Fabric Postcards

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 34
  • Total countries: 9
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 13

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

“Greetings from El Paso” Postcard
By: Rachel Garibay, Texas, USA

Created for a Postcard Challenge in our Guild. Includes the skyline of El Paso at sunset and several of the best-known sites of the City.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 12"

A Little Miniature A Little Miniature
By: Nikki Brackin, Texas, USA

The 1st art quilt I fell in love with was by Tom Russell; I tried to find him for about a year to no avail; then accidently met him at a longarm assoc. meeting. Since, I have had the pleasure of knowing him & taking his workshop. This is my miniature rendition of his quilt – Scrap Bag Bouquet.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

An Egret An Egret
By: Shout4Joy, Pennsylvania, USA

Using landscape quilting techniques, this postcard was born. I am always drawn to the majestic look of these water birds, so I put one on my postcard. I used a fringe to add some 3-D elements, giving the landscape some wild grasses in the foreground.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

Antarctica Antarctica
By: Maggi Birchenough, United Kingdom

Made to highlight the fact that the Emperor penguins are in serious decline in the Antarctic. Photos of penguins and iceflow manipulated on Photoshop, printed onto silk and quilted by hand and machine. Text printed onto silk organza.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Bluebird of happiness Bluebird of happiness
By: Becky, Oregon, USA

I made this for a friend who shares my love of birds.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Butterfly Girl Butterfly Girl
By: Colleen, North Carolina, USA

I was asked to send a postcard to my 17 year old cousin Charlotte who was on a senior retreat. I created a fabric postcard to send to her, my first. Fly butterfly is sewn to mean how my cousin will be spreading her wings and flying after graduation.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Chicken Soup Chicken Soup
By: Valeri Morris, Texas, USA

I love chickens and saw a pattern that cried out to be made…so here is her majesty the Chicken.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Contrast Contrast
By: Quiltalicious, California, USA

For a swap with other postcard makers. The theme: black and white with one other color.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

Eté Eté
By: Marianne Bender-Chevalley, Switzerland

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

Fabric Postcard Fabric Postcard
By: Linda Coleman, Ireland

Made for the Irish Patchwork Society exhibition in June 2011 and the postcards will be sold at the Knitting and Stitching Show in Dublin in November 2011 with the proceeds going to a cancer charity.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Good Morning Good Morning
By: Sharon Scott, California, USA

My Quilter friend needed surgery on her hand and was recuperating. She was feeling a little blue, so I made her this postcard.
On the back I put “As you heal, so you shall sew”.

Quilt size: width: 5 1/2" height: 3 1/2"

Gram's Lazy Daisies Gram’s Lazy Daisies
By: Jenn Vallimont, Pennsylvania, USA

I have been making postcards for only about a month, but I really enjoy them. I have a small kit of supplies that I take with me to my son’s baseball games. This card was all hand-stitched during baseball games. The daisies are extra-special to me because my grandmother taught me to make them.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Grey Jay Grey Jay
By: Janet, British Columbia, Canada

Made for a postcard swap in January 2010. I based this postcard on a photograph of a Whisky Jack taken while snow shoeing. The card is appliqued and thread painted.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
By: Needled Mom, California, USA

I love celebrating special events with friends. This was made for a dear friend from our military service days.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

In the forest In the forest
By: Anne Maundrell, Brunei Darussalam

Inspired by walks in the rain forest near where I live, the tall trees and the dense tropical vegetation.
I’ve tried to replicate this with many different green fabrics, using raw edge applique and thread painting.

Quilt size: width: 5" height: 7"

JSH Postcard JSH Postcard
By: The Quilt Rat, Ontario, Canada

This postcard is of Joseph Schneider Haus, a historical site in Kitchener Ontario, I used this opportunity to try many techniques, carefully cut fabrics make up many of the elements along with thread painting, beads, 3D trees and painted batting. It is amazing what you can fit in a 6″x 4″ space

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

kaart kaart
By: Jelly, Netherlands

Made with tyvek and organza, machine quilting.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Let the Butter's Fly Let the Butter’s Fly
By: Gardenwmn, North Carolina, USA

This was my first FPC. I truly enjoy making these, but finding time for any quilting fun hard to find right now!

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Outback Outback
By: Mary Strong, Australia

My outback postcard was made after I learnt the burn back technique that you see across the top of my postcard. the colours are taken from our colour rich Australian outback.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Postcard From Michigan Postcard From Michigan
By: Nellie Durand, Michigan, USA

The smallest version of my “Lake Series-100.” Each is made with fabric and thread scraps in a collage technique that I call “ortwork” (play on British term “ort” which means scraps). My largest lake piece measures 9’x7′. All feature the same view of Lake Michigan from my spot on the beach.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

postcard fun postcard fun
By: christine estrada, Iowa, USA

Quilt size: width: 5" height: 3"

Purple Rain Purple Rain
By: Katina, Texas, USA

This postcard was made for the Trading Fabric Postcards Swap: Raining Cats & Dogs.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

R is for Rose R is for Rose
By: Karen Traweek, Virginia, USA

Dark pink rose with light pink center appliqued on a light green background. Edges are stitched with a leaf pattern and scalloped. This was made for an Alphabet Swap in the Trading Fabric Postcards Yahoo group.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Relay for Life Relay for Life
By: Sandy Huszar, California, USA

I was in a postcard bra trade. Some where on the postcard hard to be a pink ribbon.
I have the breast cancer pink ribbon fabric on background of card and the bra has is made with tennis shoe fab for Relay for Life.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Summer Promises Summer Promises
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

Summer Promises is actually an 8×10 photo canvas, enhanced/altered with thread painting, art piece. This photo shows the actual postcard I made of the quilt. It is one of the top selling postcards of my work! :?}

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Summer Sail Summer Sail
By: Mary Lynn Busch, Ontario, Canada

This is one of many landscape post cards I have made. I was introduced to post card making by a friend, after seeing her lovely cards. I was inspired to create my own from memories of the beach in summer, a place I love. It could be any beach, anywhere.

Quilt size: width: 5.5" height: 5.5"

Sunset 2 Sunset 2
By: Quilt Girl, Kansas, USA

This is part of my landscape series. I have really enjoyed making postcards. They allow me to be creative with quilting.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

The Raven The Raven
By: Chris Weeler, Alabama, USA

I made this postcard for a lady who’s last name was Raven.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

Through The Gate Through The Gate
By: Paula.TheQuilter, Colorado, USA

Peeking through the garden gate reveals the cottage and it’s flower gardens. The gate is applique and thread painted just to see if I could do it this small.

Quilt size: width: 4" height: 6"

van gogh van gogh
By: Cookie, Germany

this is a postcard I created in a swap with the theme “art”
I was debating if I should keep it and then send it off anyways.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Warm up your life Warm up your life
By: Kirie, Germany

A perfect summer pattern – warm up your life 🙂 I like the colour combination reminding me of warm summer day on the beach. I used raw wdge applique and embriodery to make it.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Wash Day Wash Day
By: Pat Land, New York, USA

This is a photo of a fabric postcard I made for a swap

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Waterfall postcard Waterfall postcard
By: Carole Slemmonds, United Kingdom

I wanted to create a waterfall that would look real. I had some green “mossy” bricks that I used behind the water and put some grass upside down to it looked like it was trailing down to the water. I had some white material and gauze I used for the waterfall to look like spray, then added water.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

Willow Warblers - June (Country Diary Series) Willow Warblers – June (Country Diary Series)
By: Angela, United Kingdom

I have always loved Edith Holden’s ‘Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady’ and last year made a full set of thread-painted postcards for a friend. I love the result and one day will make a set for myself.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 4"

15 responses to “Fabric Postcards”

  1. Thea Avatar

    amazing little works of art… you should have a postcard weekend more often!

  2. Paula Z Avatar
    Paula Z

    So many beautiful postcards, it was definitely hard to pick just three, but force me you did … LOL

    And…I love give-aways, thanks Sandi Anderson!!!

  3. Karin Avatar

    Good gravy – it was hard to choose JUST 3, so thank Goodness you let us have more than one choice! They were all incredible!!!!!!! Such talent!!

  4. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    Love the postcards and the giveaway! As always, thank you.

  5. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    Haven’t tried this medium yet but possibly in near future. They are all lovely.

  6. Michele Bilyeu Avatar

    Amazing selection of art postcards…loved seeing all of the results of this challenge. They are all winners in my book!

  7. Christine M Avatar

    It was hard to choose just three! They are all so lovely.

  8. Jan Renard Avatar
    Jan Renard

    It was hard to choose they were all very nice.

  9. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    Would make a great swap 😉

  10. Mishka Avatar

    You’re not the first person to suggest that. Maybe for our Fall swap.


  11. Estie Avatar

    Wow! I loved them all! Great job, everyone.

  12. Stitches Avatar

    What a wonderful display of fabric postcard art!! They are all really great..it was very hard to decide which ones to vote for.

  13. dee/wi Avatar

    Nasty site as far as voting. Voted the first day but understood that I could vote again on Sat. and Sunday. Did I miss something? All I find is the results, no where to vote again each day. Maybe I just don’t understand but others that wanted to vote for Grams Daisys found the same problem.

  14. Mishka Avatar


    You can only vote once per contest, but this week you could choose up to three winners when you placed your vote. The voting rules/guidelines are posted above the photos.


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