Sometime last year, I was complaining about an overflowing inbox, brain overload and my inability to keep up and keep track of stuff. I was forever losing things, had way too many sticky notes and scraps of paper on on my desk, text files on my desktop and even emailing myself reminders. *sigh*
That all changed when my dear friend Sue recommended I try Evernote.
I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first. But, I trusted Sue and knew I was at a point of being beyond overwhelmed that I had to give it a try. I didn’t fall in love with Evernote overnight.
I started using it for small bits, like keeping track of the guest bloggers and weekly contest info for this site. I started to use it to keep track of my own quilting ideas, inspirational photos, tutorials and free projects that I want to try. It helps me keep organized my various web development projects for clients, gift ideas for family and friends, favourite recipes, and more.
Have you heard about The Quilt Life magazine with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims? It is definitely one of my most favourite quilting magazines out there.
I love the stories and articles and learning about quilters from all over the world. It’s not your regular quilting magazine filled with the same old patterns that no longer seem to inspire me. This magazine is all about living the quilting life. (Ask your Secret Santa for a gift subscription, you won’t be disappointed.)
I’m thrilled to have my second article published in this magazine. Jan Magee, the editor has given me permission to share that article with my readers. She’s also sent me an extra copy of the December issue, which I’ll be giving away tomorrow during the 3rd birthday/anniversary party for the Quilting Gallery.
Read my article: No more sticky notes! How Evernote organized my quilting life. [PDF file]
You can try Evernote out for free too. Baby steps, use it to organize just one thing in your life, eventually you’ll find it’s a tool you too can’t live without. I do have the premium version, as I use it to organize PDF and Word documents too.
See you tomorrow for the PARTY!!! Bring your dancing shoes and your party hats. There will be prizes, lots of prizes!
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