Messy Sewing Area

Slowly, over the last few weeks (months?) my sewing area has reached the disaster you see here:

messing sewing area

Piled in the mess are 5 Friendship Bags, 6 baby quilts waiting on labels and binding to be finished, and two lap quilts waiting to be quilted.

The table you see in the front does not belong inside. It’s for temporary use only. I brought it out last February when I was working on the Market quilts and never put it away. It just accumulates things, so away it goes this weekend.

It’s rather overwhelming, but I finally emptied the laundry basket of fabric that needed to be ironed. My plan is to remove everything from the temporary table, put it in the laundry basket for now or put it away if there’s a spot for it.

Then I’ll have a place to organize the fabric by colourways or by sets. I have a few empty shelves for it already.


I’m hoping to have this all done in the evenings this week, so I can get working on my Summertime swap this weekend.

Anyone else use the Labour Day weekend to organize, regroup and prepare for Fall? I do more this time of year than New Year’s in terms of making plans and reorganizing life.

10 responses to “Messy Sewing Area”

  1. Mom Avatar

    I think you need a visit from Mom!!! That always spurs on a mega clean-up!!

  2. Trisha Avatar

    I have made a lot of goals this year with the kids going back to school and getting back into a schedule. I am excited. I will be at a quilt retreat this weekend so no organizing for me. Although I could use some of that big time. Good luck with yours!!
    .-= Trisha’s latest post: Birthday Giveaway! =-.

  3. Sarahe4e Avatar

    My sewing room has looked like this for the 30 years I have had a sewing room. If I straightened it up, I wouldn’t be able to find a thing.

  4. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    Thanks for posting the “messy” picture! Look at how much you’ve accomplished; 5 Friendship Bags, 6 baby quilts, and two lap quilt tops – whew, when could there possibly have been time to tidy! September is bringing a refocus for me. Time to stop playing and organize for workshops. The samples are made, and supply lists written for the one’s I’ll be teaching; summer swap made and ready to mail; now to cut and stack for workshops I’m taking in mid-Sept. Still no time for cleanup though!

  5. betsy Avatar

    no, no , no, you must take time out to play on labour day.
    Take a break and have some fun, then you can organize your room.
    .-= betsy’s latest post: New guest room =-.

  6. magikquilter Avatar

    I am also in the too messy category…and it really does affect my creativity. I have just finished a baby quilt and two tote bags and feel much less frenzied because I actually do not have so much on the go now.

    Apart from the WIP quilt tops etc!

    Love the fabric blinds …great idea!
    .-= magikquilter’s latest post: Spring Beauties @ =-.

  7. Dena Avatar

    I see your cat has claimed his/her spot and doesn’t look like he’s/she’s going to be giving it up anytime soon. LOL
    .-= Dena’s latest post: Welcome to my kitchen today =-.

  8. Joy V Avatar

    Your room looks better than mine! At least your cat found a spot to claim!!! Will now have a look at the ‘tidy’ room.
    .-= Joy V’s latest post: Postcard for Heloisa =-.

  9. heckety Avatar

    Oh I dunno…looks kind of normal to me…

  10. jan Avatar

    Im sorry to disappoint you all but my sewing room is as neat as anything, i have seethrough boxes all labelled up with groovy signs on them and a patchwork quilt i made hangs on the main wall with other stuff stuck on it inside frames and looks devine! You should try the organising thing! It does look better!

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