Today is Milo’s 9-month birthday. He was born September 6, 2011. You can see earlier photos of him here and here.

My friend Tom dropped by yesterday, so I asked him to take a video of Milo doing his tricks. With both adults sitting on the floor with him, Milo was super excited.

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen some of these photos before. No order to the photos, just daily life with a puppy.

After bath – "Mom, you better be prepared to sleep with one eye open tonight!"
"Help, she's working me too hard!"
"Wanna go outside?"
"Wanna play Tug of War?"
Playing at the dog park.
Naughty puppy in time-out.
"Why did you wake me up?"
"See my mom's pretty toes?"
"Who needs toys, when I just help myself to the goodies in the recycling bin."
King of the castle of quilts – best spot in the house.
Milo's first girlfriend, his form needs a little bit of work.
Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.
Sleeping comfortably.
"But MOM, I don't want to leave the dog park. Can't we stay a little longer?"
"Chomp, chomp, chomp!"
Riding first class to Nana and Grandpa's house.
"Now I can see out the window!"
Yummy bone.
Crying puppy, after returning home from being neutered and micro-chipped.
Depressed having to wear the cone of shame again after a boo boo needed to be fixed in his privates.
"Bend down, so I can bite your nose!"
Bad hair day!
Exhausted after the dog park.

11 responses to “Milo Update at 9 Months”

  1. Patricia Avatar

    Just tooooooooo CUTE for words. He’s absolutely gorgeous. Almost makes me want another one.

  2. Jill M in Ohio Avatar

    Happy 9 months old to Milo!! The bad hair day photo reminds me of a dog we had when I was growing up. She was a doxie Schnauser mix and her hair would get unruly and we would tell her to comb her face all the time. Then she would sit still and let us finger comb her hair back into place and then go and roll on the floor to mess it up again. 🙂

  3. Karin Avatar

    BEST post EVER!! loved the chance to see that bundle of l♥ve!

  4. DianeH Avatar

    Thanks for the morning smiles. Happy Birthday, Milo.
    I burst out laughing at Milo’s first girlfriend.

  5. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    Milo’s first girlfriend didn’t look very impressed. If she was a Bassett, she probably liked the attention.

    Thanks for sharing the puppy fun.

  6. Mary Avatar

    Loved the video and pics. Thanks for sharing. He is such a cute boy. I can’t believe how well trained he is for only 9 months. High Five, Milo!!

  7. Ronnie Avatar

    Milo is just too darn cute! I am happy to babysit him anytime you want to go out:)

  8. Mitts Avatar

    Whenever you need a cutie sitter I am ready and waiting to enjoy your friend Milo! Happy 9 month birthday Milo, wish you were closer so I could see you in person! Miska he is so sweet! Can I sit him, can I huh, can I? LOL he’s becoming quite famous, thanks to him human mom.

  9. apple blossom Avatar

    this looks so much like a dog we had about 10 years ago. they could pass as twins. the greying and all

  10. ane Avatar

    Milo está muy bonito y gracioso

  11. Lynette Rolston Avatar
    Lynette Rolston

    In New Zealand we have series of childrens books about a dog called Hairy McCleary from Donaldson’s Dairy, and Milo reminds me of him. The author is Lynley Dodd.

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