I’m so excited to be one of the featured blogs for the first-ever Aurifil Blog Hop happening this week. The blog hop is being organized by Pat Sloan, so you just know it’s going to be lots of fun!

There are nine bloggers participating and we’ve all designed a block just for you. The blocks will finish at 9″ and will be set on-point. The finished quilt measures 54″ square.

Of course, there are lots of prizes to be won too. Leave a comment on each participating blog on their special day for a chance to win 5-packs of each of the Aurifil threads and a grand prize of Pat Sloan’s thread collection.

Grab the block patterns and leave a comment. Here are the dates and participating bloggers:

There’s a Flickr group too where you can share the blocks you’ve made.

See you on Thursday for my special day! Happy Hopping!

42 responses to “First-Ever Aurifil Blog Hop with Prizes and Nine Free Block Patterns”

  1. Mary Smith Avatar
    Mary Smith

    I just love the colors your thread comes in!



  2. Jamie Harris Avatar
    Jamie Harris

    What a great idea! Looking forward to each blog. 🙂

  3. robin Avatar

    I’d love to win some thread. Looking forward to seeing the blocks!

  4. Lebanon, PA Avatar
    Lebanon, PA

    I would love to try this thread, such pretty colors.

  5. Susan Chase Avatar
    Susan Chase

    The blocks so far are so fun and I would love to do them with colors of Aurifil thread.

  6. Elaine Sihilling Avatar
    Elaine Sihilling

    the color of the thead is just wonderful I can’t wait to collect all the block patterns and get started I am in between projects

  7. Brie Avatar

    I can’t wait to finish this Aurifil quilt thing! I am so excited about the giveaway I am totally obsessed with Aurifil!

  8. Evelene Avatar

    Cute block and I am looking forward to trying this thread.

  9. Patty Avatar

    I love Aurifil thread and try to buy one or 2 spools everytime I go to the quilt store. That way I can build up my collection and it doesn’t seem to cost so must all at once.

  10. Joan Henderson Avatar
    Joan Henderson

    I am loving the blocks. Can’t wait to try the thread. Joan in coastal MS

  11. Rena M Avatar
    Rena M

    Love the idea of this blog hop. Also love Aurifil thread- it sew up so nice no matter what my project. Can’t wait to see the finished quilts

  12. Marcia Avatar

    This blog hop is fun! I can’t wait to try Aurifil thread.

  13. Charlotte Schneider Avatar
    Charlotte Schneider

    Can hardly wait to try this thread!

  14. Marcie Lane Avatar
    Marcie Lane

    here’s my post the blog hop! I did have problem finding the information and block on the Stitchen Heaven Blog though.
    Thanks for doing this!

  15. janie Avatar

    i can’t wait to see the finished quilt ! It’s so fun ! AND i love ,love, love Aurifil !!

  16. Jennifer O'Riordan Avatar
    Jennifer O’Riordan

    Each block in this collection is so different. It will be fun to put them together. I like this block. It looks like a miniature quilt all by itself, with tiny borders. It’s the kind of precise sewing where the Aurifil thread, which I’ve read doesn’t bulk up seam allowances, would be a help.

  17. Linda Avatar

    Can’t wait to get the blocks all collected, then pieced. What a fun idea!

  18. Linda Avatar

    I’m looking forward to having some time to start making all of the wonderful blocks-Aurifil thread is the best!

  19. bingobonie Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the Flicker Group link – this is the first I’ve heard of such. Always so fun to see sew-n-tell! 🙂

    I’ve never used Aurifil before but everyone I know that has said that once they got it in their hands they never used anything else. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  20. LINDA Avatar

    I love this blog hop. Thank you.

  21. Willie in GA Avatar
    Willie in GA

    Love Aurifil

  22. Phyllis Segan Avatar
    Phyllis Segan

    I’m looking forward to seeing the eye candy all of the beautiful blocks created will offer on the flicker group (thankYou for the link). I’m not finding the link for Your block yet…. maybe it’s just too early in the day . Thank You to Aurifil and everyone who put this fun blog hop together.

  23. jojo Avatar

    I’ve had a lot of fun reading each of the blogs. Thank you.

  24. Linda Erickson Avatar
    Linda Erickson

    I’d love to win. However, I’m beginning to think I’m going round in circles…. the daily listings are a little confusing.

  25. Jody Avatar

    This is going to be a fun and cheery quilt.

  26. Sharon Avatar

    I couldn’t find the block either. Help! Love the setting and would love the block if I could find it. LOL

  27. Mishka Avatar

    Sorry all, I was late getting the Aurifil block posted. Find it here:


  28. Julia Waterbury Avatar
    Julia Waterbury

    Very excited to try this thread… makes some great promises especially one that I am looking forward to is little to no lint in my machine

  29. Sue Avatar

    You’re singing to the choir! I already love Aurifil!

  30. Barbara M Avatar
    Barbara M

    What a wonderful block -reminds me of Summer which is my favorite season. Living in the northeast near NYC has its advantages, but since I’m happiest at 80 degrees or above I’m a summer girl. Can’t wait to try the aurifil thread.

  31. Andee McKenica Avatar
    Andee McKenica

    INTOXICATING thread from Aurifil. Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. Jane Avatar

    I love the fresh colors you chose. To me they look like spring which comes early in SC.

  33. Gretchen Avatar

    I’m looking forward to trying aurifil thread with my hand applique. I love this hop that is introducing me to better ideas on how to do things.

  34. Kandy Garrett Avatar
    Kandy Garrett

    I just love this bog hop idea – so fun to read everyone’s quilting tips & hope to see lots of sweet, springtime blocks on flickr. Thanks for the wonderful thread giveaway

  35. Kandy Garrett Avatar
    Kandy Garrett

    I just love this blog hop idea – so fun to read everyone’s quilting tips & hope to see lots of sweet, springtime blocks on flickr. Thanks for the wonderful thread giveaway

  36. Peggy Schroder Avatar
    Peggy Schroder

    I love Aurifil thread and only have a few colors…thanks for the opportunity to add more Aurifil !

  37. Candace Avatar

    I love Aurifil, it’s my favorite!

  38. Paula Kay Avatar
    Paula Kay

    I love Aurifil. I have used it about three years not and have recommended it to many other people. It is the best I have used and I have had no breakage. I have used it on both my regular machine and on a long arm.

  39. Sue Liebold Avatar
    Sue Liebold

    I would love to win the thread. I have to say- I have not found your block to print out. I hope it is not too late to get it?

    Take care- you have a great site.

  40. Wendy Scott Avatar
    Wendy Scott

    I am enjoying folowing the blog hop.

  41. Linda Avatar

    Thanks for contributing to Pat Sloan’s challenge. I know we all love it and appreciate your talent!!!

  42. Geraldine Avatar

    I’m just starting to hand applique, so am looking forward to trying aurifil thread. Good Luck everyone.

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