My Postage Stamp Quilt

It started as this, 50 or so lonely 2″ squares in a box:


Cutting scraps, it became this, about 150 squares:


Not enough! So back in January 2010, I asked quilting friends around the world to exchange squares with me. Then I had this:


And the sewing began:


The first 16 blocks:


Time to open Electric Quilt and plan the design:

drawing postage stamp quilt

Fourteen more blocks needed to complete the quilt. More sewing, ironing, pinning:

52 strips

Blocks complete, time to add the sashing strips:


Two rows attached:

The completed top, so far:


Pretty colours:


The scrappy back:


The details:

  • 2″ cut squares, finishing at 1.5″
  • 8×8 rows per block, or 64 squares, finishing at 12″
  • 30 blocks = 1,920 squares
  • Missing from photos: 3″ light green border still to be added
  • Sashing strips and cornerstones finish at 0.75″, cut at 1.25″
  • Finished size: ~70″ x 83″
  • Back is 72 – 10″ (finished) squares

I have been called both crazy and insane this weekend as I’ve shared the photos on Facebook and Twitter while putting this top together. I’d have to agree.

Even though it hasn’t been quilted and bound yet, I have no doubt this will be my favourite quilt for many years to come.

I’m not sure how it happened, but this is what’s still in my box of 2″ squares:


I think they multiply as I sleep! I’m going to have to come up with another pattern for using these up, but that’s for another year!!

Linking up this post here:

36 responses to “My Postage Stamp Quilt”

  1. Jamie Kalvestran Avatar

    Fabulous post! I love scrap quilts especially simple ones.

  2. Jackie Avatar

    Just beautiful! Fabulous post!

  3. carrie bake Avatar

    I love your work u truly inspire me to keep going*****=)

  4. Lise Avatar

    WOW…love it..and that’s a lot of work for sure….amazing work Michelle…I so love scrappy quilts…..

  5. Debbe Avatar

    You aren’t crazy nor insane. It is lovely! I must admit, I have a medium flat rate box, full of 2.5″ squares… The 1100 I used for hexagons, didn’t even put a dent in it…

  6. sara Avatar

    Love your quilt….it really turned out beautiful…

  7. Mary Avatar

    Your quilt is fabulous!!! The blue sashing really sets it off. I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a long time. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  8. Deborah Avatar

    Beautiful! Inspiring! Amazing! Stupendous!!
    Awesome, Michele.
    Hugs, Deborah

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Looks fabulous! What are you going to do with the rest of the squares? A matching one ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations!!!

  10. Annie Avatar

    Love the pictorial and it will be one of your favourites

  11. Judith Blinkenberg Avatar
    Judith Blinkenberg

    Wow, you have so much patience for these little squares. The quilt shows real beauty though and I can see why it would be your favorite. Thank you for the instructions.

  12. Shelly Pagliai Avatar

    What a lot of work! I think it really will end up being one of your favorites ever!

  13. Pennie Avatar

    Absolutely lovely quilt. Very inspiring, although it might take me some time to do enough sewing to have enough scraps to make up THAT many small squares. Can’t wait to see the finished quilt.

  14. pat Avatar

    Hi I love the quilt.

    I making one just like it out of the same size blocks.

    It is all scrappy too.
    I keep cutting and sewing too.

  15. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    So many squares. It looks amazing!!

  16. Mareenchen Avatar

    Wow, insane indeed! Pretty terrifying amount of work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Mickey Kelly White Avatar
    Mickey Kelly White

    I don’t think that your are crazy or insane ; it’s gorgeous and you are artisitc !! ( there is a fine line between the 2 sometimes !!! ) I love postage stamps quilts but feel I’ll never try one unless I make the stamps a lot bigger !!! Great work ; both sides are awesome , indeed !!!!

  18. Laura Avatar

    Love the quilt! All of those squares make it so interesting, and you’ll have fun remembering the exchange everytime you look at your quilt. Wonderful indeed!

  19. Deborah Avatar

    FABulous quilt! What a great endeavor! Love it! Take care. Deb.

  20. Judy Nichols Avatar
    Judy Nichols

    wow what fun and work at the same time. You’re so very clever and brave to tackle such a project thanks for sharing Judy

  21. Toni in Oregon Avatar

    Love your postage stamp! I just don’t have the nerve…or maybe it’s patience. Great job!

  22. Michelle @ Little Peanut Avatar
    Michelle @ Little Peanut

    This is incredible! I’m working on a postage stamp quilt right now, too, though I’m nowhere near completion yet. Have you checked out the Festival of Scrappiness going on over at Stitched in Color right now? Here’s the link:

  23. Lotte Avatar

    Wow, that’s fantastic!

  24. Rachel at Stitched in Color Avatar

    They surely do multiply while we sleep. Still, quite an accomplishment here!

  25. Carla Avatar

    It’s fabulous! Great backing too

  26. Patti Avatar

    Absolutely breath-taking!

  27. Sunni @ Love Affair Avatar

    This is definitely an heirloom that will be handed down for many many years. It’s just beautiful. Darn you for adding another “To do” on my list!

  28. Joylene Avatar

    What a fab way to use up all those scrappy bits of material, very inspiring.

  29. Maggie Avatar

    It looks great. I’ve currently got several hundred – maybe even several thousand 2″ squares (haven’t counted lated). My plan is to make a hexagon quilt with them but I know I’ll have lots left over and so you’ve given me an idea of what to do next! I hadn’t thought of asking others for a contribution – what a great idea!

  30. Erica Avatar

    I love your postage stamp quilt! Well done, this is definitely a family heirloom!!!

  31. shirley Avatar

    incredible !!! Looks like fun for a beginner, Could we do this for us folks that sign up for as newbys. I have some fabric I will never do anything with but would love some squares.

  32. landscapelady Avatar

    Wow! I saw this a few days ago and loved it, but didn’t realize all the squares came from other quilters! How special is that – wonderful! This will truly be your most priceless quilt.

  33. Sandra Courtemanche Avatar
    Sandra Courtemanche

    Thanks for sharing with others,I did make this quilt 2 years ago,when I was a co-ordinator of our quilt guild,everyone was giving me their leftover 2 inch squares,,What to do with them,.Community quilts,AND FIRE VICTIMS,.they were delighted with them.Again thanks for the reminder.

  34. Terry Straubel Avatar

    I can’t even imagine all this time and work. Beautiful. Congratulations.

  35. K. M. Kim Jones Avatar

    What a WONDERFUL quilt to lay under and just browse with your eyes the different patches.

    Did you know, when you go up and down and all around to focus on different things…you actually are doing an eye exercise designed to strengthen your eye muscles! Yes!!!

    I really have to make one of these…need some REAL time with just me, my machine and my stash. Left over??? Make a a couple pillow shams! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Kim โ™ฅ

  36. Mom Avatar

    It is truly a work of art. I love the colours and the binding. LOL Mom

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