week was filled with lots of adventures. I got to meet three of my Aunties. SuzeMuse brought me this great toy that I play with all the time.


My Auntie Gailene came over for lots of cuddles. I was really tired and not the best host as I fell asleep.

Milo Gailene

Auntie Viviane came over on Saturday and we went to the Mall to meet the funny guy in a red suit. I had to make sure I got on Santa’s good puppy list before I start doing naughty things.

Milo Santa

Waiting my turn to see Santa.



Special delivery from the North Pole.


This is my crate, I sleep in here at night and when my mom has to go out. I really like it in here and I go in by myself most times.

Milo crate

I like sleeping in my bed too while mom’s working.


Big yawn!


Here I am wearing my Harley Davidson shirt, but my mom lost it, so now I have to wear my coat, which I hate. Mom found this really cute fleece coat pattern, and she’s going to try to make me a new coat… it’s gotten COLD up here in Ottawa.

Milo Harley

Mom’s working on a scrappy wonky log cabin quilt that will be donated to Victoria’s Basics quilt drive. I helped test out the softness.


You can really see how tiny I am in this picture. The finished blocks, with black sashings are 9″ square.


Yesterday, I started going in the elevator by myself. Mom’s so proud of me, but she says now I need to learn manners to let people off the elevator before I get on. That will be next week’s lesson.

I hope you enjoyed my first blog hop appearance. Don’t forget to head over to Generation Q and share your Cuteness!.


8 responses to “Oh Thank Cuteness – Milo’s Adventures”

  1. Mary Avatar

    What a great way to end the evening. He is so cute. He is the personification of “puppy dog eyes”. Thanks for the update.

  2. leanne Avatar

    OMG – milo you are just soooo cute – thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to post 🙂

  3. evelyn Avatar

    Cutie pa tooty. The camera loves Milo. ( I think he loves the camera too! LOl)

  4. Rachel Avatar

    Oh! Milo! How very handsome you are! Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  5. Sherry Avatar

    Absolutely precious. What breed are you Milo, not that it matters. ; ) Maybe someday I could find a little one as cute as you to help me make quilts.

  6. Victoria Avatar

    Thanks milo for testing the SOFTNESS of the BASICS quilt!!! That is so important!!! Thanks for bring so cute!!!

  7. Sara Avatar

    Milo, you really are a bundle of cuteness!

  8. Mitts Avatar

    Michele, your Milo is darling. I lost my precious Mitzji this pst March and miss her so very, very much. She was the best of all of my 4 legged companions I ever had, she was 15 when she had to leave me. This little fellow is so sweet, thank you for sharing him with all of your fans.

    In Seeley’s Bay, Ontario

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