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Amanda Ryan By: Amanda Ryan, United Kingdom
This was worked over a year. The applique are stitched with blanket stitch, the embroidered details with back stitch. The piecing is by machine but it has been hand quilted. When I showed it at a recent village festival I had lots of requests to buy it, but this one’s not for sale.
Quilt size: width: 65" height: 67"
Aunt Bea’s Parlor By: Bev, Ontario, Canada
I really like the 30’s prints and this particular pattern caught my eye. I always re-do something on a pattern to “make it my own”. This one was the outer border. It hangs in my sewing room. My LA, did a fantastic job on it.
Quilt size: width: 47" height: 56"
Back to My Roots With Shabby Roses By: ruth Oblinski, Ontario, Canada
Found this free BOM on Jenny of Elefantz blog, last year. Was my first time incorporating stitchery in quilting! Was so much fun, loved every relaxing minute from beginning to end. I have become a real fan and plan lots more stitchery in quilting projects!
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 46"
Baskets of Red By: Nancy Lee, Missouri, USA
This was embroidered with an online yahoo group called RedworkStitchers. I used a jelly roll of 30’s for the sashing. The poor thing needs to be quilted. pattern is A Tisket, A Tasket by Valerie Boman.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 46"
Beyond the Garden Gate By: Susan Shamekh, United Arab Emirates
I fell in love with this pattern, so forced myself to learn French Knots, the Lazy Daisy Stitch, and Satin Stitch.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Bless our home By: Dusha Tryapichkin, Russian Federation
Embroidered motif was made by my mother in law.
Quilt size: width: 23" height: 19"
Cornered! By: Wendy L Starn, Louisiana, USA
In August of 2008, my son found a tiny kitten under the hood of the car, covered in grease and fleas. He cleaned her up and she won his heart, as well as the scorn of our other two cats. Boris the black cat is determined to be Alpha. The cats are thread-painted over fused fabrics.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 35"
Ellie By: Treevillemary, South Dakota, USA
I made this to make a statement about how people deal with my child’s death, still after all these years. The block with the words has a poem, which was in a Compassionate Friends newsletter talking about the elephant in the room. The ‘fancy’ stitchery is between the blocks.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 34"
Et roseteppe/A Rose quilt By: Laila, Norway
Designed by the Norwegian designer AnnAKa. The stitched quotes are about roses. There are also 15 small and three larger stitched roses in the quilt.
Quilt size: width: 59" height: 75"
Four seasons By: Nima, Oman
Cross stitch is my longtime passion and i cross stitched 4 season patchwork squares by Bleu de chine… I learned quilting and finished this into quilted wall hanging.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 20"
Garden Party By: Country Log Cabin Quilter, Texas, USA
I love hand embroidery and fell in love with the Polka Dot Girls. It was designed by Bronwyn Hayes, of Red Brolly in Australia.
Quilt size: width: 51″" height: 51″"
Housewarming By: Dolores, Ontario, Canada
My eldest daughter and her husband bought their first house last year and at the same time Jenny from Jenny of Elefantz blog was offering her little house stitcheries. I thought it was a perfect time to make a small housewarming quilt.
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 36"
Iced Crystals By: Jennifer Wilkins, Australia
I love using machine embroidery, and put at least 2 or 3 pieces of embroidery into every quilt I make. Here I showcase both designs and quilting by machine embroidery, as well as some free motion quilting for the background. I really enjoy all parts of the quilting process, and hope that shows up.
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 67"
Kennedy’s Quilt By: Linda Brown, Ontario, Canada
This quilt was my first crazy quilt that I designed myself. The middle is a iron on quote that I worked in my own colors, the outside blocks are a mixture of colors.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"
Mom’s Sunbonnet Sue By: Lindy Weber, Washington, USA
My Mom said she felt like embroidering again after many years away from the activity. I bought the pre-printed squares, she did the embroidery. She finished this past spring and I made this little quilt. It is so cheerful and bright, I will treasure always the hand work my mother put in this for me.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 48"
Mono Log By: Notion Nanny, Ontario, Canada
I made this quilt when I came down with Mono 4 years ago. The applique and embroidery were done by hand, the trapunto and quilting were done by machine.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
My Polka Dot Girls By: Terry Giet, Ohio, USA
This was the first quilt I started when I got back into quilting after a 20 year break. It took me a year and a half working on and off but it was worth it. It’s one of my very favorite quilts! :0)
Quilt size: width: 55 inches" height: 55 inches"
My Wish For You By: Vesuviusmama, Virginia, USA
This was my very first embroidery project. I made it for my mother-in-law for Christmas 2009. The Gail Pan blocks that I chose were to let my mother-in-law know the wishes I had for her as she was battling cancer for the 3rd time.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Noah’s Ark By: joe tulips, Iowa, USA
I fell in love with stitching and quilting combined the moment I saw it in blogland. This tiny quilt was my first attempt at it. The pattern is by Lynette Anderson, she was offering a free BOM, I couldn’t resist and did one of my own. I am thankful for her generousity and delighted with the quilt.
Quilt size: width: 15 1/2" height: 19"
Peekaboo Redwork. By: Jill Majers, Utah, USA
I found the patterns for the redwork in the Aug. 2004 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. I designed several settings for the redwork blocks and my husband chose the setting he liked best. It’s for my new grandson…coming soon! It’s my first redwork and I loved doing it.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
Redwork By: Beatrice, France
I won mini redwork blocks at lotto, added applique blocks made in stage and pieced some triangles for setting all together.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"
Redwork Kids By: Jennifer, North Carolina, USA
This is a quilt I put together with some of my favorite redwork designs. I love how it turned out.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
Seasons in Black/White By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA
This was a pattern stitch-along from Paula Stoddard-PacificPatchWork. I decided to make it a study in black and white; doing the embroidery in black floss and the fabric piecing in various black/whites. Hand pieced and hand quilted. It became a wedding gift.
Quilt size: width: 26.5" height: 24.5"
Snowmen for Claudia By: cyndi, Missouri, USA
I did this one as a surprise for my sister in law, Claudia. It has patterns I collected over the years plus 5 drawings from her grandkids, nieces and grandniece, ages 2 1/2 – 7 or 8.
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"
Spring Is In The Air By: Janet Espeleta, Missouri, USA
This quilt was made from spring blocks that I exchanged with an internet group in 2007. I had just recently purchased my embroidery machine so I decided to make it a bed sized quilt and add embroidery to the setting & corner triangles. It was quilted by Julie Huffman of Lenore Idaho.
Quilt size: width: 84" height: 113"
Sue’s Cousins By: Linda, Oklahoma, USA
This is for one of my granddaughters. I’ve had the embroidered blocks since she was three. She’s turning 8 next month! It’s going to the longarm quilter real soon. I love snowball blocks and think they add a lot of interest.
Quilt size: width: 62" height: 86"
Tarn & Garonne By: martine bronca, France
ribbon and cotton embroidery, hand pieced and hand quilted.
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 49"
The Wish Quilt By: Samelia’s Mum, Australia
This quilt was the first BIG project I undertook. It is designed by Bronwyn Hayes. The stitcheries were completed in the evenings after the kids were in bed. It took 5 months, but I’m so proud of it and think it was well worth the effort. I’m looking forward to having it up on display this Christmas
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Verandah Views By: Mavi., Spain
Willowberry draft desings, embroidered stem and assembly point in a log cabin.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 29"
Whimsical Pups by Flo By: Whimsical Pups, California, USA
Whimsical, fun loving, colorful pups to delight a child.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 44"
White with Blue Emboridery Quilt By: Daisy Schoonover, Florida, USA
This quilt took years to make as I did not work on it everyday .I purschase the blocks at an old T G & Y store that closed down back in the 80’s. I finished it up in the year of 2006 in time for my sister’s 1st.visit to my new home. All the blocks are hand emboridered as well as the pillows .
Quilt size: width: 82" height: 102"
Winter Wonderland By: Donna Smith, Oregon, USA
I love embroidery and piecework together, so the Winter Wonderland pattern was a good fit for me. I did a lot of the embroidery while we were traveling often to see my husband’s ill mother, and completed the pieced blocks at a retreat in 2007. I machine quilted it with glitter thread.
Quilt size: width: 64" height: 71"
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