Happy New Year Sew-Along

Happy New Year everyone!! I’m so thrilled to be hosting a fabulously fun sew-along in our Facebook Group. Plus there are give-aways here on the blog and in our group. Come join us!!


Here’s the FREE quilt that I’m teaching … Bright Stars (thanks to Jill McL for the name suggestion). The quilt as presented finishes at 64″ x 80″.

A scrappy version …


… and a two-colour version.


This is a Sew-Along … which means I’m sewing WITH you … and writing up the tutorial as we go along.

Fabric Requirements

You’ll need approximately 3.5 yards of BOTH light and dark fabrics to complete the top as shown above. If I decide to add borders, I’ll share that info later. Backing, batting and binding will be added later.

You can use scraps (or charms), fat quarters or yardage. IF you have an Easy Angle or Easy Star and Geese Ruler, you can use jelly rolls. If you don’t have these speciality rulers, you can’t use jelly rolls for the half-square triangles.

Let’s get started!

Important note: In my tutorial diagrams, the black units represent the background fabric.


WAIT! Before you cut, read the next step and additional notes.


Additional Notes: Instead of cutting individual squares, you may wish to use 2.5″ strips, sew the strips together, one background, one print, and then sub-cut those strip sets into the 2-patch units.


Important UPDATE: If you have not started your first batch of four-patches (i.e. Steps 1 to 3) … I strongly recommend that you shorten your stitch length a bit and instead of pressing to the background fabric, press your seams open. This will make future steps a little easier. However, like many of you, I’ve already done a good bit of my four-patches, so I’ll make it work having already pressed them in the direction indicated. It’s not a HUGE deal, we just can’t nest the seams for this quilt top as well as I thought we would be able to.

Spiral the Seams: If you’ve done any of my other quilt patterns, you’ll know how much I love spiralled seams for 4-patch units. By doing this, you distribute the bulk evenly. If this is a new term to you, watch this video:

Time for some more cutting….


Now it’s time to cut the fabric to make a total of 320 half-square triangle (HST) units.


I have given you the cutting instructions for two options of making the HST units. The first is the Square Method, where you’ll start with large squares, draw a diagonal line, stitch on both sides of the line, cut apart to yield two HST units and TRIM the HST units to the correct size. The second method is for using one of the Speciality Rulers, such as the Easy Star & Geese or Easy Angle rulers.

See this Tutorial: Creating Triangle and Flying Geese Units


Remember those squares you cut in Step 4, now it’s time to combine them with the HST units you’ve completed in Step 6.


Almost at the finish line, with Step 8 … press your new four-patches by spiralling the seams or pressing open. It’s really up to you. They won’t nest nicely when we join the blocks no matter what you choose.


Now take the two sets of 160 four-patches and create, yet another four-patch .. we’re getting bigger. Layout each individual block, so that you are 100% sure that you have the orientation correct. This is the completed block and measures 8.5″ square.


Let’s put the top together …



This sew-along has come together very quickly, but I did manage to get some free PDF patterns from friends to use as give-aways. Some of the patterns are being given away in our Facebook Group. However, I wanted to make it fair to everyone in all time zones, so you can enter on this blog post too!

To enter: Simply leave a comment below answering the following: “Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? If so, what are they?” I’ll choose the winners randomly, next Monday, January 5, 2015.

Thanks so much to the generosity of friends and sponsors that have donated .. at the last minute! Here are the prizes:

My dear friend, Pat Sloan, has donated THREE copies of her Let’s GO Sew pattern.


The three winners chosen from our Facebook Group are:

  • Peggy McC.
  • Deborah D.
  • Amy D.

Our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop have donated THREE of their It’s Sew Emma PDF patterns (max. value of $9.00).


The three winners chosen from our Facebook Group are:

  • Linda G.
  • Connie G.
  • Barb C.

Quilting buddy, Amy from Butterfly Angels Quilting has donated six copies of her pattern. Winners can choose between:

Cross Cross Apple Sauce:


Cajun Cathedral Windows:


The six winners chosen from our Facebook Group are:

  • Maggie F.
  • Diana F.
  • Kay M.
  • Susan J.
  • Liz G.
  • Danielle W.

I donated three copies of my latest pattern, Little Gems Mug Rugs.


The three winners chosen from our Facebook Group are:

  • Lucy W.
  • Roberta J.
  • Susan N. W.

263 responses to “Happy New Year Sew-Along”

  1. Sharon Densten Avatar
    Sharon Densten

    Michele, I keep looking at the picture and of the scrappy one and all I see is 80 of the 4 patches made with the 2 background fabrics. Really interested to see we’re the other 80 come in.

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Sharon, it’s correct … promise! 🙂 It’ll make sense in a few more steps.

  3. Sue Wiborg Avatar
    Sue Wiborg

    This is the first quilt I’ve ever done in a group and I’m discovering I have real control issues! The fact that I can’t see the “next steps” is giving me fits. So new year’s resolution is to trust – do what I’m told and stop trying to figure it out

  4. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    My New Year’s resolution is to finish at LEAST two of my ufos!!! 😉 and to actually use my exercise bike!!

  5. Barbara Johnson Avatar
    Barbara Johnson

    I haven’t even gotten used to the fact that Christmas is over, much less that New Year’s is…. TOMORROW?? Everything went way too fast this year. Maybe my New Year’s resolution should be to ask the world to slow down!

  6. Jacki Faller Avatar
    Jacki Faller

    To read my Bible more.

  7. Julie Smillie Avatar
    Julie Smillie

    My resolution is to complete one UFO a month and one quilt a month. Bring on 2015!

  8. Sharon Ingalls Avatar
    Sharon Ingalls

    My New Year resolution is to try and finish more of my UFO’s

  9. Pamela Schatz Avatar
    Pamela Schatz

    I want to finish my UFO’s.

  10. Thunder Avatar

    I don’t do resolutions, but I started doing the “word of the year” a few years ago. Last year it was create. I did a lot of that. Sew for the new year my word is Finish. Finish what I start. Sew I have a lot of 2014 creations to Finish in 2015.

    thanks Michele, for being part of my creativity, and finishing!!

  11. mike godawski Avatar
    mike godawski

    i am sewing hst. woo hoo

  12. Jill McLauchlin Avatar
    Jill McLauchlin

    this is a great pattern to do, especially while trying to watch hockey! Having a nap now due to my insomnia and I know I will be wide awake at 2am and will sew until at least 7am…….the joys of working shift work!

  13. Carlene J Avatar
    Carlene J

    I have a hard time with New Year’s resolutions–making them and if I do, then keeping them. I am starting a Dear Jane quilt this year and hope to complete it in this year’s time, while I make quilts for my two stepdaughters and daughter and daughter in law. That may not sound like a lot for some of you but for me with my UFOs that I also want to finish, that is quite an undertaking. May 2015 be a year to get things accomplished!!

  14. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    I gave up on making New Years resolutions waaaay back before I found out I have AAD-never was able to follow through- so I just pick a project and work it up another step. Eventually it gets done!

  15. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    Beautiful quilt. I don’t make resolutions, but I have a whole list of things I need to do! LOL

  16. Gari Avatar

    I don’t make a resolutions list but internally I usually think of a few things that I would like to improve on. And I am always aware of the things that I failed to meet.

  17. Bonnie Avatar

    While I don’t usually do New Years Resolutions I am this year. My resolution is to use from my stash or to repurpose fabric as much as possible. I started this fall and still have plenty to work with

  18. Tracy Avatar

    Wow what great prizes! Thank you for a chance to win. I don’t usually make New Years resolutions. Since I was looking through my UFOs today, and discovered I have 18! I guess in 2015, I need to work on busting those UFOs. I then looked at what I finished in 2014 and I am happy to report I finished 20 projects.

  19. Theresa Johnson Avatar
    Theresa Johnson

    Read my bible more,and enjoy my family and friendsore often

  20. Pamela Seigl Avatar
    Pamela Seigl

    To finish 3-4 of the quilts I started in the last 6 months

  21. Pamela Seigl Avatar
    Pamela Seigl

    To finish cleaning and organizing my sewing room

  22. Frances Avatar

    My resolution is to not have as many UFO’s when 2016 begins.

  23. JoyceLM Avatar

    My resolutions are to finish more of my UFOs (one a month) and learn to machine applique. Thanks.

  24. carol douglas Avatar
    carol douglas

    My resolution is to finish ORGANIZING all my kits, fabric bundles, bolts, ufos so that i can more easily see what I have. Hopefully, this will make it easier to accomplish something specific!

  25. Barbara Avatar

    My New Years resolution is to work on completing the UFO’s I have started. this includes making 3 new quilts for 2 friends and a new grandbaby due in July. I have 3 paper piece projects and a t-shirt quilt to finish as well.

  26. Becki Avatar

    Organizing my scraps and healthy eating

  27. QuiltinGram Avatar

    Finish purging my stash and making at least two existing projects before starting a new one!

  28. Sandra Bradford Avatar
    Sandra Bradford

    My quilting resolution is to finish some UFO’s. However don’t want to tie myself down to a specific number. lol

  29. Jodi Haskell Avatar
    Jodi Haskell

    Iam having so much fun with this quilt along! First of all my color choices – purple, not at all me! Part of my NYR, step out of my comfort zone! Thank you so much for taking your precious time to host this party! Give Milo a hug and get some rest! Happy New Year!

  30. Sheila Hartford Avatar
    Sheila Hartford

    My New Years resolution is to get back on “healthy me” track and finished the 6 or 7 ufo’s along with a large customer order, but I’m a quilter with a shirt attention span so I work on several projects at so time 🙂

  31. Roberta Johnson Avatar
    Roberta Johnson

    This is great, Michele. Thank you for doing this quilt along.

  32. Wanda Rains Avatar
    Wanda Rains

    Resolution to get out of my head and into fabric and thread.

  33. Kay Avatar

    This has been a fun day. Checking posts every so often, and looking at what everyone is doing in the group. I even finally got to get some sewing done on the ‘Gems’. I love all the happy banter back and forth. If I could just make up my mind on what to do with Bright Stars I’d start cutting fabric tonight. Well maybe the New Year’s baby will bring me clarity overnight. Hope everyone is safe and happy. Thank you all for making my NYED so much fun. Also Thank you to those that have so generously provided the patterns for the give a ways. God Bless.

  34. Cindy Andrews Avatar
    Cindy Andrews

    Great job hosting this quilt along. Happy new year

  35. Melissa Avatar

    Don’t buy any more fabric until my birthday! Some exceptions, like if I have an immediate need for a project that can’t be satisfied by my stash, miss kate, daysail, rainy days and mondays, and a reasonable purchase from 2 local quilt shops I haven’t gone to yet.

  36. Sarah Avatar

    In 2015 I would like to continue to (mostly) follow my fall fabric diet/budget, refinish my grandfather’s drafting table (as a cutting table), sew something every week (twice would be great!), purge and use or give away stashed material that I’m not going to use (my cousin _wants_ my bin of thrifted denim, and the jeans quilt will never make it out of the imagining stage)

    Finally, figure out how to make more trips to Ottawa – both to spend time with family and to turn more UFO tops into quilts on the longarm.

  37. Susan Avatar

    My resolution is to purge the clutter!!!

  38. Tina Howell Avatar
    Tina Howell

    In 2015 I hope to be able learn new things and to improve my sewing a little each day. To finish what I start and end with less UFO’s then I have now.

  39. Marsha Avatar

    To really start serious sewing this summer.

  40. Lynda Mcculloch Avatar
    Lynda Mcculloch

    My New Year’s resolutions are to design 4 new wall hanging patterns to go with the 4 patterns I have already designed. Eventually combine them into a book. I have already started a new one, I finished the drawing, tomorrow I will start sewing on it. Also I plan to work hard to loose weight and be healthier, I have some health issues to consider. Happy New Year’s every one. I’m excited to start the new Bright Stars pattern. It is beautiful.

  41. Hueisei Avatar

    My New Year resolution is finish at least 2 quilts this year 🙂
    Thanks for the QAL. Love the quilt 🙂

  42. Chris Avatar

    I don’t usually make New Years resolutions but this year I want to buy a keyboard and learn to play a little bit of music. I’m getting old and I’d like to play something before I leave this earth.

  43. Kerri Avatar

    I intend to work hard at finishing up a few of my WOP and spending time with my Granddaughter.

  44. Toni Gray Avatar
    Toni Gray

    Would like to work on my UFO cupboard. Seem like another project always gets in the way.

  45. Peggy s Avatar
    Peggy s

    ” to do more” as I had 2 operations last year I was unable to do a lot of stuff so this year I just want to do more than I did last year, sew more, quilt more, walk more, see new places more, save more, cook more. Everyday just do a little more.

  46. Lucy Wilson Avatar
    Lucy Wilson

    Im all set for srappy with dark blue scrappy as the background! Can’t wait!

  47. Deborah Avatar

    My only resolution is to quilt more. I think the quilt along will keep me motivated. I love the scrappy version!

  48. Jill McLauchlin Avatar
    Jill McLauchlin

    I need to stick to my NO BUY resolution (except for batting and backing), I did well last year, but need to do even better this year! I really have WAY to much fabric, I also need to practice the 10 minutes a day plan to chip away at UFOs

  49. Kristy Avatar

    I love this quilt! And the prizes are incredibly generous. 🙂 Absolutely beautiful patterns, every one.

  50. Marye Albritton Avatar
    Marye Albritton

    Im at work today delivering babies as well as tomorrow. But I’m off Saturday, Sunday, and Monday! I’ll be seeing like crazy on those days!

  51. Tina Howell Avatar

    My desire for this year is to bring organization to my chaos and work on my potential. Also sewing a straight line would be helpful.

  52. Denise Hambrick Avatar
    Denise Hambrick

    My resolution is to quilt. I am new at sewing, began with Christmas gifts to get started. I will quilt in 2015, I will quilt in 2015. I did make a small quilt out of my grandfathers PJ’s, which my sister gave to me after he died. She took care of him lots and used to get him in his pajamas often. The pillow case, quilted and using French seams turned out wonderful. My sister was speechless. I love quilting.

  53. Mary Richardson Avatar
    Mary Richardson

    My resolution is to get my new longarm quilting machine and frame up and running and have my first project quilted by March first!

  54. Cathy Avatar

    My resolution is to have a better 2015, last year was filled with a lot of heart breaking events. The second is to finish quilting the 5 tops I have done and finish the 4 I have started (including this one)

  55. Jennifer Giberson Avatar

    I vow to spend more time creating and just being happy. Because I am happy when I’m creating 😉

  56. Linda bailey Avatar
    Linda bailey

    My New Years resolution is to be a more sensitive to the needs of others and to be a better person all the way around . I have some friends that are very sick and would like to be there for them more .

  57. Linda Hughes Avatar
    Linda Hughes

    My New Year’s resolution is to finish my UFO’S.

  58. Cheri Raduenz Avatar
    Cheri Raduenz

    No resolutions that way I don’t break them!

  59. Cheryl Avatar

    No New Years resolutions for me — I never follow through and then feel like a failure. This way if I don’t have any, I don’t have anything to feel bad about.

  60. Meghan Avatar

    My resolutions this year are to manage my time better, be more productive in my spare time (which includes doing more quilting!), and getting healthier via diet and exercise. Thanks for the chance at the giveaways:). Happy New Year!

  61. Sharon Flynn Avatar
    Sharon Flynn

    My resolution for this year is to finally get organized and settled into my new home so I can do more sewing and less searching through piles of boxes of fabrics to find the right fabric for my new projects. I want to finish those UFO’s from many years ago so I can make more. I pledge to do some sewing every day to relieve the stress of life.

  62. Michele Beattie Avatar
    Michele Beattie

    I just started quilting in the fall, 2014. I’ve had a couple of small but gratifying successes and a few epic failures. In 2015 I vow to stay calm, focused and learn how to bind corners that don’t look like I had my eyes closed when I made them.

  63. Pat Avatar

    My resolution is to learn FMQ on my Jenome. Can’t afford to send out every quilt to a longarm quilter.

  64. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Like the “modern” look of Melissa’s pattern! What fun to throw scrappy into the mix and really spice that one up!

  65. Lori Ethridge Avatar
    Lori Ethridge

    Letting myself get past those little pet-peaves that just make me mad on a daily basis. I want to find a way, without buying a new machine, to get my seams 1/4″ and a scant 1/4″

  66. Cathy Hayes Avatar
    Cathy Hayes

    My intent is to quilt more! And to clean out my sewing room! The first will be fun; the second, well, we’ll see…

  67. Johanna Blakney Avatar
    Johanna Blakney

    I will only use my considerable stash in 2015. No buying new fabric. The New Year sew-along should make a small dent.

  68. Sandie Avatar

    My resolution is to get at least half of my quilt tops quilted! I need to learn a few more background patterns and try a panto or 2 on my long arm!

  69. Chin Linda Avatar
    Chin Linda

    Is there a print button?

  70. susie meier Avatar
    susie meier

    I plan to spend more money (on quilt activities) and save less. Hey I can keep this resolution in 2015.

  71. Cynthia Samples Avatar
    Cynthia Samples

    I don’t make resolutions, but I do have some goals to accomplish some things. One of them is to do more quilting.

  72. DONNA PITTS Avatar

    I’m in the process of rearranging my sewing room so I can easily locate all my UFOs and get them done this year. I plan to make 5 new tops, bind two that are quilted and quilt one. Not bad for 12 months and allowing for loafing time also.

  73. Jeni Avatar

    I don’t usually do New Years resolutions but I would say I want to work on creating more beautiful things

  74. Rosalie Roberts Avatar
    Rosalie Roberts

    I slept instead of sewing because we are having a cold spell here in Idaho. it is 9:30 and still -4′. But will get going here pretty soon. Love the look of this pattern and have a lot of scraps that I can use. It will be very scrappy.

  75. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    My New Year’s resolution for 2015 is to sew/quilt more and to keep my sewing room organized sew I can just walk in and do the stitching at my leisure. Relax and enjoy….my new motto. Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. Steph Guyer Avatar
    Steph Guyer

    I don’t make resolutions; they’re too easy to break and breaking them makes me sad, so here’s to no resolutions! 🙂

  77. Linda Mc Avatar
    Linda Mc

    2015 goal is to get better work-life balance as I often work 12 hour days!

  78. Kathy Godbout Avatar
    Kathy Godbout

    My goal is to see how many projects I can start! LOL!

  79. Debbie Ambrose Avatar
    Debbie Ambrose

    My resolution is to organize my sewing room so I spend more time sewing then looking for what I want to sew.

  80. Kathy S Avatar

    One of my resolutions is to continue to improve my health. I have been slowly been making good choices and changes over the last three years and it’s done wonders for me.

    A sewing resolutions is to finish two WIPS before starting a new project. Sooner or later I’ll be all caught up. QA’s are my weakness! Thanks for another tempting pattern to use up my scraps.

  81. Pennie H Avatar
    Pennie H

    My New Years Resolution is less work and more play! My goal is to sew a quilt that I keep for myself. I have given away every quilt I have made.

  82. Lori Clancy Avatar
    Lori Clancy

    My resolution is to do a better job at quality time with my family. Especially with my daughters that live away from home. Make more time to become closer to them.

  83. Trish Priest Avatar
    Trish Priest

    2015…I will be making more quilts and cloths for my family there is nothing no better than a homemade quilt from mama and nana… Happy sesewing!!!!

  84. Rose Dumas Avatar
    Rose Dumas

    My New Year resolution, finish all the quilt pieces I need to quilt before I start a new quilt…I know its hard to do.

  85. kimberly whispell Avatar
    kimberly whispell

    I want to finnish up all my ufo’s. I had knee surgery a year ago and got depressed and haven’t sewen in some time. So back to work on my sewing.

  86. Liddy Avatar

    I decided that if god tarries, this year I will work on the four quilts I need to get done.This should use up a fair bit of my stash, then I start using scraps and avoid buying any more fabric.
    Happy New Year

  87. nancy g Avatar
    nancy g

    Not good at resolutions, but hoping to get some UFOs done

  88. Robyn Vercoe Avatar
    Robyn Vercoe

    This year my plan is to finish what I have started. My dream is to learn to applique and master boarders and binding. I am NSW to this and find myself getting frustrated with these two.

  89. Liddy Avatar

    I didn’t mean to use lower case for God. That will teach me to read and then read again before hitting submit

  90. Robyn Vercoe Avatar
    Robyn Vercoe


  91. Mona Brockman Avatar

    Just got my new sewing room organized. Want to do more quilting this year .

  92. Velta Avatar

    Loose weight! Wish me luck! Maybe if I sew more I will eat less?? LOL

  93. Carol Croner Avatar
    Carol Croner

    My biggest new years resolution is to learn how to use my new long arm quilter and finish up my ufo’s.

  94. Nancy Avatar

    My resolution this year is to make a quilting room in my basement. I have out grown my little sewing nook, and need something bigger.

  95. Betty Baerg Avatar
    Betty Baerg

    My New Year’s resolution is to take a day each week to do personal quilting projects. I have several that have needed to be done for several years.

  96. Charlotte Avatar

    Scrappy? I do not know all the quilter’s lingo…does this mean using up bits & pieces? If so here we go!!

  97. joan workman Avatar
    joan workman

    My resolution is to not overschedule myself…take time with my kids and grandkids…and do what makes me happy.

  98. Mary Abbott Avatar
    Mary Abbott

    No resolutions for me…just being the best I can.

  99. Renee Evenson Avatar
    Renee Evenson

    My goal this year is to put the ideas in my head into finished projects!

  100. Susan Avatar

    I have resolved to clean out and simplify.

  101. Carole Avatar

    My resolution for 2015 is to use up my scraps and finish some of my ufos which one dates back to 1978! It is sail boats and back on those days it was all cut with scissors!

  102. Pamela seigl Avatar
    Pamela seigl

    Planning on finishing a red and black quilt for myself that I bought 3 years ago while traveling in texas

  103. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. But I am planning to finish up some of my UFO’s this coming year.

  104. Kristi Avatar

    I love this design and the fact that I can use up some of my scraps! Thanks!

  105. Linda Avatar

    I plan to finish up some charity quilts, get them layered and quilted and out of my way and then start putting together a Hunters Star Quilt that I cut out with Accuquilt. My plan is to get something finished each week to get those small quilts done and then tackle that big quilt. And then to spend more time at the gym and finish my journey there!!!

  106. Gail Avatar

    My resolutions are to use up some of my stash, and to use less sugar. We’ll see how that goes!

  107. Lori Chvojka Avatar
    Lori Chvojka

    i resolve to make a quilt, or two, for me!! I have yet to make my own quilt.

  108. Cynthia Beasley Avatar
    Cynthia Beasley

    My personal Resolution is to keep up with my physical therapy so I can walk again. When I do, I resolve not to take any steps for granted (I currently have two broken ankles). My sewing Resolution is to finish what I start before starting another project 🙂 Thank you for the great sew-along!

  109. Donna Hill Avatar
    Donna Hill

    I don’t make New Year resolutions either, but I do hope that all quilters everywhere have a wonderful 2015!

  110. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    I resolved to finish at least two UFOs this year! And to get more exercise. Really!

  111. Amy Cofer Avatar
    Amy Cofer

    This year is all about finishing some works in progress, and cutting up my scraps for use in scrappy quilts. Already making progress cutting up scraps during the college playoff ballgames going on now. Am proud of GA Tech’s Quinn last night. War Eagle during the Outback Bowl going on now! Lastly, can anyone beat Bama tonight?

  112. cecilia amorim Avatar
    cecilia amorim

    Eu pretendo desenvolver meus projetos para minha família para que tenham uma boa lembrança minha em patchwork. Isto motiva meus ano novo. Grande abraço.

  113. Barbara Agggy Avatar
    Barbara Agggy

    I want to learn new techniques and I love completing this type of quilt pattern I have friends from all over. I am going to finish my table runners.

  114. JOYCE SOCHACKI Avatar

    I am behind but will be starting this sew along this week–I intend to finish it!

  115. Susan Coulter Avatar
    Susan Coulter

    I usually don’t make resolutions but this year I have a list! On the quilting side I want to be sure to work on Ufos and learn at least one new thing each month in 2015. ( I am a newbie.)

  116. Deb Enders Avatar
    Deb Enders

    No, haven’t made any New Years resolutions for years now. I find I’m much happier living ‘in the now’ than beating myself up for things that SHOULD have been done. I will be finishing the 4 quilts I’ve started for ME, though – the first quilts for me in over 40 years of quilting. Am looking forward to that part as all four are totally different. Then, on to making baby quilts and cuddle quilts ‘ahead’ for gifts for new babies and gifts for folks in my life.

  117. Barbara Corry Avatar
    Barbara Corry

    No resolutions. I don’t like to make promises I can’t keep.

  118. Donna Porter Avatar
    Donna Porter

    I don’t usually make new year’s resolutions as I am trying regularly to become a better person physically and spiritually. However, helping others, making a difference in my community and building my newly formed business “Keeping You in Stitches” are high on my list of things to accomplish this year. I wish everyone a wonderful and prosperous new year.

  119. Barbara Corry Avatar
    Barbara Corry

    I didn’t make any resolutions. I can’t get serious enough to follow through.

  120. Becki Meek Avatar
    Becki Meek

    My resolution is to spend more time in Bible study and praying for friends, family, and requests received. Also to be more disciplined in all areas of my life, which includes learning/doing the quilting projects I have been collecting!

  121. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    this will be a year of travel for us as my husband races for national corvette clubs national champion. for me that means LOTS of quillt shops to visit!! and small projects to work on in the motor home. I CAN’T WAIT. LET THE RACES BEGIN!!!

  122. Deborah DeBerry Avatar
    Deborah DeBerry

    To finish more UFOs, and to keep learning: new techniques, new tips and put them to use.

  123. carol Avatar

    The resolution that I have started is to eliminate paper accumulations at work and home. I have paper piles, folders, files, stacks, bags–PAPER is everywhere. Every day I am sorting, pitching, eliminating.

  124. Mitzi Bojar Avatar
    Mitzi Bojar

    My resolution is to finish my Delightful Stars!

  125. Barb B Avatar
    Barb B

    I just love the colors in this quilt. I am going through my stash now to get started. I know I am late, but had to work last night and just getting myself moving.

    Thanks for the fun quilt.

  126. Marge Barlow Avatar
    Marge Barlow

    My quilting resolutions for 2015 are to finish at least 3UFOs and to start cutting scraps and organizing them into strips and squares for future scrappy use. Thank you for this sew along. I love the scrappy look and will be working on this for the rest of the day.

  127. Meg Avatar

    My resolution is to sew from my stash before I buy any new fabric – I’ll give it my best shot, but no promises!

  128. Linda Taylor Avatar
    Linda Taylor

    I am determined to complete as many UFO’s as I possibly can, and——–of course, lose weight as I go! 🙂

  129. Dawn Jones Avatar
    Dawn Jones

    My resolution is loosing 40 pounds, and making my first quilt. Happy New Year!

  130. Luci Shibles Avatar
    Luci Shibles

    My resolution for 2015 is to increase my donations to “Warmth for all”. I have been making hats for 3 years for them and this year it would be nice to also donate a couple baby quilts and some slippers. 🙂

  131. Sharon C Avatar
    Sharon C

    My 2015 resolution is to complete a queen size quilt.

  132. KathyG Avatar

    My resolution for this year is to sell the fabrics I know I will never use and stay out of the fabric stores. Just use up what I already have.

  133. Linda Webster Avatar
    Linda Webster

    My main resolution is to have more fun in 2015. My quilting resolution is to finish the ufo’s I want to finish and donate the rest to a quilt quild.

  134. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    sew many quilts to sew with sew little time to sew. ;P thanks for the quilt along

  135. Virginia McNeece Avatar
    Virginia McNeece

    My 2015 New Year resolution is to make quilts for the needy. Our city’s new children’s hospital just opened and since I have no little children to sew for, I will make quilts for them.

  136. Mary G Avatar
    Mary G

    2015 is my year to make as many quilts as possible out of my stash, which means SCRAPPY! Bright Stars is a perfect way to start!

  137. Pamela Seigl Avatar
    Pamela Seigl

    Will finish all undone projects

  138. Barb B. Avatar
    Barb B.

    This year I plan to finish as many of my UFO’s as possible. I inherited my sisters UFO’s, so I really have a lot to do.

  139. Lisa Franklin Avatar
    Lisa Franklin

    I don’t usually make New Years resolutions, but I want to do more piecing and quilting this year

  140. PersimonDreams Avatar

    My New Year’s resolution is to drink more red wine. Oh – and to find balance in my life 🙂 Thanks for the fun!

  141. Jennifer Avatar

    I only made 2 New Years resolutions…none of which were sewing or quilting related. I am quitting smoking and starting a 3x a week workout. I guess sewing and quilting are related 🙂 they are going to get me through the quitting smoking.

  142. Linda M Enslow Avatar
    Linda M Enslow

    Instead of the same resolution – I joined the word for the year trend. My word is Organize. Besides organizing my fabric by color and putting into bins I have to organize my house. 75 days until we put the house on the market! Happy New Year.

  143. Victoria Miner Avatar

    I don’t generally make new year’s resolutions, but I definitely plan to quilt as many of my finished tops as possible so I can actually use them instead of keeping them folded up in the closet.

  144. Cheri S. Avatar
    Cheri S.

    Plan to finish UFO’s and make grandkids quilts for Christmas 2015. Can’t wait to get started. Just moved and have to unpack first.

  145. Barbara B. Avatar
    Barbara B.

    No resolutions …… no point in making one as I fall off the wagon by the end of the first week in January anyway …… LoL!!! ………… just plan on plodding along trying to get all the projects done I want to do in the time I have left 🙂



  146. Geni Pickens Avatar
    Geni Pickens

    I’ve made too many to remember and have never reached them. So this year I picked a word: persevere and I’m going to try to move forward no matter what obstacles pop up!!

  147. Jennifer Padden Avatar
    Jennifer Padden

    I promise to finish a quilt that I started over four years ago. My daughter has been waaaayyy to patient.

  148. Mary Gillette Avatar
    Mary Gillette

    I intend to sew every day, whether it’s 10 minutes or all day, as well as to work on projects listed on my monthly schedule for making gifts. My local guild has 4 challenges and/or exchanges set up, and I’ll participate in those too. Plus a non-quilty one to exercise daily.

  149. Mary Lou Avatar
    Mary Lou

    Resolve to work more on my UFO’s. Goal – complete two UFOs before starting anything new. Well, guess I am two behind already by beginning this new project!

  150. kbo Avatar

    To try and finish at least one UFO project for the year.

  151. Diane Saffitz Avatar
    Diane Saffitz

    What a fun site! My resolution is to finally forge on with machine quilting 4 quilts I’ve pieced. I’ve had to practice machine quilting first and, while I’m not great at it, I’m thinking perfection is boring anyway.

  152. Karen J Avatar
    Karen J

    Complete my UFOs and my first commissioned quilt!

  153. Ginger H Avatar
    Ginger H

    It WAS “fewer quilts started, more quilts finished” -til I saw this quilt! Love it!

  154. Sandra Taylor Avatar
    Sandra Taylor

    Love this site!!! Would love to win something….but also just wanted you to know that I am a late comer to the sew along and am sooo glad I found it. My New Year’s resolution is to remember to put 2015 on all of my correspondence. 🙂

  155. Julie Sprano Avatar
    Julie Sprano

    Mine is to finish the multitude of quilts I’ve gotten fabric for, each new quilt completed is another technique or lesson learned.

  156. Diana @ Red Delicious Life Avatar

    I want to better organize my fabric scraps! Thanks for the fun QAL!

  157. Elsie Avatar

    Happy New Year everyone. My only resolution is to be a better person. What I plan is to learn to do my EQ7, and anything else to do with quilting using up the fabric I have in my own designs. Your site looks like fun

  158. Tammy Taylor Avatar
    Tammy Taylor

    I want to finish up a few UFO’s and use my stash before buying too much more. I don’t have much more room for material.

  159. Cindy Null Avatar
    Cindy Null

    I am very excited about this year and hope to double my quilts that I did last year.

  160. Ilse Avatar

    I always fail with my new year’s resolutions no more fabric I just cannot help myself when I see new material. Try and finish my UFO”S from years & years ago.

  161. Linda Collum Avatar
    Linda Collum

    My resolutions? Get organized, work on the projects that I have already purchased the fabric to do – before I forget what the fabric is for!

  162. Naomi Vela Avatar

    My resolution this year is not to make any…coz I never stick to them anyway, so didn’t see the point….I do however, hope to achieve success at sewing through some of my fabric collection and to somehow try and organize all my craft stuff so I have room, and everyone doesn’t keep having a go at me about it all the time….they obviously don’t ‘get’ that if there’s ever a shortage of craft supplies, then, for the most part, I’ll be safe till things return to normal lol

    Thanks for the sew a long, I’m hoping to join in, even if I am a little late starting….I might not get the whole quilt made, but even if I do a few blocks that will help, and I should be able to finish it a little later in the year when all the start of the year madness if over.


  163. usairdoll Avatar

    Awesome giveaways! My only resolution is to sew more and finish up some of my UFOs. Going to try real hard to keep this one, hehe.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  164. Garilyn's Avatar

    I have not made any new year resolutions. Although I have a goal of organizing as much as possible throughout my house, including my sewing area.

  165. Sharon Owens Avatar
    Sharon Owens

    Just saw this. Wish I’d known about the quilt along earlier but I just foud out about you from Pat Sloan’s site. So glad she had a link to you! I’m new to quilting but am going to join your group on fb. My New Year’s resolution (one of) is to manage my time better.

  166. Linda Ritterskamp Avatar
    Linda Ritterskamp

    1. I have so many UFO’s and a stack of “I want to make” ideas. These are on my resolution list. 2. Another resolution is to use the crock pot more often so I don’t worry about getting dinner ready. 3rd is to make sure I spend plan some time away from my sewing to do fun things with my family and friends.

  167. Janet May Avatar

    You are going to put this up as a pdf later, aren’t you? I want to make it with scraps in between work on my UFOs this year.

    I’ve put my list of pending tasks up on my web page. There are too many to expect to finish this year! I wonder what others will find their way to my list by this time next year?

    Happy 2015 to all!!

  168. Edie P Avatar
    Edie P

    My 2015 Resolution is to make a quilt using my scraps! But it is fun buying that new material. 🙂

  169. Claudia N Avatar
    Claudia N

    My resolution is to make a list of projects and mark them off as they are completed. Hopefully this will help me keep on track and accomplish more things.

  170. Pamela Avatar

    My “resolution” is to join a local quild, take a class ot two, and enter one or more of my quilts in a show. I’ve been quilting for 25 years and not had any formal training other than recent online classes.

  171. Trinity Huffman Avatar
    Trinity Huffman

    I promise to find more time for my sewing passion! 🙂

  172. Vickey Avatar

    I have a full year of quilting experience now and one thing I have seen is to be organized. My goal this year is to do pointed stars with “y” seam and to finish the BOM from the Guild. Happy NewYear 2015.

  173. Mary Jane Cardwell Avatar
    Mary Jane Cardwell

    Never have been one to make resolutions! Can’t think of a reason to begin now!

  174. Cy Swendsen Avatar
    Cy Swendsen

    I resolve to make no resolutions! I will do what I can, when I can to the best of my abilities and avoid the self-imposed guilt of failed resolutions!

  175. Raewyn Avatar

    What an awesome pattern I love it (scrappy is my thing) Thank you Misha for doing a sew a long! My NY Resolution is to use those scrappies and participate in these fun quilts.

  176. Patty Moffitt Avatar
    Patty Moffitt

    My resolution is to quit collecting patterns and MAKE A QUILT!

  177. bobbie campbell Avatar
    bobbie campbell

    My NYR is cook more at home and finish more quilts. Love the quilting community. Thanks for the op to win.

  178. DEBRA DAVIS Avatar

    This year I am working on getting healthier and using Pat Sloans 10 mins a day sewing idea. Gonna give it a try and maybe get some projects done!!

  179. Brenda Worland Avatar
    Brenda Worland

    My resolution is to try and finish some of my UFOs. Also, I would like to use up some of of my stash fabric. I figure it would be easier to use my stash than to organize.

  180. Sally Avatar

    Such a beautiful quilt you are making today. My New Year’s resolution is to use up some of my stash so I can buy more, which brings be such excitement to start another quilt.

  181. Nancy Hamm Avatar
    Nancy Hamm

    I have not made any resolutions because when I don’t keep them, I get depressed. It seems to me to just try and live every day to the best of my ability, and hopefully I’ll be happy and I just might make someone else happy too. What do ya think? Works for me!

  182. Rita williams Avatar
    Rita williams

    Yes, quilt more eat less and get moving in between!

  183. Jill Ellis Avatar
    Jill Ellis

    My resolution is to accept the use of my friend’s longarm machine and quilt some of quilt tops–no fear, just do it!

  184. Karen Rhodes Avatar
    Karen Rhodes

    My first and foremost resolution is to focus on my health as this is what will make it possible for me to complete all of my sewing projects. I have joined several swaps so that I will continue to make sewing and quilting friends all over the world. This takes me to my second resolution, sew for at least 30 minutes a day. (My fav). Happy New Years!!!!!

  185. Desirae M Avatar
    Desirae M

    New year resolution for this year is to finish what I’ve started. Including projects from past years.

  186. Kathryn A Brazauskas Avatar
    Kathryn A Brazauskas

    My resolution is to rid myself of all of the negative around me. I’m just going to avoid negative people and concentrate on positive. 🙂

  187. karen woodhull Avatar
    karen woodhull

    My new year resolution is to start Christmas sewing early so I am able to give a homemade gift to all my family and friends!

  188. Debbie Kelly Avatar

    I am working hard on UFO’s and progressing well.I made 3 quilts for Christmas gifts for family…..I know they will be pleased to receive them a little late but completed and labeled also

  189. Patricia Hurdle Avatar
    Patricia Hurdle

    Happy New Year !!
    My resolutions for now are to catch up with the rest of you because I did not know about this new years get together until 9 pm. So here I go to the sew machine to give it a good honest try.

  190. Patricia Hurdle Avatar
    Patricia Hurdle

    ooopppssss it is 8:30 not 9 pm. See I cannot even tell time let alone sew a quilt!!!

  191. Tamara Barnett Avatar
    Tamara Barnett

    To finish quilting all my tops. Make some baby quilts make a color wheel and maybe a snails trail. Cheers to production!

  192. Deborah F Avatar
    Deborah F

    My resolution is to finish the quilt tops I have so I can give them away. Also get started on my Christmas gifts now so I can have most done by then. Whew. I guess I’ll find time for work somewhere in there!

  193. Patti Doll Avatar
    Patti Doll

    My resolution this year is to try to keep up on dishes and housework a bit better…I’m horribly lazy, and once I get started on a sewing project (or crochet or knitting) everything but my kids well-being gets pushed to the side.

  194. Barb B Avatar
    Barb B

    My resolution is to find the bottom of my paper pile on my kitchen table and keep it empty. Once I have that accomplished — I want to work on some unfinished projects — both quilting and knitting.

  195. Stephanie Avatar

    Fun! Added it to my social sewing calendar: http://swoodsonsays.com/sew-a-long-calendar/

  196. Karen Brasington Avatar
    Karen Brasington

    My resolution this year is to try to quilt on my regular sewing machine. I have ordered classes to help with this but have yet watched them! Maybe that should be my 2nd resolution!

  197. Karen Brasington Avatar
    Karen Brasington

    My resolution this year is to try to quilt on my regular sewing machine.

  198. Ruth Stark Avatar
    Ruth Stark

    My resolution this year is to finish a bed-size quilt on my machine. Eek…better get started and stay with the project! (Too many UFOs lurking around).

  199. Jenni Kift Avatar
    Jenni Kift

    I am doing it Michele loved the pattern so much hope it turns out ok. Using scrappy scrappy Jenni

  200. Tammy Dennis Avatar
    Tammy Dennis

    MNR. Is to stay organised and finish all projects that I have started.

  201. Patty Espinosa Avatar
    Patty Espinosa

    Love your sew-alongs! My new years resolution is to get my sewing room completely finished. Next step is that my design wall is finally going up on Monday so I should be able to use it all year! Even probably get the “Bright Stars” quilt up on the wall! Take care.

  202. Connie V-Grady Avatar
    Connie V-Grady

    My News Year resolution is to get packed up and get moved to SC. We have been working at getting the house in shape to sell so we can move.

  203. susan pappas Avatar
    susan pappas

    I think i have already registered. But if not, I’m working on accuracy and this looked a fun project. I’m from VT. I’d say my skill level is intermediate/ beginner.

  204. Mary Deeter Avatar

    My resolution is to USE ….Use what I have! The stash; the scrap bin; the UFO’s !!

  205. Celeste Catano Avatar
    Celeste Catano

    My resolution is to complete one UFO before starting a new project.

  206. Virginia Spiers Avatar
    Virginia Spiers

    My resolution is to get as many of my UFO’s finished as I can, while still starting other projects. Also to continue losing weight smartly.

  207. Susan Avatar

    My New Year’s Resolutions is to get more projects totally completed during the year. This Sew-Along will be a great start!

  208. Brenda Cook Avatar
    Brenda Cook

    Missed joining in for sewing on New Years so I’ve some catching up to do! Love these posts and the ones on Facebook too. Great group!

  209. laura Avatar

    finishing finishing finishing–that’s my resolution!

  210. Carol Avatar

    I would love to finish some of my projects and use more of my stash. I also resolve to try not to buy any more fabric unless it’s absolutely necessary!

  211. Happylab Avatar

    My new Year’s resolution, to only make quilts I want to finish or make, and have fun in doing the process. Make 2-4 scrappy quilts. Relax and enjoy life.

  212. Deb Berkebile Avatar
    Deb Berkebile

    My New year’s resolution is to follow my “Journey” this year. Whatever that journey takes me to. Finishing UFO’s, new GIS quilts for entries, painting fabric and paper from Gelli prints, to painting collages of both.
    Happy New Year, and thanks so much for the giveaways!

  213. cheri mccurdy Avatar
    cheri mccurdy

    My Resolution is to be more positive. also to complete things I start.

  214. Carol Avatar

    I must learn to quilt so that I can quilt the 9 quilt tops I have finished so far and finish the other 3 I am busy with.
    Love your Face Book group as well as this one. Happy New year to everyone, may we all reach our goals!!!

  215. Olga Avatar

    My New Year’s resolution is to finish at least some of my unfinished projects. Happy New Year. Hope I win.

  216. Sue Harbin Avatar
    Sue Harbin

    My New Year’s resolution is to eat less and sew more,

  217. Patty Coppola Avatar
    Patty Coppola

    I am inspired and resolute to become more proficient in my quilting skills. I want to start and finish 2 quilts for 2 of my 4 children.

  218. Frances Avatar

    New Years Resolution is to FINISH what I start ans to lower the mountain height of my UFO’s.

  219. Merritt's Avatar

    I am retiring from my “day job” after 27 years at the same desk. My resolution is to dive into family, fabric and fun!!

  220. Merrietta Avatar

    I am retiring from my “day job” after 27 years at the same desk. My resolution is to dive into family, fabric and fun!! My name came up wrong! Silly spell check!!

  221. Sally Avatar

    Still waiting for step 10. Love this quilt!

  222. Teresa TAylor Avatar

    My resolutions are to finish at least one of my own quilts per month, gain at least one new longarm customer each month, and get my sewing room more organized.

  223. Judy Cooper Avatar

    My resolution is To Do What I Can Do.

  224. Louise Avatar

    My resolution is to declutter, by organizing and using my fabric stash. NO NEW STASH FABRIC, no matter how good a deal it is, is my 2015 motto. Only buy new if needed for a specific project, if not, find something in my stash.

  225. ReginaBurnitt Avatar

    My New Years resolution is to make more quilts

  226. Shirley Avatar

    I don’t make new years resolutions..I just try to do the right thing to make like enjoyable. looking forward to this, I’m choosing the 2 color method which I hope won’t confuse me since your instructions are for multi..hahah

  227. Sue Steward Avatar
    Sue Steward

    I keep checking but I don’t seem to be coming up with Step 10 that was going to be released on Friday??????

  228. Maria Ziccarelli Avatar
    Maria Ziccarelli

    My resolution is to finish what I start. It may be 2 or 3 things at a time, but all must be finished before the years end.

  229. baguio guide Avatar

    i’m little bit confused but i already get the point 🙂

  230. Sheila Thompson Avatar
    Sheila Thompson

    To buy more fabric and some lovely patterns

  231. Sheila Thompson Avatar
    Sheila Thompson

    To buy more fabric and quilting gadgets

  232. Theresa Andrews Avatar
    Theresa Andrews

    Love this sew along and all the goodie giveaways! My new year’s resolution is “follow through”. IM looking to following through with unfinished projects/commitments/etc for this year!

  233. Shirley Jobson Avatar
    Shirley Jobson

    No resolutions here…. I decided two years ago to not make them anymore and keep the pressure of trying to live by them off of myself during the year. Doing that gives me permission to live freely and enjoy what I do get to do or finish or not finish at anytime!! 🙂

  234. Elaine McCormick Avatar
    Elaine McCormick

    Love the sew along and checking on what everyone is doing and how different fabrics make it look different. My New Years resolution is to continue the good habits I attained in 2014 which include eating better, not volunteering for things that I just don’t have time for and taking more time for what I love to do…sewing!! Thanks Michele for doing this! You have helped me to keep on with my habits from last year!

  235. Julie Hallquist Avatar
    Julie Hallquist

    I want to same up money to get myself a long arm quilting machine. I might take me a few years but iam going to try.

  236. Bev Caldwell Avatar
    Bev Caldwell

    Sew, sew, sew. Seems 2014 was the year of baby quilts for my extended family in total I ended up making 10 and now 2015 begins with orders for blankets & etc. for newly expected great granddaughter and another grandnephew or grandniece. Plus I continue to join the mug rug swaps (such fun, Thank you for being charge of matching partners). Quilting calms the frantic nerves and finishes with a beautiful keepsake for a loved one.

    Happy 2015 everyone!

  237. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    New Years resolutions are alot like fresh fruit-if you don’t use them right away, they end up getting discarded because something new comes along and attracts you away from the intended path!

  238. Nancy B Avatar
    Nancy B

    My resolutions are to improve my quilting and finish what I start.

  239. Yolanda Pelayo Avatar
    Yolanda Pelayo

    My resolutions are to give myself more time at the sewing machine y finish my quilt. Happy New Year!

  240. Karen Serum Avatar
    Karen Serum

    My resolution is to better organize my sewing/crafting room, we will be getting new carpet so this is the best time to get organized. Heres to 2015 !!!

  241. Irai Avatar

    My resolution for this year are improve my skill in quilting and do many big & small project of sewing & crafting. And I also want to teach the others more. Hope, my dream come true..^^

  242. Chrystal Avatar

    My New Year’s resolutions are:
    1. Setup an online site (website/blog)
    2. Teach beginner quilting classes at church (all forms are turned in and dates set. Now it’s time to prepare and have fun!)
    3. Finished at least 2 UFOs (2 are so close to being finished).
    4. Sign up for a Free Motion Quilting class & practice, practice, practice!

  243. Liddy Avatar

    What happened to the last part of the quilt along?

  244. Liddy Avatar

    I kept coming back for th elast entry on 2nd, but still can’t see it. Can anyone tell me about this please?

  245. Mary Avatar

    My plan is to make a special quilt for my two children.

  246. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    My New Year’s Resolution is to be more positive letting negative thoughts and comments go and to finish 3 UFO’s. Love this quilt!

  247. Gale Avatar

    My resolution is to try and finish some of the many things I have already started. BUT I so, so want to make this in red and white, because I mostly sew scrappy. Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year to you and Milo 🙂

  248. Linda B. Avatar
    Linda B.

    My resolution is to take more time to sew. Which means less computer time. I love seeing what others are doing! Love your quilts!

  249. Liddy Avatar

    This is my first sewalong and it has been a disappointment since I can’t access the last bit that was supposed to be posted on Friday. I don’t think I will do this again. I keep asking for help and getting none. Ah well! the blocks won’t be wasted as I will sew them together another way.
    No more of this for me.

  250. Patty Avatar

    help, I can’t seem to find step ten, can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

  251. Nancy Varner Avatar
    Nancy Varner

    I too am looking for step 10. Wanted to get all the steps printed because i haven’t been able to start until now. But without all the directions i may not start it at all. Where is Michele Foster??

  252. Nancy Varner Avatar
    Nancy Varner

    UPDATED: Step 10 was posted here last night … I can’t update the web site right now .. but hopefully I can tomorrow .. here it is again:
    For those that have completed Step 9 … and finished the actual block .. you need 80 of them. Layout your quilt top in the orientation presented for Step 9. 8 blocks across by 10 blocks down. Then just ROTATE every other block one turn to the left. Voila! You’ll start to see the star design.

  253. jacki Avatar

    I have absolutely LOVED this project. fast and gorgeous!! thank you thank you.

  254. Barb B Avatar
    Barb B

    I have checked this spot out at least 10 times every day since the 2nd and have not seen the directions for step 10. Where can I go to find them?

  255. Pennie H Avatar
    Pennie H

    Where is the PDF file?

  256. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    Did you ever get step 10 to post? Haven’t seen anything new on your blog since step 9. Even when it’s refreshed. Hope all is well and it’s nothing bad keeping you away. Thanks…really liking the pattern. Sue

  257. Susan Avatar

    Can’t find Step 10 or an updated post. Sure is a Mystery!

  258. Chris Campos Avatar
    Chris Campos

    I too cannot find step 10. When I go to the site it tells me that it will be posted Jan. 2

  259. Shirley Avatar

    I too would like one full pattern and instructions before even starting this project. Does anyone have them yet? 1/11/15 That can lead me to them?

  260. Mishka Avatar

    Ohhhh… I’m so sorry everyone. The web server failed yet again .. and they FINALLY just got it fixed right now so I can use it.

    Step 10 had been posted in the Facebook group. I’ll get it posted here soon, along with the download PDF.

    Sorry for not responding to your messages, I wasn’t receiving any notification of them, and didn’t even know you’d left messages on here.

    A crazy start to the New Year for me.


  261. Wanda Rains Avatar
    Wanda Rains

    Is there a PDF for this quilt that can be printed out? Did I miss it?

  262. Beda Avatar

    Has the PDF every been posted for this?

  263. Jody J. Avatar
    Jody J.

    Did I miss the PDF for this quilt? I would like to print it out. Thanks

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