Here is the star block I did for the Fat Quarter Stars Quilt-Along.

I’ve called it Milo’s Star. I couldn’t decide on the name for the block when Samelia’s Mum suggested Milo’s Star on Facebook, I loved the idea.
The fabric is from the Happy line by Me and My Sisters. This was the fabric I used in my Happy Memories quilt in honour of Pal, Daniel and Slade – my kitties now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

I added a 1/2″ finished hot pink border and a 2″ green border to make two mini quilts. I finished the quilting the other day and will add hot pink binding later. One will be for my niece Lucy’s 6th birthday later this month. I may keep the other one I made for myself or give it to my other niece. The sashing looks crooked in the photo only. 🙂

You can download the free tutorial for completing the Milo’s Star block here. There are prizes being given away as part of the quilt-along. Visit the quilt-along site for all the info and the tutorials for the other star blocks too.
If you create my block, please upload to the Quilting Gallery Flickr group or the Facebook group so I can see them too.
While clearing off my camera earlier today, I found this short video that I took of Milo and Barney (my parents’ dog) at Christmas. Milo was trying to convince Barney it was playtime!
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