Flying Geese Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 8
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 4

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

Buffalo Bill Commemorative Buffalo Bill Commemorative
By: Mary Valaika, Nebraska, USA

Made for my son, a “test” quilt with many new items and methods: used a wool batting, the new method of making flying geese, machine quilted myself using my tabletop machine. Buffalo Bill lived in my area, still a local celebrity, and a fascinating character.

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 102"

Flying Free Flying Free
By: Jennifer Wilkins, Australia

Pieced [not applique] from a design by Caryl Bryer Fallert, I used silver & shocking pink lame fabrics to add some extra zing, and am particularly pleased with the quilted swan and embroidered feather designs. Free motion feather quilted by me on a domestic sewing machine. The geese are silver lame.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"

Flying Geese Flying Geese
By: wilmaNC, North Carolina, USA

Machine pieced and hand quilted. The large geese were pieced also. Took quite a while! It’s a king size quilt on my queen size bed, hangs to bed frame with a big pillow tuck. One of my favorite projects.

Quilt size: width: 112" height: 120"

Geese in the Strawberry Patch Geese in the Strawberry Patch
By: Monika Kinner-Whalen, Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this for my youngest child – this was my first try at flying geese, and couldn’t resist the pretty strawberry fabric.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Geometrica Geometrica
By: Viv, New Zealand

I really like the circular flying geese pattten, so decided I need to make a quilt using that pattern, but upsized. So I made the pattern as big as I could. The central block is 21 inches square. I love the way this has turned out, but have learnt that upsizing that much makes it harder to make.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 68"

Going Home Going Home
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

My 2 favorite blocks – free form houses and mini geese – make up this little quilt and utilize all those lovely bits of fabric you just hate to throw away. Each geese unit is 1 x 1/2″. Machine pieced, paper pieced , hand pieced and hand quilted.

Quilt size: width: 9.5" height: 9.5"

Pacific Migration Pacific Migration
By: Sberrymum, New Zealand

A fabric swap, many years ago, with Australian and Canadian quilters. I added the New Zealand fabric I had swapped with these ladies and some Pacific themed fabric from a local shop. It seemed fitting to do the foundation pieced flying geese – a Pacific migration!

Quilt size: width: 46.8" height: 50.4"

Tulips and Geese Tulips and Geese
By: Marcia, Massachusetts, USA

I made this quilt for an online quilting forum challenge. I had never done paper piecing before, nor had ever worked with curved pieces. I was quite happy with the way this turned out!

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

16 responses to “Flying Geese Quilts”

  1. sophie Avatar

    Are unquilted tops allowed? In the photo, Geometrica doesn’t appear to have backing, batting or quilting.
    .-= sophie’s latest post: The changing of the guard (and the design wall) =-.

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Sophie,
    Yes they are allowed. Partially pieced only are not. Thanks for checking.

  3. Disappointed Avatar

    This is definately more of a popularity contest then a ‘actual’ vote for best quilt. This comment is not directed on this week in general as I have noticed this in the past. Even once when I entered I directed people to the site and asked people to make sure they looked at EVERY quilt and vote for the one they liked the best and bested suited the ‘contest of the week description’ . I even asked people to click on each one so they could see the close up. It’s dissapointing that this contest becomes a popularity contest and not about who did the best. Even two comments I have read on this page say “they don’t think theirs is the best- but please vote for me” and last weeks winner declaring that she didn’t think she was the best either but she had more friends that could vote for her. ……………….Just saying!

  4. Just Wondering Avatar
    Just Wondering

    I was just wondering if it was ever a consideration to have the “prize” split up if possible. Maybe instead of the whole prize going to the most voted quilt- maybe half could go to the one voted for and half the prize could go to the quilt chosen by the store or person that donated the prize. I was just wondering since this does seem to be a popularity contest and it would enable the person donating the prize to also have a say in what they think is the ‘best’ one to represent the weeks theme.

  5. Khari Avatar

    The point of these competitions is usually to generate traffic for the blog/website, so therefore yup it is a popularity contest 😉 Sadly that’s just how polls seem to work online these days.

    Also those of us who aren’t experienced quilters, obviously have no idea what quilt is ‘best’ we vote for what catches our eye, colours, simplicity often do this. It does say vote for your favourite, not which quilt is the most technical and well done.

  6. Jenny Avatar

    Weird that the most boring piece could possibly have the most votes – compared with Flying Free it is not even worth a second look. It is obviously more a matter of who has the most friends who vote – not at all which is the best quilt. The quilting on Flying Free is spectacular and I am pretty disgusted with this ‘competition’.

  7. Mishka Avatar

    Tammy (disappointed and just wondering), thanks for your comments. Every participant has an equal opportunity to invite their family and friends to vote for their quilt. In fact, I encourage participants to do just that. As for sponsors, if they want to donate a second prize to a winner of their choice, that would be up to them to make that decision.

    Khari, I have three goals with the weekly contests: 1) to see all the fabulous quilts that quilters from around the world have made; 2) promote a sponsor that’s generously donated a prize; and 3) to drive new traffic to my site. You are correct, visitors are encourage to vote for their favourite quilt, for whatever reason it’s their favourite.

    Jenny: Flying Free is currently in the lead. I’m sorry you are disgusted with my weekly contests. I happen to think Geometrica is very unique. In fact, I was inspired by that quilt to work on a mini one I’m doing now with the circular flying geese.


  8. Mrs C Avatar
    Mrs C

    Beautiful quilts ladies! I have not made a quilt yet, but I can appreciate the time & planning that has gone into these works of art. Just beautiful!

  9. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    Well here I am just getting in on the conversation…..a couple answers….Jennifer who does not even have a blog (Quilt…Flying free) is an amazing quilt and I do, but certainly not many followers and not huge, I saw the quilt , contacted Jennifer and asked her if I could blog about it on my blog!!! Mishka has told us right from the beginning to get all our friends to vote!!! Let’s face it, it’s just a little fun and quilting has brought so much fun and sharing into my life , I just wanted to show everybody her quilt, and get more people to see all the things Michele has to offer on hers…Fun Fun Fun!!!
    .-= Ruth Oblinski’s latest post: Sewlmate Sister: Unabashed Lobbying!!! =-.

  10. Mishka Avatar

    Ruth: you’ve sent the most traffic to my site this weekend (aside from Google of course). Thanks for promoting the contest on your blog.

  11. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    Great!!! Thanks Michele!!
    .-= Ruth Oblinski’s latest post: Sewlmate Sister: Unabashed Lobbying!!! =-.

  12. Linda Avatar

    I’m sorry some people are “disgusted, and disappointed”. I haven’t entered any of the contests, but I love coming here to see what everyone enters. I vote for my personal favorite, which means I vote for the quilt that most appeals to me. I’m not a professional quilt judge, so my votes are simply my own personal preference. This is supposed to be FUN and a way to generate some blog traffic. My goodness, be grateful there’s a contest where all you have to do is enter a photograph and have the possibility of winning a generous prize. I also think it’s rude of anyone on her to denigrate somebody else’s work. I’d rather spend my time expressing gratitude and appreciate than sour grapes. Thank you participants for the eye candy!
    .-= Linda’s latest post: Stash Report Sunday – May 30, 2010 =-.

  13. Linda Avatar

    I can hardly wait for next week’s contest with the theme of Faith and Gratitude. I’m looking forward to an end to this week’s negativity and a focus on loving blessings. Thanks Michelle!
    .-= Linda’s latest post: Stash Report Sunday – May 30, 2010 =-.

  14. janet Avatar

    I’m so sorry I missed this! I would have entered a flying geese I completed a while baq=ck. Have been too busy and have been a bad bad blogger – see my entry yesterday on – I will try to do better!!
    Keep quilting!!

  15. Jennifer Wilkins Avatar
    Jennifer Wilkins

    Hello there, thank you, Michele, for running such a great website, where we quilters can post our quilts – a fabulous idea to have a virtual quilt show! I was out at the Waverley Patchworkers Quilt Show on Sunday afternoon, enjoying the wonderful quilts, and having a lovely time chatting with some truly great quilters, then came home to see that I was going rather well in this little contest.

    Thank you so much to the people who made supportive comments regarding my quilt, and especially to those who voted for me! I’m using the tremendous energy this has provided, to keep quilting – am working on Oriental 2 quilt – hopefully will have it almost completed tonight.

    I’m on FaceBook – where I found the lovely Michele, and this great contest – anyone who wants to come on by and check out some of my other quilts is more than welcome! I think this is the link: – hope that works.

    Thank you again, to all who voted for me, to Michele who runs a great website, to Ruth, who will have to be the head of my PR dept., to wonderful quilters everywhere, I am so glad to be part of your community.

    I am humbled, and energised,
    in Australia.

  16. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Jennifer,

    I mean to reply to this earlier. Thank you for your lovely comments. I’m very pleased that winning the contest has inspired you and provided the much needed energy to keep doing what we do.

    I too want to hire Ruth as my PR rep.


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