
Further to my post last week on Sewing Ergonomics, Marguerita sent me this post she wrote on making your own Custom Sewing Desk – Cheap.

While not the prettiest to look at, this idea definitely has potential for me. I am loving free-motion quilting, but finding the stress on my shoulders and upper back prevents me from sewing as much as I would like.

I need to find out if I can buy adjustable legs from Ikea for my existing table, then I’ll look into getting some foam core. I have some spare paint, and might even try painting the foam core… we’ll see how ambitious I am.

I have some concerns about the static, as my apartment is very dry in the winter with electric heat and concrete walls. Does anyone have any ideas? I wonder if I can eliminate the vinyl altogether and instead use a paint that has some slick-ness to it. I think a phone call to my Dad, the Handyman is in order.

Contest Update: I have had three wonderful donations offered for the upcoming contest… you’re going to love them. Details will be posted in the next couple of days, so stay tuned.

3 responses to “Making Your Own Sewing Desk – Cheap”

  1. Candace Avatar

    I liked that sewing table idea, too. Test the paint before you dive into painting your foam. I spray painted some foam balls one time, and they kind of disintegrated. It’s worth having a trial first to make sure.

  2. Dawn NIchols Avatar

    I have the same problem with my upper back getting really sore when I sew. I’ve also tried using a taller chair but the table would probably be a better idea. 🙂

  3. Carmen Avatar

    It would be hard to get a good, smooth surface with painted foam. But what might work is using a sheet of good quality plywood on the top (quality = smooth) and painting it with an enamel paint, like that used in appliances, to give it a smooth, slick, easy to clean surface.

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