Lancaster AQS Quilt Show


With less than two weeks until the Lancaster AQS quilt show, I’m getting really excited.

Lancaster is about an 8 hour drive from Ottawa, with a few quick rest stops. Definitely doable in one day, however, I’m planning to leave a day early, take my time and explore a few areas along the way, such as Scranton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Reading.

Here’s what I have booked:

  • The Quilter’s Link Wednesday, March 24, 9:00 – 10:00 am
  • Floral Delight (Course/Workshop), Thursday, March 25, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • The Quilt-As-You-Go Advantage (Lecture), Friday, March 26, 3:00 – 4:00 pm
  • All Star Review Saturday, March 27, 1:00 – 3:00 pm

The Floral Delight class is with Linda M. Poole. Here’s what I’ll be making:

floral delight

I have only been to one other large quilt show before: the Nashville AQS show in 2008. I had an absolutely fabulous time, and returned home loaded with goodies, new friendships and inspired like never before.

There are so many wonderful quilt shows throughout the United States (and even a few here in Canada). Do you have a favourite show? Best experience, worst experience? What show would you love to go to but haven’t yet? (For me that’s Road 2 California and Paducah!)

P.S. Anyone else coming to Lancaster? I’d love to meet-up.

6 responses to “Lancaster AQS Quilt Show”

  1. bonnie Avatar

    Oh, how I envy you, I wish that I could attend the show. You see you are headed to my hometown and I wish I could go, but my health says no. Have fun and enjoy all the wonderful quilts stores in the area and of course the show.

  2. Shirley Avatar

    Hi, I am going to the show, with a busload of avid quilters from Kingston…should be GREAT!!! Can’t wait to start SHOPPING!~!!!!

  3. Anita Avatar

    I get teary eyed when I see that Floral Delight, beautiful! I’m happy for you and bet you will have an awesome time!

  4. Jan Garrabrandt Avatar

    The Authentic B&B’s of Lancaster County are holding a free party for quilters on March 25, from 6 to 8:30 – there will be food, beverages, music, Amish quilters, free shoulder massages, and much more….it’s free to welcome you to Lancaster and introduce our Partners in the Community. You can find out more here:
    .-= Jan Garrabrandt’s latest post: Joseph Arrives at Sight and Sound =-.

  5. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Anita. Do you think batik fabrics will be more/too difficult to applique?

    Jan: thanks for the invite, sounds like fun. I’ve shared it on Facebook too.

  6. Barbara Avatar

    I’ll be there! I don’t know off the top of my head which classes I’m in, but I’m leaving Tuesday myself!

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