I want to start a discussion, and see where everyone is at, as I plan for next year’s quilt-along events. I have tonnes of ideas, and need to start making some decisions on what I’m going to do.
I plan to host two quilt-alongs next year and both will have a fee associated with them at the beginning. I’m self-employed and I just can’t work for free.
One will start in January and last the full year (minus a few weeks for vacation, to be determined). I’d like for this one to be queen-sized (I need a new bed quilt), but depending on the design, I may also provide directions to make smaller blocks/finished quilt. I’m debating between:
- a medallion-style quilt, with a large centre focus and many rows going around or a standard block-based design
- a quilt with 48 (or so) unique blocks constructed in rows/columns (for this version, different block sizes could be provided resulting in a smaller finished size)
- another unique layout like the current QAL.
The second QAL will be a row-based quilt. I just love these. This quilt will definitely have different quilting techniques (pieced, paper pieced, appliqué). This QAL won’t start until probably the summer and last a few months.
Some questions for you:
How do you feel with the current QAL’s experience level? Should the next one be of similar complexity or are you ready to jump up to an Intermediate level. I realize this is subjective, but answer the best you can … this is just a discussion.
For the year-long QAL, do you have a preference for medallion-style, block-based (rows/columns) or unique layout (existing QAL)?
How do you feel about paper piecing and appliqué? Have you done these techniques? Would you like to learn? I’m thinking of incorporating both in the two QALs. I simply LOVE paper piecing and I think you will too. The design opportunities for both techniques are unlimited. There is so much that can be learned for both.
OR would you prefer to stay with traditionally pieced units. If so, this goes back to the experience question, to what complexity? Are you ready for Y-Seams?
One final question, and I know it’s never easy to ask, so if you prefer to email me privately, by all means go ahead. What do YOU think would be a fair price, one that you’d be willing to pay, for either a year-long QAL or another lap-based row QAL? (USD please, or specify currency)
Please answer in the comments below, or email me privately, if you prefer.
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