Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop

Welcome to my special day for the Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop celebrating the release of Marie Bostwick’s latest book.

Between Heaven and Texas

I have been a huge fan of Marie’s Cobbled Court Quilt Series since the very beginning. Last year, I helped celebrate the release of her fifth book in that series, Ties that Bind, and was delighted when she asked me to organize another blog hop for her new book. Over the coming 10 days, I hope you will enjoy visiting the talented designers, entering their give-aways and making their star-themed quilt blocks.

Here’s the line-up:

Monday, April 29 – Marie Bostwick – Marie’s block is here: Mirror-Mirror Star
Tuesday, April 30 – Michele – Quilting Gallery
Wednesday, May 1 – Bonnie – Quiltville
Thursday, May 2 – Pat – Pat Sloan
Thursday, May 2 – Kim – Persimon Dreams
Friday, May 3 – Melissa – Happy Quilting
Saturday, May 4 – Jo – Jo’s Country Junction
Sunday, May 5 – Wendy – Ivory Spring
Monday, May 6 – Victoria – Bumble Beans Inc.
Tuesday, May 7 – Vicki – Quilting Lodge Blog
Wednesday, May 8 – Melissa/Jake – Generation Q Magazine
Thursday, May 9 – Jennifer – Sew Hooked
Friday, May 10 – Jackie – Canton Village Quilt Works

Also, I do hope you’ll also make an extra block or two to send to Jennifer of Sew Hooked, as she’ll be putting together the blocks into quilts for The Linus Connection. More info here on this charity initiative.

We have a Flickr group set up for you to share your completed blocks and you can follow along on Facebook too.

Like all of Marie’s books, Between Heaven and Texas succeeded in sucking me right into it. I’d been rearranging furniture and doing Spring cleaning on the weekend, when I went to take a 15 minute break. Four hours later, the book was complete and the house cleaning was not. Of course, the book left me wanting more, and I’ll be eagerly waiting the next addition to this new series.

Star of Hope

Here’s my free block tutorial: Star of Hope.


Download the free block tutorial here!


I have a copy of Marie’s book to give away to one of my blog visitors in North America. If you’d like a chance to win, leave a comment below answering What’s the last book you read or audio book you listened to? I’ll randomly pick a winner on Sunday, May 5th.

200 responses to “My Free Block: Star of Hope”

  1. margo Avatar

    a very nice block

  2. Donna Sheffer Avatar
    Donna Sheffer

    Love this block! A friend just introduced me to Marie Bostwick. The last book I read was “A Single Thread”.

  3. Joey Strange Avatar
    Joey Strange

    The last book I read was “Forever” by Paul Tripp. It wasn’t a quilting book. I need to get back into quilting again. Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. Karen Avatar

    Vince Flynn’s “Transfer of Power” a Mitch Rapp stand alone series – I like all variety’s of books.

  5. Mary Bailey Avatar
    Mary Bailey

    I just finished Marie Bostwick’s A Single Thread last night. I’ve already started the 2nd book.

    Nice star pattern.

  6. Joyce Avatar

    I have been a big fan of the “ELM CREEK QUILT SERIES” AND HAVE UP TO BOOK 19.
    I have not read Marie’s books but would love to , sounds like my kind of books.

  7. Lou Avatar

    I am reading the Yada Yada Prayer group series…not sure which book I am on but check them out!

  8. Kathy Romans Avatar
    Kathy Romans

    Last book I read was Marie’s “A Thread to Thin”. I am really enjoying the whole series.

  9. Vicki S Avatar
    Vicki S

    Great block! The last book I read was Sidonia’s Thread. It’s the true story of a Holocaust survivor who came to America with her smalll daughter and spent her life as a seamstress.

  10. Nancy Kindlund Avatar
    Nancy Kindlund

    Would love to win this, will buy it otherwise, for sure! Right now, reading, “Down the Darkest Road” by Tami Hoag. Have all Marie’s books love them!

  11. Linda Avatar

    The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson

  12. Carol J Avatar
    Carol J

    This book sounds like it would be a good read – I have not read any of the books in this series either… feel like I have missed something lol. The last book I read was ‘The Borgia Mistress’ by Sara Poole. Thank you for sharing the book and your lovely block with us!

  13. Carol Hyatt Avatar
    Carol Hyatt

    I love the idea of the star block hop in conjunction with Marie Bostwick new book. I love all of her books. The latest book I read was “A Week in Winter” by Maeve Binchy.

  14. Judy1522 Avatar

    I am currently reading Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove series on my kindle. The last one I read is the third in the series and I am waiting to borrow the 4th from the e-library. I don’t think I have read a Marie Bostwick novel yet but will be looking for her books as they are definitley my kind of book.

  15. Ruth Kingscott Avatar
    Ruth Kingscott

    My last book was Audio – “What the Cat Saw” a Nela Farley Series by Carolyn Hart.

    I like like to listen to audio books while I quilt.

  16. Tiffany Avatar

    Last book I read was Beautiful Creatures.

  17. Julie Avatar

    I love Marie’s books:)

  18. Susan Avatar

    The last book I read was “The DaVinci Code” by Dan Brown, am now reading “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin. Have read all of Marie’s books, plus someone mentioned the Elm Creek series, read them all.

  19. Debbie Rogowski Avatar
    Debbie Rogowski

    I just finished (I know I’m behind) The Help. I ‘read’ it on audio book cd. This is a wonderful audio book as it is much different than others I read. It is read by a few of the actors who played in the movie so that you get a feel of the different charactors. Now I can watch the movie. I always love to read the books first. It’s so much easier on long trips to have a long book handy or times when you are stitching and want to multitask :). I’d love to start this one soon too

  20. Anna Russell Avatar
    Anna Russell

    Well I don’t know what to do. Work is getting in the way of quilting and reading but it does support my habits.

  21. Eileen Keane Avatar

    Love the block! It goes well with Marie’s block from yesterday.
    Thanks for doing the giveaway!! Marie’s books are a treasure.

  22. kate Avatar

    I am currently reading “Drop Dead Healthy” by AJ Jacobs. Another interesting book by the author of “A Year of Living Biblically”

  23. Jeanne Avatar

    Really nice block, Last book I read was Arkansa Traveller by Earlene Fowler. (Love her character Benni Harper)

  24. Party Happel Avatar
    Party Happel

    The last book I read was The Advocate by Teresa Burrell. Love Marie’s books. Thanks for the chance to win one

  25. Nell Dwyer Avatar
    Nell Dwyer

    Susan Mallery’s-“Three Sisters” my quilt “Two Hearts in Love” was featured on her Blog from her Fool’s Gold” series-

  26. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I’m just finishing the last book in Robert Jordan;s Wheel of Time Series. Sad to know it is over. Thanks for sharing

  27. ColleenM Avatar

    The last book I actually finished reading was “Being George Washington”. I’m currently reading three other books so Lord knows when I’ll finish any of them:)

  28. Heather Avatar

    I’m reading “Wuthering Heights” on my iPad in an effort to encourage my daughter (a HS Senior) to keep up with her Literarure reading assignment.

  29. Ellie Avatar

    Last book I listened to was Fanny Flagg ‘s Can’t Wait for Heaven which I loved. Last read book was Rigged for Murder which was a good quick read. Lovely star block!

  30. Nancy Avatar

    The last book was The Stonewycke trilogy by Michael Phillips and Judith Pella.

  31. Pat Avatar

    I like this block – thanks for the tutorial. I’m currently reading The Harbinger along with my usual array of quilting related books.

  32. Beth Gereben Avatar
    Beth Gereben

    I am currently reading Sedonia’s Thread about a Hungarian Jewish immigrant after WW II

  33. Jannette Avatar

    Love that block!
    I just finished the book “In the Land of Blue Burqas” – the true story of an American woman in Afghanistan.

  34. Jan Avatar

    Very pretty block. and I’m a fan of the Cobble Stone series.

  35. Carol Smith Avatar
    Carol Smith

    Like the block. The last book I read was Jasmine Moon Murder by Laura Childs.

  36. Katie Davis Avatar
    Katie Davis

    I love this block. The last book I read is the Bible. I am in a class taking Power for Abundant Living, a 30-hour Bible Study class taking place in Clearwater, Florida.

  37. Maryellen Avatar

    I read constantly! I’ve read the first 2 Cobbled Court books. I recently finished Debbie Macomber’s latest, too. I’m looking forward to reading this one. Thanks!

  38. Carolyn Avatar

    Oh, very pretty block! Thank you for the tutorial. The last book I read was the memoirs of Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant. She sounds like she was a lovely lady.

  39. Lynn Nicholson Avatar
    Lynn Nicholson

    I have become obsessed with Lee Child’s Jack Preacher. I just finished Echo Burning. It was so good. I love you block.

  40. Judith Reynolds Avatar

    Beautiful block and thank you for the tutorial. I am reading Ties that Bind and look forward to reading Between heaven and Texas. Judith, Texas

  41. Elizabeth McDonald Avatar
    Elizabeth McDonald

    I love fiction but lately I have only been reading quilt books!

  42. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    I’m a Marie Bostwick fan and would love a chance to win her book.
    The last book I read was McCarthy’s Bar by Peter McCarthy’s – it’s the true story of him travelling around Ireland, stopping in all the pubs that are named after him! What a great trip that would be. I wonder if I can duplicate it? Maybe I should wish and hope apon a star. Your star of hope looks great!

  43. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I used to do a lot of reading, but haven’t in a long time so I truly don’t remember what I read last. Like Elizabeth above, I have been reading quilting books.

  44. Gayle Avatar

    Beautiful Block! I, too, am looking forward to continuing with Marie’s series. I have just finished reading the latest Miss Julia book (by Ann B Ross), and though it has lots of tasty looking recipes included, I think that this series has lost its umph. My last book club read was Envy by Sandra Brown.

  45. Gale Avatar

    Your block makes me think of Summer!!! I am reading the series of books “Games of Thrones” really enjoying them.

  46. Jody Moore Avatar
    Jody Moore

    a thread so thin.

  47. Elizabeth Avatar

    The last read: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, by Fannie Flagg. Your block is beautiful. Thank You!

  48. Ming Avatar

    I’m currently reading “Hard Eight” by Janet Evanovich.

  49. Liz Avatar

    The last book I read was The Hobbit! It’s one I have always meant to read and never did from front to end. It was such a fun book too, I can’t believe I’ve always put it on the back burner!
    I can’t wait to get a copy of Marie’s new book and the star blocks are just fabulous! Thanks for offering them.

  50. Tina in NJ Avatar
    Tina in NJ

    Very nice block. I “hope” the blog hop is a success.

  51. Tina in NJ Avatar
    Tina in NJ

    Should have read the instructions. I just started Al Gore’s The Future.

  52. Darlene B Avatar
    Darlene B

    I read “Wonderland Creek” by Lynn Austin. She is another author who just draws me right into the story. (and yes, no housework gets done when reading her books, either!)

  53. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    I just finished Steinbeck’s Travels With Charley and have started Moving Violations by John Hockenberry.

  54. Sheila Avatar

    Karen Kingsbury’s book, The Chance. And now I am reading Dee Henderson’s book, Jennifer, An O’Malley Love Story.

  55. Susan Blumenshein Avatar
    Susan Blumenshein

    I am reading “Lonesome Animals” by Bruce Holbert. I taught with him for many years ago in our small rural district and we are so proud of him and his first novel!

  56. Susan Blumenshein Avatar
    Susan Blumenshein

    I am reading “Lonesome Animals” by Bruce Holbert. I taught with him many years ago in our small rural district and we are so proud of him and his first novel!

  57. Beverly Baumann Avatar
    Beverly Baumann

    The last book I finished was on my nook, Driftless, which was very long but interesting. Just ordered Between Heaven and Texas so I could have something to read while recovering from knee replacement!

  58. Shelia Avatar

    I just finished reading and rereading Free Motion Quilting with Angela Walters.

  59. Shirley Suter Avatar

    Just finished Phillipa Gregory’s Tudor queens collection. I loved every book. Thanks for a chance to win.

  60. Beth T. Avatar
    Beth T.

    I just finished Mark Pryor’s The Bookseller, a truly excellent novel.

  61. Lucy Avatar

    Notorious Nineteen: A Stephanie Plum Novel. Great laughs.

  62. Debbie Avatar

    Haven’t read a novel for quite a while but believe the last one was by Nicolas Sparks. My latest quilting book was Create your own Dream Feathers by Peggy Holt.

  63. MarciaW Avatar

    We are reading from the Bible aloud each day — we went through Psalms, and portions of Hebrews, and are now reading a chapter a day in John.
    It’s been some time since I read a novel.

  64. Deanna in Kamloops Avatar
    Deanna in Kamloops

    Would love to win the book. My last book was Zero Day by David Baldacci.
    Love his writing.

  65. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    I’ve been reading Pope Joan, very interesting. Thanks.

  66. Lee Avatar

    Last book I read while was while on vacation in February. Its called Girl Gone, by Gillian Flynn. Its a great mystery with a twist.

  67. LoriL Avatar

    I am currently reading Fifty Shades of Gray. Only on chapter 1 as I am not a big reader. I really like your block and am hoping to attempt to make it tonight.

  68. Karen Avatar

    I just finished Robyn Carr’s new book The Wanderer. First in the new Thunder Point series. As usual, it was great. Can’t wait to read this next installment in the Cobbled Court Quilters series.

  69. Jan B. Avatar
    Jan B.

    Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim

  70. Carol Avatar

    I just finished reading Eve’s Daughters by Lynn Austin.

  71. Laura Avatar

    Destiny Rewritten by Kathryn Fitzmaurice

  72. Linda C Avatar
    Linda C

    The last book I read was to my 3 year old grandson, Joel, about colors, shapes and other interesting characters. I need some adult reading.

  73. Heather Seibel Avatar
    Heather Seibel

    I alternate between reading books on graphic design,
    visual design and instructional design with escapism. The latest escapist book was by Nicholas Sparks – The Best of Me. It was the perfect change!

  74. Susan Avatar

    The last book I read (am currently reading) is, “My Heart Is a Violin.” by Shony Alex Braun with Emily Cavins. Shony Braun is a renowned violinist/composer and Holocaust survivior.

  75. jmniffer Avatar

    I just finished Delusion in Death by J.D. Robb. I look forward to each book in that series.

  76. nami11 Avatar

    This sounds totally not true but the last book I read is Marie’s book 5 in the Cobbled Court Series “Ties that Bind”. I checked it out of our guild library. Can’t wait to read “Between Heaven and Texas”

  77. Cecilia Avatar

    I’m reading “The Giving Quilt” by Jennifer Chiaverini. I love your block. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book. I have enjoyed reading Marie’s other books in this series.

  78. Marsha Avatar

    I’m reading Jennifer Chaiverini’s Elmcreek Quilts series. Finished Quilter’s Homecoming.

  79. Janine Huisjen Avatar
    Janine Huisjen

    The last book I read was “Hands of My Father: a hearing boy, his deaf parents and the language of love” by Myron Uhlberg. A delightful true story–the title says it all.

  80. Beth Patrick Avatar

    Great block! The last book I read was An old one I had not read before The Bourne Legacy.
    Pick me! I need a new NEW book to read!

  81. Cynthia Knapp Avatar
    Cynthia Knapp

    The last book I read was “The Last Juror”. Loved it. Love your block, too! Looks like lots of fun possibilities with it.

  82. Mary Anne Avatar
    Mary Anne

    I am reading The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey.

  83. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    It’s been so long, I can’t remember — But I read all the way through my Guidepost last week! LOL The book sounds wonderful – I would make time to read it! Thanks

  84. thunder Avatar

    now reading game of thrones, actually read them all some time ago. Re – reading , so I can read the newest one.

    these books sound very interesting, will have to look for them next visit to the book store.

    love star blocks ♥♥♥

  85. Debbie Avatar

    I would love to win the book. I am reading The Callahans.

  86. Pam Beck Avatar

    Hiya!!! The last book I read was Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. I like fantasy and thriller books. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!

  87. Patsy Pearl Avatar
    Patsy Pearl

    I would love to win the book also the magazine. I could not get the block pattern to download

  88. Laurie Avatar

    Just finishing Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiavarini. Love the Cobbled Court series.

  89. Anita Avatar

    The last book I read was The Hunger Games, it was really good 🙂

  90. Emily C Avatar

    Lovely star block. I love star blocks and am currently making a baby quilt with them.

  91. Lavonna ZWB Avatar

    I believe the last book I read was Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on Audio.

  92. Jodi Avatar

    Just finished Owl and Moon Cafe by Jo Ann Mapson. Currently reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and listening to the Host by Stepenie Meyer. Like the block especially the bright colors.

  93. Carrie Oltmanns Avatar
    Carrie Oltmanns

    Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

  94. Sallie Avatar

    Falling to Pieces (A Shipshewana Amish Mystery) by Vannetta Chapman.

  95. Kathie Avatar

    The last book I read was The Quilter’s Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini. I’ve been waiting for Marie’s new book :-)!

  96. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    I just finished Sleeping Dogs Lie by Sharon Henegar. Can’t wait to get the next two in the series!

  97. Cheryl Avatar

    That block is Mary Dell’s colors, for sure. I’m reading Aunt Dimity Down Under, and was listening to Hana’s Suitcase while driving on a trip, today. Just finished (again) The Quilter’s Apprentice, as part of a blogger’s book club selection. Thanks for the chance.

  98. Patty Avatar

    I read The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo and the next 2 in the series. Interesting books.

  99. Diana Avatar

    I am reading Lyddie by Katherine Patterson it is about one oF the Lowell mill girls. Thanks for the chance to win

  100. Billie Kretzschmar Avatar

    I just finished the Hush Hush series.

  101. Diane S Avatar
    Diane S

    Last book is 11/22/63 by Stephen King and last audiobook is Miracle of Catfish by Larry Brown. Both very ggod!

  102. Karen Avatar

    The last book I read is The Answer To Your Question by Paulette Alden. I’m currently reading The Beggar King by Oliver Potzsch. Love the colors and layout of your block.

  103. Dorothy Matheson Avatar
    Dorothy Matheson

    James Patterson 11th Hour
    A thriller.

  104. Linda Avatar

    A star quilt quilt! Love stars.
    I read a lot. It helps me unwind after a long day. I can hardly wait to read Marie’s newest book. Another good one is “Taking the Long Way Home,” by G Frank Miller.

  105. usairdoll Avatar

    Love a great star block! Thanks for your tutorial. Just finished Happy Birthday by Danielle Steele and now reading The Road to Cardinal Valley by Earlene Fowler. ( has a great quilting and mystery series!)

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  106. Chris Avatar

    It is Shakespeare time so I am reading Hamlet. My Grandmother would be excited!

  107. Margaret Schindler Avatar
    Margaret Schindler

    David Baldaccis The collectors is what I am reading now

  108. cindy Avatar

    The last book I read was great, I recommend it highly. It is: “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” by Carol Rifka Brunt

  109. Deb Avatar

    The last book was The Chance by Karen Kingsbury.

  110. Jacqueline Avatar

    I am currently listening to J.A. Jance’s book Deadly Stakes.

    I can’t wait to start on this series.. thanks for sharing the block I want to give it a go and thanks for a chance at your drawing.

  111. Sarah Jeffries Avatar
    Sarah Jeffries

    Just take my heart by Mary Higgins Clark

  112. Sharon Hughson Avatar
    Sharon Hughson

    Last book I read was the Giving Quilt an Elm Creek Quilts book by Jennifer Chiavierni. Hope I win.

  113. Terry Mowszowski Avatar
    Terry Mowszowski

    I have just completed Winter Journey by Australian Author Diane Armstrong. and also at the same time reading Jack of Diamonds by Bryce Courtney one of my favorite authors. besides Marie Bostwick of course.

  114. Julie B Avatar
    Julie B

    I am almost finished with The Evening Star. Thanks for the chance to win.

  115. Jean MN Avatar
    Jean MN

    The Giving Quilt by Jennifer Chiavierni.

  116. Peg Avatar

    Last book I read was Maeve Binchy’s last book she wrote A Week in Winter, currently reading A Thread so Thin by Marie Bostwick, love the series!

  117. Ann Avatar

    The last book I read was The Serpent in the Glass by D. M. Andrews and am currently reading A Thread So Thin.

    Lovely star block and keeping my fingers crossed to win this book.

  118. Rebecca Avatar

    I just finished Defensive Wounds by Lisa Black. She is a forensic scientist and I have now completed her series. Quick reads if you like mysteries. Thanks for this block – very pretty and for the opportunity at the give-away.

  119. MerrilyIsew Avatar

    This looks like an interesting star to make. Thanks for the tutorial.

  120. Beth G Avatar
    Beth G

    Last book I read was “The Deputy” – need a good quilty book to read!!

  121. Mary W Avatar
    Mary W

    “Growing Up Amish” – A Memoir by Ira Wagler. It was a really interesting story of a young man’s struggle to choose between his culture and “the English”. Looking forward to reading Ms. Bostwick’s book!

  122. Deb Avatar

    The last audio book I listed to was “Life” by Keith Richards.

    Lovely block! I’m going to make one right away.

  123. Carolyn Avatar

    Just finished listening to Jodi Picoult’s Plain Truth….I listen while I sew.

  124. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I just finished reading The Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah – there are so many great authors out there to read. I have not read any of Marie’s books but would love to read them.
    Thanks for the lovely star pattern too.
    Regards from Alberta,

  125. Janet Judson Avatar
    Janet Judson

    Thanks for the block instructions. I’m currently reading The Atlantis Gene by A G Riddle. Love my Kindle Daily Deals!

  126. Amy Avatar

    The last book I read was Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs. Love the new quilt block hop!

  127. Jacquelyn Morris-Smith Avatar
    Jacquelyn Morris-Smith

    I read daily. My last book was Jennifer Chiaverini’s ‘the lost quilter’….excellent way to learn some history lessons as well

  128. michele s Avatar
    michele s

    i read sentence to death by lorna barrett it is a series with a lady who owns a mystery book store all the books have been good so far

  129. Amy Lause Avatar
    Amy Lause

    I just love this block! Might have to play with this in EQ and find a colorway that works with my stash! Thanks SO much for creating it for us.

  130. Bonni Feltz Avatar
    Bonni Feltz

    The last book I read was Hidden in Plain View: A secret story of quilts and the underground railroad by Jacqueline L. Tobin and Raymond G. Dobard.

  131. Judy Avatar

    The last book I read is titled Stray Bullets by Toronto author Robert Rotenberg. He’s written three books now and the third was the pick at my local library for the “One County, One Book” promotion. After reading it, I had to get the other two! There’s a new one due out soon…

  132. Marg Corrigan Avatar
    Marg Corrigan

    Great star block. I’m going to try it

  133. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I read “These Things Hidden” by Heather Gudenkauf. I enjoyed this book as well as an earlier one by the same author.

  134. Liz Avatar

    Hello, the last book I have read was Clive Cussler’s “Threat Vector” and the last audiobook I have listened to is “the Hit” by David Baldacci. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway.

  135. Jenny Moore Avatar
    Jenny Moore

    I have been reading a James Patterson novel. would love to win one of your books.

  136. Cathie in Ut Avatar
    Cathie in Ut

    Just finished a book The Lost Garden (can’t remember the author)…I don’t do audio books. Thanks for the chance to win and your great block!

  137. Bonnie Browne Avatar
    Bonnie Browne

    Right now I’m reading Angels Fall by Nora Roberts. Thanks for the chance to win Marie Bostwick’s new book.

  138. Wanda Avatar

    I recently finished “Keeper of the Bride” by T. Gerritsen and jsut started Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

  139. Kim Leachman Avatar
    Kim Leachman

    I read Plain Fame by Sarah Price.

  140. Sally Avatar

    Lastest book? I’m reading Navada Barr’s Hard Truth (recently picked up a signed first edition)–just finished about 20 “The Cat who…” mysteries

  141. Teresa in Music City Avatar

    I’m currently listening to Stephen King’s 11/22/63. Great book so far!!!

  142. Alice McFarlane Avatar
    Alice McFarlane

    Just finished reading Debbie Macomber book starting over. Would love to win a copy of Marie’s Book. Waiting on the library to get it. Anxious to read it

  143. Sheila Avatar

    This looks like a fun block to do! I just looked up Marie’s books and was able to read several pages in one of her books. I am very impressed with the way she writes. As well as looking forward to being able to read her books and I would love to win a copy of her newest!!

  144. Cindy May Avatar
    Cindy May

    Am currently reading Summer Rental. Good light reading and having hard time putting it down. May have to switch to audio so I can sew while “reading”!

  145. Sheila Bayley Avatar
    Sheila Bayley

    Last book I read was “The Shadow of the Banyan” about Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge. Now reading “Full Disclosure”. In the wings Is “Starting Now”. As you can see, I read everything.

  146. Pauline Fisher Avatar
    Pauline Fisher

    I just finished reading Firefly Beach by Meira Pentermann. It’s a “searching for myself” book and also a mystery. I really enjoyed it. Love, love all of Marie Bostwick’s novels! Thanks for the chance to win her new book.

  147. Judy Blinkenberg Avatar

    These blocks are just wonderful! Right now I am starting The Civil War Diary of A Southern Woman from Barbara over at Civil War Quilts. Thank You

  148. sylvia Avatar

    I’m reading “The Coming Plague.” Scary!

  149. Linda Jeter Avatar
    Linda Jeter

    Recently I started reading Amish books, since I saw the TV series “Breaking Amish”,,Also, I am making reproduction quilts with the yahoo group smallquilttalk…little quilts with the 1900 fabric reproductions…

    Great site and wonderful Block you have…

    Take care my friend and happy journey’s to you..
    Linda J

  150. Deb Avatar

    I’m reading Cathederal Window:A someday quilt mystery by Claire O’Donohue. When that is done I’ve got Marie’s tee’d up to read.

  151. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    The last book that I read was Circle of Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini. Thanks for the chance to win Marie Bostwick’s new book

  152. Kim @ Quilty Doodads Avatar

    Fifty Shades of Grey (blush). I think Marie’s book will definitely be a more appropriate book for my library.

  153. Sandra Aiken Avatar
    Sandra Aiken

    The Love Dog by Elsa Watson, Thanks for the giveaway, love the block.

  154. Nancy Avatar

    I have just finished Isabelle Allende’s book “Island Beneath the Sea”, which I would highly recommend. Great book! Makes you think a lot!!

  155. Colleen Avatar

    I’m almost finished “1000 Years of Annoying the French” by Stephen Clarke. A lighthearted look at Anglo / French history since 1066. It’s very entertaining and educational. (Maybe not so much if you’re French.)

  156. Bev Avatar

    I just finished The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton..took awhile to get into but then I couldn’t put it down. Love your block and would like to try all the free star patterns and do a scrappy quilt

  157. Donna Cutting Avatar
    Donna Cutting

    I just read Casual Vacancy, sure would enjoy reading or listening to Maria’s new book. Thanks for the star block, great fabric colors.

  158. Gale Avatar

    I just read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. Amazing!

  159. Pamela Rapp Avatar
    Pamela Rapp

    The last book I read was The Crocodile Bird, by Ruth Rendell. I would be so excited if I win Marie Bostwick’s new book. Thank you for doing this drawing!

  160. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    The last book I read is Vision in White by Nora Roberts. 🙂

  161. Peg H Avatar

    I’m about halfway through “Anthropology of an American Girl” by Hilary Thayer Hamann – exquisite torture but not in a “Fifty Shades” sort of way … the syntax and phrasing of the author is quite complex, which requires me to pay attention as I’m reading! Next up is Marie Bostwick’s “A Single Thread” and I can’t wait to dive into that one. Yes, I know it’s “old” but I just got it on NOOK. 🙂

  162. trillium Avatar

    The last book I read was “Murder Below Montparnasse,” by Cara Black.

  163. Stephanie Avatar

    The last audiobook I finished was “The Kitchen House.” Great narrators! Civil war era prejudice visited upon a plantation. Main character is a woman,who as a young child was orphaned on immigrant ship to America and adopted by the Captain. Brought to the Deep South form Ireland, a drastic change. Plot thickens!!

  164. Suzanne Tobey Avatar
    Suzanne Tobey

    I am almost finished reading “Wolf Gift” by Anne Rice. Haven’t read a book of her’s in years. It could use a quilt or two in it!

  165. Jacquelyn Morris-Smith Avatar
    Jacquelyn Morris-Smith

    Thanks for putting this blog hop together. If I ever get my website up and running I will offer to be one of your hosts.

  166. Connie German Avatar
    Connie German

    Last month I took a class with Mickey Dupre so I read her book pi

  167. Laurie Edwards Avatar
    Laurie Edwards

    I am reading “The Giving Quilt” by JC, and listening to “The Wanderer” by Sheryl Woods. Just downloaded Marie’s 1st book in her series and looking forward to listening to it while I sew.

  168. Susan Avatar

    I am reading Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander a neurosurgeon who was brain dead and recovered. It is an amazing book. I started reading it and started over because I knew that I had hastily read some parts and was having trouble comprehending the information he has to share. I’m not saying it’s a hard read. I was trying to skim and do other things at the same time. Thanks for the wonnderful Star of Hope block. That fits right in with the book. Thanks for the marvelous giveaway. Someone is going to be very happy.

  169. Blogless me Avatar
    Blogless me

    My last one was “A Wild Sheep Chase” by Haruki Murakami and I loved it. Thanks for the lovely block!

  170. Shan Avatar

    What’s the last book you read or audio book you listened to?

    I never just read one book at a time, but three of four and am presently finishing or just finished up:
    1. the gate Dann A. Stouten…great book reminds me of The Shack
    2. The Power of Praying Boldly by Will Davis Jr.
    3. Deadly Aim (Angel Delaney Mysteries #1)
    by Patricia H. Rushford

  171. Laura Flaim Avatar
    Laura Flaim

    I just finished “Growing Up Amish” by Ira Wagler . Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  172. janita Avatar

    The last book I read is “These is my Words The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine” by Nancy Turner. SOOO GOOD! Thanks for a chance to win. Loving the star blocks! janita

  173. vicki seals Avatar
    vicki seals

    I am reading “On a Wild Night” by Stephanie Laurens

  174. Marcia Petty Avatar
    Marcia Petty

    Honestly, the latest book I read was Ephesians from the Bible. It took on a whole new meaning to me as we had just returned from a cruise including Ephesus, Turkey.

  175. Shar F. Avatar
    Shar F.

    I have some of that same fabric. I think I will have to use it when I have this block up!

  176. Linda Avatar

    Last fiction book was “Torch”.
    Current quilting book is “Drafting for the Creative Quilter”

  177. kathy gentry Avatar

    I’m reading a memoir called “Split at the Root” by Catana Tully that is really interesting. She is a talented black lady who grew up in Guatemala, raised by a white German family.

  178. Annie Avatar

    I’m currently listening to The Christmas Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini and I’m reading Dangerous Refuge by Elizabeth Lowell.

  179. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    While I have been quilting away at a queen quilt for my daughter, I listened to Maeve Binchy’s Scarlet Feather novel on auio tape. Thanks for the chance to win Marie Bostwick’s new book set in my State!

  180. Stacey Avatar

    This block is BEAUTIFUL…. I am really into stars right now so I really love your tutorial and pattern. Thank you so much for sharing your skill and talent with us!

  181. Nona Avatar

    Currently reading a free Kindle book, The Last Bride of Balymede (sp). Love your block and this blog hop is fun.

  182. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    What a lovely block! I just finished listening to Captive in Iran – a true story. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I LOVE Marie Bostwick’s books and have read all of them.

  183. Ellen Avatar

    Where We Belong by Emily Griffin is the last book I read.

  184. Heather Avatar

    just finished listening to Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Windspear

  185. Betty Avatar

    Thanks for the tutorials! I’d love to win the book!

  186. Carolyn Howland Avatar
    Carolyn Howland

    The last book I read was Mind Thieves by Lori Brighton. I have read all of Marie’s books and would love to win a copy of this new one. Thank you for your tutorial.

  187. Jeanne Avatar

    This is a great book to win. Thanks for the chance.

  188. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    last book I read (truly loved) was “Wheat Bellies” by William Davis MD

  189. Susan Avatar

    The last audio book I finished was Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard. It was wonderful, and now I’m listening to J. A. Jance, Judgement Call. I love Jance mysteries, all of them! Thanks for a chance to win another good book to read.

  190. Janet Avatar

    The last book I read was Me and My Big Mouth by Joyce Meyers. It was eye opening to say the least.

  191. Debbie H Avatar
    Debbie H

    Right now I am reading Gone Girl. Very good book!!

  192. Maribeth Rahe Avatar
    Maribeth Rahe

    I am currently reading “Mrs. Lincoln”s Dressmaker.” I would love a chance ot win one of Marie”s books. I have read copies of my friends books, it would be nice to have one of my own.

  193. GwenH Avatar

    The last book I read was Ocean Waves, I would love to get Marie’s book, I will keep an eye out for this one.

  194. Frances Avatar

    My last book was The Good Husband of Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith.

  195. Susan Brooks Avatar
    Susan Brooks

    The last book I read was John Paul Jones by Evan Thomas. I’m reading history at this time. I go in stages about what I want to read.

  196. Jo Avatar

    The Chronicles of Nick was the last book I read.

  197. EngrSandi Avatar

    The last book I listened to was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. I’m about halfway through. I’m finding it fascinating. I’m reading The Mystery Woman by Amanda Quick in hardback as well. I usually have several books in progress at the same time, jumping back and forth as various tasks allow.

  198. Bev Walter Avatar
    Bev Walter

    Just finished an eBook entitled “Alaska Bound”. Enjoyable reading. Even more enjoyable – reading quilt books, magazines and patterns! 🙂

  199. Ellen Williams Avatar
    Ellen Williams

    The last book I read was Star Log Cabin by Eleanor Burns. So clear and clear instructions for Wallhanging, Lap Robe, Twin Size, Double/Queen and Queen/King quilts. I love it.

  200. Lauren Mattison Avatar
    Lauren Mattison

    I love making stars and would love to have a copy of this book. Can’t wait to make some of them.

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