Can you spare some time to make some Hearts for Christchurch? Evie Harris is collecting hearts from around the world to be given to Christchurch residents. A heart is a symbol of caring and I know we all feel an overpowering desire to do something.

Two heart shapes sewn together, stuffed or not, embellished, embroidered, quilted, plain or fancy, anything goes. Add a loop for hanging. Choose your size. For ease of posting, envelope size is a good measurement. You can send them flat just add a note ‘To be stuffed’. Sign (or not), add a message and where the hearts are from.

Evie has set up a blog: Hearts for Christchurch where you can see the absolutely gorgeous hearts that she’s already received. Scroll through the blog posts by selecting the Older Posts link at the bottom of the first page. Aren’t they pretty!! You’ll find Evie’s mailing address in the top right corner of the blog too.

Making Mosaic-Like Fabric

I plan to send some hearts next week. I wanted to make mine very colourful and a little crazy. I’ve opted to make my own mosaic-like fabric from some scraps I had on hand. I ironed some Heat’n Bond Lite to one side of my fabrics, removed the paper and randomly cut the fabrics into approximately 1/2″ size. I’m ironing my bits to a lightweight poly cotton fabric.

Getting started:

mosaic fabric - getting-started

Making progress:

mosaic fabric - making progress

More progress:

mosaic fabric - more progress

All done:

mosaic fabric - all done

Close up:

mosaic fabric - close up

This piece finishes at 12″ x 17″. Next up, I’ll layer it with backing fabric, perhaps a black or red, and use Timtex for the middle layer, attach a size 14 needle to my machine, then quilt the heck out of it using a fabulous multi-coloured thread. I’ll do nice close stitches to secure the layers really well. Once the quilting is done, I’ll cut the hearts out, edge-stitch and add a ribbon for hanging. Will share photos when they are done!

5 responses to “Hearts for Christchurch and Making Mosaic-Like Fabric”

  1. Connie Avatar

    Looks great! I once did a wall hanging with snippets. Great idea to cut out hearts or any shape after you’re done. Have fun.

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Really interesting..very clever idea…

  3. SSKcraftshop Avatar

    Loo’s Great!!! May try this in one of my upcoming tutorials. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Charlene Tudor Avatar
    Charlene Tudor

    Absolutely gorgeous! I have a 24×26 shed (2-car garage size) PLUMB FULL of fabric and scraps. Now I have yet another idea on “scrapping”. Thank you. Yours is going to be BEAUTIFUL when finished. Great Easter colors! (Easter eggs?)

  5. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments Charlene. I made some bookmarks a couple of years ago using the same idea. You can see them at the bottom of this page, along with a link to the original tutorial:


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