Half-Square Triangle Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 25
  • Total countries: 9
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  • Total states: 11

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1930's Pinwheel 1930’s Pinwheel
By: Susan, Ohio, USA

I got some 1930’s reproduction fabric and wanted a pattern that was also vintage: Pinwheels.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

By: Helen McNaught, Australia

I made this quilt for a friends new baby. Apparently babies can see bright vivid colours and black/white. My HST’s were made using my Wonder Cut Ruler which I love. I thoroughly enjoyed making this quilt and have since made another one using all the leftover fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 42"

Christmas Square Christmas Square
By: Becky, Utah, USA

saved enough reds to finally do it! Put it together to give to the honey for Christmas. I have always loved the pattern…there sure are a lot of 1/2 square triangles though!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 75&ququot;

Crayon Box Quilt Crayon Box Quilt
By: Shruti, India

This was one of the quilts i donated to the orphanage here…

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Federation Cof swap Federation Cof swap
By: sheila M Caigie, Australia

Squares swapped with online Quilters to celebrate 100 years of the Federation of Australia. We sent in 100 squares of Australian Colours, and these were then sorted and sent back. This is the Quilt I made and used the black bias strip to denote Australia as it was then. I used all the squares.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Glory Glory
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

I made this for our 2 churches (my husband preaches at both every Sunday!) When I saw the summery version pattern in an Elenore Burns book it screamed ‘stained glass window’ to me. Pieced every inch of it, but if made again I will cheat and ‘glue’ the squares on! :?}

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

half square triangle quilt half square triangle quilt
By: susi, Germany

i have sewn this quilt in 2006

Quilt size: width: 86" height: 86"

Iris Iris
By: Marlene Oddie, Washington, USA

Friends from two countries collaborated to make this for another friend (from a 3rd country) who just had a baby daughter named Iris. My friend pieced it, I quilted it. I was very pleased with the feathers and iris. The bobbin thread of the feathers was done in glow-in-the-dark thread just for fun.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

kathleen's color workshop kathleen’s color workshop
By: grace thorne, Maine, USA

a dear friend of mine, kathleen weinheimer, a renown contemporary quilter, taught classes in color value and i took the class–twice–in order to “get it,” sadly she succumbed to breast cancer before it was finished so i did eventually finish it as homage to her

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Lazy Hour Glass Lazy Hour Glass
By: Jean Romack, Wisconsin, USA

This is an original design, “Lazy Hour Glass” I am currently working on having the pattern draft proofed and will be getting ready for print hopefully by next week. Just one of 3 original designs I am working on.

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 84"

Lilly's Roses Lilly’s Roses
By: Barbie K, Colorado, USA

I created this quilt to challenge myself…to see if I could use half square triangles, eight fat quarters, and one yard of background fabric…so this is the result adding an inner and outer border. It will be Lillian Rose’s quilt, who was born 4 January 2011, my ninth grandchild!

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 49"

Mother's FlutterByes Mother’s FlutterByes
By: Squeek, Louisiana, USA

One of my first quilts was for my Mother. The Carpenters Wheel in the center is entirely HST’s. I still smile whenever I see this laying on her bed.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Patriotic Pinwheels Patriotic Pinwheels
By: Cat, Michigan, USA

A friend of the family had given me a Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine. As a thank you I made her a quilt. It had a lot of Flying Geese blocks in it and the way it was constructed I had a lot of triangle pieces left over. I sewed these pieces together and designed my little quilt with them.

Quilt size: width: 9 1/2" height: 12 1/2"

Perfect Pansies Perfect Pansies
By: Ginny, Washington, USA

I love the small pansy fabric, The pattern is Grand Central. For the center panel I appliqued the giant pansies to a solid black background. The half square triangles are hard to see because of how they blend in with the purple and black making the quilt look fragmented. Thanks for voting!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 78"

PicNic Blanket PicNic Blanket
By: Teje Karjalainen, Greece

“PicNic” blanket is my second hand quilted blanket. When I saw these fabrics with so sunny, happy colours, I was thinking at once joyful pinwheeles and pic nic. This blanket is very soft and light – wonderful for a baby to play or anyone else to enjoy sunny day with a pic nic!

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 37"

By: chris burton, Australia

I made this one from my fav colour Pink, using mostly Kaffe Fassett fabrics from his book Quilts in the Sun. Best bit -the border

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"

Pink secret Pink secret
By: Turid Bakken, Norway

I make a bed quilt for every teenager in the family, when they are 18 years old. They pick their colours themselves, and I find a good way of putting all the colours together. This is two different sizes half squares, put together in a special way to get the dark and light lines.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 84"

Pinwheel Quilt Pinwheel Quilt
By: Terry, Ohio, USA

I made some half square triangles for a quilt along then decided I didn’t have time to complete it. The HSTs got tucked away until I came across them one day and started making some of them into pinwheels. And this is what I ended up with. It’s still one of my favorite quilts!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Pinwheels Pinwheels
By: Trudi Wood, United Kingdom

Made from one of the rounds of the Old Red Barn Quilt Along using mostly Eva by Basic Grey for Moda FQ’s, with a few others thrown in! Machine quilted on my New English Quilter frame/Juki 98P

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 80"

Reflections of the Fabric of Life Reflections of the Fabric of Life
By: Kathy, Virginia, USA

It was a gift to my parents on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. I thought that the two triangles in a square represent a couple, and the dark and light colors reflect the patterns in our lives. It was made from a pattern on Quilter’s Cache.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 84"

Roses, Roses Roses, Roses
By: Pauline Gacal, United Kingdom

This was made for my Mum to raffle to raise money for a cancer charity in the sheltered housing where she lives. I enjoyed designing a lap quilt which would appeal to older residents and it includes machine embroidery

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

The Crow The Crow
By: Denise, Italy

It was made with hst leftover, and on it I made my first applique. I discover a new passion: applique handmade.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 40"

Treadle On Triple Star Treadle On Triple Star
By: Vicki D., Georgia, USA

This quilt began with a block exchange of HSTs in 2005 on the Treadle On group, and I put the top together soon after. The top waited for quilting until 2010 when I was ready to free-motion quilt it with a flower and vine pattern. Quilted on a vintage treadle sewing machine.

Quilt size: width: 92" height: 110"

Yn 'e blommetún Yn ‘e blommetún
By: Jelly, Netherlands

Zelf ontworpen quilt. Hier mijn mooie lapjes voor gebruikt.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 43"

Zig Zag Adventure Zig Zag Adventure
By: Linda Hall, Florida, USA

This is my first half square triangle quilt! I cut the triangles with my Accuquilt Go cutter using the 4″ finished size die. The solid color is “Stone” from Moda’s Bella Solids line. There’s a wide variety of print fabrics, chosen randomly. There’s also straight line and free motion quilting.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 51"

13 responses to “Half-Square Triangle Quilts”

  1. VALENTINA Avatar


  2. Lindy Weber Avatar

    Well, how much fun was that batch of beauties!!! Ginny in WA- how much like tatted lace your quilt looks! And the treadle star, so joyful. I finding out there is a treadle group. I have one quilt I have sworn to only work with it on the treadle…so, yes, it is years in the making. :?} Thanks for sharing, everyone!

  3. annalisa gazzola Avatar
    annalisa gazzola

    molto bello armonioso nei colori complimenti sei brava

  4. Ladyquilter Avatar

    Awesome quilts! Congrats to all.

  5. TSM Avatar

    Beautiful quilts!

  6. Mary Avatar

    Such beautiful quilts makes it really hard to choose!
    This is really lots of fun, thanks for participating everyone and good luck.


  7. Nellie Durand Avatar

    I very much enjoy this feature. I’d like to point out that not all the quilts are shown when I upload the blog in Firefox. I’ve checked the settings on my computer as suggested, but nothing I do changes that. I do see all of them when this blog is uploaded in Safari. Until the “bug” is fixed, I recommend that you suggest viewers use a different server if they’re not seeing all the quilts. It’s a shame if those at the end of the posting don’t get votes because they weren’t seen.

  8. Princess Pudge Avatar
    Princess Pudge

    love love love voting time, always an inspiration <3

  9. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Nellie,

    What is the last photo you see in the list? Can you check your settings again please. This is 98% an Internet Explorer bug not a Firefox problem, though I did find a way to cause it to happen in FF too. Go to View, Zoom, and the last option, Zoom Text Only, this should not be selected.

    Let me know please.

  10. Diana Avatar

    I’d like to vote for the Treadle On Triple Star, but there is no place to click on to vote. I have not voted before, and no one else uses my computer. I’m not sure why the vote button is not showing up.

  11. Carolyn Prentice Avatar
    Carolyn Prentice

    I really like the treadle on Triple Star..beautiful colors.

  12. Dena G. Avatar

    I’m sad…every time I want to vote, all I see are the results from the voting….but, I didn’t vote! And I’m pretty sure my husband didn’t….

  13. Mishka Avatar

    Voting for this contest closed 9 or so hours ago. Check on Friday or on the weekends.

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