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‘t Ooievaarshuis By: Supergoof, Netherlands
This quilt is hand made and my own design. In The Netherlands it is costum to give birth at home. I am working as a midwife assistant. I am a baby butler and a coach for the new mother. I want them to feel at home.
I’m a mother of 4, and want to give my kids a home at any time in their life.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 52"
104 flowers By: Kristine, Australia
This quilt would have to be my favourite quilt that i have made so far, i took nearly 2 years of on and off sewing to finish.
Quilt size: width: 75" height: 74"
Bloomin’ Love By: Rachel, Texas, USA
Made for the miniature quilt swap. Just kind of created it as I went along. Almost didn’t get sent to my swap mate ’cause it turned out so cute I wanted to keep it!!! Each hexagon petal is a little bet less than an inch but it was fun to make!!!. Hand quilted and tied.
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 20"
Cameron’s Windmills By: Cathi Godwin, Ontario, Canada
When I found out that a cousin was having a baby, I started making this quilt using half 1″ hexagon shapes that I had printed using Inklingo. I love tessellating designs and the half hexagon really worked for that. I just squeaked in under the wire, finishing it the day before the baby was born!
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 27"
Dreaming of Summer By: Gun Adrian, Sweden
It took me three years to sew this quilt. It´s handpieced and handquilted. The flowers are all made from different fabrics. There are cirka 4-5000 small hexagons in the quilt. I never got the energy to count them 🙂
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 63"
English Friendship By: Kaaren Biggs, Ontario, Canada
An English quilting friend sent me a sample swatch book of Liberty of London fabrics and I used them to make EPP units for this unusual setting which I saw in a quilting magazine. The gold fabric was purchased in a shop in Florida several years ago, and the quilting was done by hand and by machine.
Quilt size: width: 76" height: 92"
Grandmother’s Flower Garden By: Daryl, New Mexico, USA
Pieced all by hand back in the early 1970’s by my mother. She gave this quilt to me to finish about 10 years ago and I finally machine quilted it and finished it.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 90"
Grandmother’s Starry Garden By: Charlsey, Texas, USA
Inspired by 1850’s antique quilt where I enlarged the 2-1/2 x 3 picture until I could see how the layout of the quilt. I then printed the hexagons on fabric using Linda Franz’ Inklingo method for the hexagons. The quilt was hand pieced and contains 2,863 hexagons.
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 71"
Hexagon Baby Quilt By: Susan Ponte, Florida, USA
I hand pieced and and quilted this Hexagon quilt while on bed rest with my 6th child. I used the freezer paper method and designed the pattern myself. I used gingham prints for the hexagons and found a floral that blended well with the colors for the sashing. I’ve taught this to many students.
Quilt size: width: 37" height: 45"
Hexagon belt By: malukindian, Bulgaria
It’s a stylish man’s belt. According to lady who ordered it: “it is warm, natural and beautiful”. Cotton fabrics in front and felted on back side. It is easy made and could be iron, but it’s not machine washable (because of the wool).
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 7.9"
HexFifteen By: Debbie, Israel
I’m a hexagon junkie and I’m often making quilty things in a non-traditional hexagon style. Depending on how you count them, there are 15 hexagons in this 15″ square quilt celebrating 15 years of the Quiltart list.
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"
Metamorphosis By: Krista, Ontario, Canada
This quilt was inspired by M. C. Escher’s work. It is made of triangles, diamonds, and hexagons and the red is used to highlight a single item of each shape.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 18"
My Little Babies By: Jen @ SewHappyGeek, United Kingdom
I made a hexy mug rug for a tutorial for the blog, and when my friend Bonnie of Wonderfully Awkward went bananas over it, I made and hand quilted the aqua and red mini-quilt for her. Piecing the hexagons was super easy, but sewing it all together was a bit tough on the ol’ wrists!
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 8"
Norwegian garden By: Turid Bakken, Norway
This is my first work with hexagons. And you know, if you first start, you’ll never end making these beauties. I didn’t know anything about hexagons then, so I made my own pattern. All handsewn, and then again handquilted around each and every hexagon.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 61"
Plant a Pot of Friendship By: Designs By Fee, Australia
I tutored EPP at our recent “Let’s Get Stitched” weekend here in Tasmania and this was the project I made especially for it. I called it “Plant a Pot of Friendship” as the weekend was all about having fun, making new friends and learning a few new techniques.
Quilt size: width: 33.5" height: 33.5"
Texas Wildflowers By: Emily Breclaw, Texas, USA
I designed these flowers to introduce crafters to the addictive fun of English paper piecing. I love the dimensional quality of the flowers, but they are also fun to applique onto quilts and tote bags. The hexagons and pentagons in this picture are half inch to a side.
Quilt size: width: 2" height: 8"
The Journey By: Carol Skinner, Panama
I began this EPP project because I wanted a small portable block that I could stitch by hand. Along the way I discovered Inklingo. No paper templates, no basting, a running stitch instead of a whip stitch.
For more info click on “Batik Hexagon Quilt” in the right hand CATEGORIES column of my blog
Quilt size: width: 75" height: 75"
Tumbling Blocks By: Carla Fawcett, British Columbia, Canada
I hand pieced this for my daughter when she was 9. It took me 11 months. It’s still on her bed
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 75"
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