Delightful Stars Quilt-Along

For this week’s Delightful Stars Quilt-Along (DS QAL) lesson, I put together a 28-page tutorial on paper piecing. Included are six paper pieced blocks that finish at 6″ square. Each block has been chosen as it provides a learning opportunity for a specific aspect of paper piecing. Here are the six sample blocks:


I have often heard quilters say that they find paper piecing confusing and terrifying. In my tutorial, I have broken down the process into four repetitive steps: Fold, Trim, Stitch and Press. I’ve included detailed photos and tips for each step. I also share numerous tips, aimed at the beginner, such as the one shown below on how to achieve perfect and secure points.


I’ve had lots of interest in this tutorial on Facebook, so I’ve put together a Booklet for those that wish to learn paper piecing but are not interested in doing the Delightful Stars quilt. The full tutorial IS included in Delightful Stars, so if you are doing that quilt, you don’t need purchase this separately. This booklet is available for purchase as a PDF file that you download right away.

Cost: $10.00 (USD)

Purchase here: Booklet: Paper Piecing Tutorial for Beginners


Next week, we return to making the delightful stars, which we will continue making until mid August. Here’s a sneak peek at next week’s lesson:


Want to join in the fun?

For more info and to purchase the DS QAL, visit the main Delightful Stars Quilt-Along page. You can join at any time and catch up at your own pace.

Delightful Stars Quilt-Along

We’re also chatting and sharing our photos in the Facebook Group … come join us!

My First Paper Piecing Project

I thought I would share my first paper piecing nightmare. I really am surprised I came to love this technique despite my first experience.

I purchased a kit many years ago to make a dozen traditional blocks in miniature size. These blocks finish at 2″ square… or they would if I ever finished them. Here are the ones I completed:


I messed up the bottom three shown in the photo. The one on the left, the last row of triangles, I didn’t cut the patches correctly and they are too small to be sewn with sashing or to another block. The back of the other two are shown below:


These two had so many patches, that I guess I got confused and accidentally added a patches to the outside seam allowances. Once I discovered my error, I was so disappointed after all that work, that these blocks have remained tucked in the back of a cabinet and only saw the light of day recently for me to take the photos. They’ve been returned to their hiding place.

One day, I will re-draw the patterns and try again.



To celebrate worldwide quilting day, let’s have a give-away.

Answer the following: What was your first paper piecing experience like? If you haven’t tried it yet, why not? Share a photo, if you like, it’s optional.

Share below in the comments and I’ll pick two random winners on Wednesday (March 19th) to win one of my patterns or booklets of choice. If you’ve already purchased and win the give-away, I’ll refund you.


This give-away is now closed. Emails have been sent to the winners. Thanks everyone for entering and sharing your paper piecing experience and some photos.





269 responses to “DS QAL: Paper Piecing Tutorial and Give-Away”

  1. Sue E Howland Avatar
    Sue E Howland

    My first paper pierced block was done at our quilters guild. Had a great teacher and I love the outcome of the perfectly pieced blocks.

  2. Dedra Avatar

    Love,love,love to paper piece…avoided it for years. It does require some “wackwards” thinking and practice. Now, I have done the 111 blocks for the Farmers Wife and lots of little tiny logcabin blocks with 1/4 inch pieces…i just love them they are adorable. Wish I could leave a picture of them here.

  3. Wendy Scott Avatar
    Wendy Scott

    I enjoy paper piecing, I even taught a friend how to paper piece.

  4. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    My first paper piecing was a wall hanging I made from a pattern in Quiltmaker in 2002. I should share it on our blog, because I was so very happy with it. It hangs in my sunroom over a breaker box, and it is beginning to get faded–I’m going to have to make another. I recently purchased the pattern because I have lost the magazine.
    Michele, thank you for the awesome job you did creating the paper piecing tutorial!

  5. Lori Wisheropp Avatar
    Lori Wisheropp

    I first tried paper piecing on my own and quickly discovered I needed a class. Not as easy as it sounds!

  6. Mishka Avatar

    Testing image upload.

  7. Linda Deis Avatar
    Linda Deis

    My first experience was way, way, way, back in the ’70s. There were no quilting classes or lovely quilt shops with knowledgable staff. I was on my own. I saw a pattern in a book, hand traced it to paper and made a block very similar to what we call a New York Beauty. It was about 7-1/2″ square. I put a couple layers of batt inside, a back on and machine quilter 1/4″ from all the seams. Then I bound it. I think I still have that potholder to thus day! I loved the experience and went on to do more paper piecing. Currently I have a queen sized quilt about 3/4s finished – other projects with deadlines just keep getting the way!

  8. Mary Lunderville Avatar
    Mary Lunderville

    My first paper piece was just after my first quilt a year ago! I wanted to see what it was about, it took me 3 hours to do my first one with an hour ripping it out and doing it over, but at the end, I loved it! I love paper piecing, and even though it is not done, I have finished others. I love paper piecing and am always looking for great patterns. I have by no means mastered this and have plenty to learn.

  9. Debbie Weishaar Avatar
    Debbie Weishaar

    My first experience with Paper Piecing was in a Craftsy class (Craftsy BOM 2012 by Amy Gibson). Being new to quilting I was terrified to learn but followed Amy’s directions and steps to find that Paper Piecing wasn’t hard at all and that I actually enjoyed it. I have done several others and find that they work great for using up scraps but you don’t have to use scraps when paper piecing. Below is my latest Paper Piecing project (WIP on my Guild Name Badge). Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. PersimonDreams Avatar

    I first paper pieced at a quiltsbybarb quilt retreat. She always has a mini project to go with the main project. She had a kit to make a hot pad. I’ll be honest – it was love at first attempt. I was super surprised that I liked this tedious way of quilting but it is pretty cool to see how quilting can really open up when you discover paper piecing. My most recent paper piecing projects are all fairy tale blocks – crazy fun, super tedious, but I know I’ll be so happy with the end results! thanks for this giveaway and happy national Quilting Day to you!

  11. Becky Collis Avatar
    Becky Collis

    I am working on the Craftsy Carol Doak class, so I made a bird of paradise block THREE times! and yes, it was a charm, the third one was perfect. Working on the sample blocks now!

  12. Nancy Derouen Avatar
    Nancy Derouen

    have done similar in the embroidery hoop, but havent done paper piecing yet!

  13. NancyB from Many LA Avatar
    NancyB from Many LA

    I love paper piecing! Haven’t done any in a long time, and really feel the need to get back to it!

  14. peggy Avatar

    I have not yet tried it,but I will eventually.
    Thank you for the give away.

  15. Saskia Smit Avatar

    My lensquilt for my son called StarWarsquilt

  16. Cynthia andrews Avatar
    Cynthia andrews

    Simply put: havent done paper piecing put of fear! It looks hard and complicated! Love to see pieces that sewist have done & envy them

  17. Trish Enloe Avatar
    Trish Enloe

    I have not tried paper piecing yet, however I do have a book on it. At the time I was a better quilter and I took a long break and I am getting back into it. I definitely want to try it though!

  18. karen delmarco Avatar
    karen delmarco

    My first paper pieced project was this Pineapple Block, table runner, I poured over tutorials and made some mistakes along the way, I still have alot to learn, but really enjoy this type of quilting!

  19. Kristi Avatar

    My first PP experience was stitching a tiny Christmas stocking that became a pin. The next project was a BOM with houses, a church, etc. around a town square. A friend and I each made a quilt and the experience was great! We learned a lot by stitching the tops together. Unfortunately, it is still a top! My third experience with PP was a class taught by Judy Niemeyer who has designed many gorgeous, intricate PP quilts. Her expertise really helped refine my skills. Your tutorial is great! It will help quilters who are “afraid” of paper piecing.

  20. Cathy Case Avatar
    Cathy Case

    Was a Christmas table runner, and I did not finish it. I had an awful time with it. I have never tried paper piecing again. But there has to be a better way then what I was doing or I am just all fingers.

  21. Nansi Mc Daniel Avatar
    Nansi Mc Daniel

    my first paper pieced block was self taught! i got the basic’s off the internet about 15 years ago (mind you i said basic’s and i mean VERY VERY basics back then there wasnt much out there) and proceeded to sew the block which did not come out too bad but man it was hard holding the fabric up to the light to make sure it covered the space and then trying to sew the line from the WRONG side of the paper! even with all that i was hooked! LOL i use three steps trim sew press (tho the trim part does involve folding the foundation back to trim off the excess and get that perfect quarter inch seam allowance!

  22. Athena Andrzejewski Avatar
    Athena Andrzejewski

    I had a really good first experience with paper piecing. I made a ring of flying geese to put on a pieced quilt back and it was a lot quicker than I expected and you can’t beat the accuracy. Been hooked ever since!

  23. Athena Andrzejewski Avatar
    Athena Andrzejewski

    This is the flying geese ring i made. Sorry I didn’t realize I could put it in my first comment.

  24. Crystal Avatar

    The time I tried pp I had an idea that big stitches would make getting the paper off easier… Well I was soooo wrong

  25. Clydene Dyer Avatar
    Clydene Dyer

    I’ve purchased paper piecing books since I first learned of this method many years ago. Marked one page from a book and have yet to make that quilt. However, in a BOM here in my hometown I made the 2013 Christmas Quilt and the main block [a large house with chimney] was paper pieced. I was pleased with the results, probably due to being the only one for assistance in the paper piecing class, so I had very good one on one instruction and help. Also, the block was very large and that probably made the paper piecing easier. I’m sure if I tried one of the smaller blocks using this method it would be more challenging. Thank you for putting this challenge in Delightful Stars.

  26. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    I took a paper piecing class at a LQS and loved it! It seemed to make sense to me. Guess I am a little backwards! 🙂

  27. Selene Avatar

    My first one was this eagle I made for my son. It was really fun to do it.

  28. Nansi Mc Daniel Avatar
    Nansi Mc Daniel

    btw on the block that the fabric doesnt cover the space no worries just take it off and put new fabric on it is the last piece and would be a very simple easy fix, get some scotch removeable tape to put on the foundation to keep it together before you take out the stitches! as for the two that you added extra onto just trim those down to the seam allowance or simply remove them as well i am guessing the dotted line is the sewing line, they all three could be “fixed” rather easily and another pic for you to look at!

  29. NaDean Avatar

    I have never done pp as it has me extremely intimidated. I do want to try it one day. I love quilting and am very new to it. Still learning….

  30. Mary Spriet Avatar
    Mary Spriet

    I have done lots of small PP projects. But, my best was a Mariners star wallhanging made out of silk ties. It took a lot of concentration. Once I got it, it turned out beautiful. Sure worth it with that project. The ties gave me more trouble than paper piecing.

  31. Katie Stevens Avatar
    Katie Stevens

    I haven’t tried paper piecing yet.. It’s on my to do list once I have nice easy instructions and some time to play

  32. Pat Wade Avatar
    Pat Wade

    My first paper piecing project was one I tried to do just following the directions, but I didn’t understand the purpose of the numbers very well, so I didn’t always follow the coffect order. I also didn’t cut off enough of the extra bulk fabric between seams. My block was a disaster, and no one else ever saw it. My second one was done in a class. It was much more successful.

  33. Chris Avatar

    My first paper piece was Carol Doak’s 50 stars. I know I was crazy after a lot of struggling, a good seam ripper, I actually finished it. That was the amazing part. It was a 50th Wedding Ann. present for a very dear friend. She loved it and I have never tackled such a large project again. Learned my lesson. Keep it small.

  34. Chris S Avatar

    My first experience with paper piecing was a small star that I tried a week or two ago – took me four tries to get it almost correct. My next experience, though, helped me turn the corner – Michele’s practice blocks for the paper piecing parts of Delightful Stars. I’m thrilled with the great instructions, and no longer confused about paper piecing. Will definitely be looking at patterns differently now that paper piecing isn’t terrifying!

  35. Ruth Sunday Avatar
    Ruth Sunday

    My first paper piecing effort was a 3″ block of a light house for my nephew’s graduation quilt…15 years later, I’m still making them. It wasn’t terrible, but I just couldn’t get them quite perfect.

    My most recent was my best experience paper piecing and I have decided I liked it. Was a day long class and the instructor gave me the clues I needed.

    I know I have a photo of the finished little quilt, but it’s not showing up right now…when I find it, I’ll up-load it. I like it and put it on my door as my only Christmas decoration this past year.

  36. Carein Avatar

    My first was a Judy Martin “Mariner’s Compass” years ago (approx 15yrs), I don’t have a picture I gave it as a gift and that was before I started photography my things that i make.

  37. Stephanie Avatar

    I wont lie I am scared of it! I did just come across a video on it and hope to get past my fear. I know it is supposed to make things easier but my strange brain makes it more complicated!

  38. Sharon Eshlaman Avatar
    Sharon Eshlaman

    I want so badly to learn to paperpiece. I’m so intimidated by the process, I haven’t taken the plunge yet. I’m 62 so I’d better give it a try soon before my eyesight goes and I have no patience left….ha, ha

  39. Kathi Yerkey Avatar
    Kathi Yerkey

    My first experience will be this weekend! I will try to do the sample blocks from the delightful stars BOM. I can’t wait to give paper piecing a try. Thank you so much for all the great directions Michele Foster.

  40. Candy Perry Avatar
    Candy Perry

    My first paper pieced experience was making
    Flying Geese blocks. I had a wonderful
    teacher. She shared a Double Wedding Ring
    that was paper pieced. I wish I could find that
    one again.

  41. Cheryl Unterburger Avatar

    I fell in love with paper piecing years ago. I took a class at a local quilt shop in Maryland and when this block was done with perfect results, I was hooked. If I don’t do a paper pieced block in a while I do have to take it slow at first, but it comes back to me – like remembering how to ride a bike!!

  42. Karen Dailey Avatar
    Karen Dailey

    A dear lady in our quilt club taught me and I LOVE it! The first block I did was the Storm at Sea.

  43. Elizabeth Rasmussen Avatar
    Elizabeth Rasmussen

    My first paper piecing was smaller projects about 15 years ago found at our local quilt shop. Then I moved onto a bigger wallghanging for my dad who loves pheasants. ( I wish I had a photo, but don’t.) I am getting back into it with some kits I purchased last year.

  44. Celine Avatar

    after my paper piecing first workshop, I told to my teacher: I don’t like that. But I always give a second chance to anyone or anything. Then, I try again and since this day, I can’t stop paper piecing. Here is a sample of what I do with paper piecing. It’s a project I’m doing for my granddaughter. It’s a quilt with all characters of Alice in Wonderland. This character is Mad Hatter.

  45. Heather Avatar

    My first paper piecing experience was fantastic! I was involved with a small quilting group (6-8 ladies) and the organizer taught us how to paper piece a 15″ braided heart block using strips of fabric cut approximately 1 1/2″ wide. She had the designs drawn out onto a brown paper grocery bag! It was easy and really produced an adorable design that a beginning paper piecer could be proud of! I loved it, made 2 more and sewed them together into a wall hanging!

  46. Celine Avatar

    after my first paper piecing workshop, I told to my teacher: I don’t like that. But I always give a second chance to anyone or anything. Then, I try again and since this day, I can’t stop paper piecing. Here is a sample of what I do with paper piecing. It’s a project I’m doing for my granddaughter. It’s a quilt with all characters of Alice in Wonderland. This character is Mad Hatter.

  47. Anita Mitchell Avatar
    Anita Mitchell

    I personally e not have not tried it yet. I’m working on quilt as you go blocks right now. I would love to try this,it looks interesting. 🙂

  48. dianne Avatar

    I purchased a Christmas wreath pattern & fabric 13 years ago; every time I read it…I get confused:( fear & anxiety are preventing me from starting and ruining the beautiful fabric…..

  49. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    My first paper foundation piecing project was a Christmas log cabin quilt. I really enjoyed it & have have done several more PFP projects since. The one tedious part (besides removing the paper after the blocks were sewn together) was cutting all the different logs to size. The next PFP log cabin I did, I just cut strips & snipped the ends after sewing onto the foundation – much easier & the results were the same. Thanks.

  50. Rose Sabey Avatar
    Rose Sabey

    I recently finished my first paper piece project. It was a small wall hanging of bowls stacked up tall. It was fun to do but the first piece was a stinker and after several rip-outs I called and got help from a fellow quilter. After that it was easy to do.

  51. Diane Bowron Avatar
    Diane Bowron

    My first paper piecing project was a Nativity Scene. I ended up with a blue camel and brown sky! Now I love paper piecing. It is so accurate, and you can make intricate designs. Still get things wrong, but just fix them.

  52. Roberta Johnson Avatar
    Roberta Johnson

    It was so long ago, I don’t remember my first paper piecing project. I know I was so intrigued by the process I had to give it a try. I was blown away by the accuracy, and I was hooked. Since then, every time I look at a quilt block, I’m drawn to trying to figure out how I can make it into a paper pieced block.

  53. Lynn Wilson Avatar
    Lynn Wilson

    I loved my first paper piecing experience. It yielded a perfect curved flying geese block.

  54. Jodi Connors Avatar

    I have never paper pieced….yet…I am a little intimidated by it, but I will be trying it soon, we will see how that turns out. I love the look of how precise the blocks turn out.

  55. Frances Avatar

    I think my first paper piecing was a flower. I enjoyed it and stitched several projects but drifted away from it until recently and now I am loving the precision and perfection of lines which can be achieved.

  56. Gill Avatar

    Mine was a series of boats – far too small for a beginner! I wish I’d started with something bigger!!

  57. AJ Avatar

    My first paper piecing project was part of the Project of Doom almost a year ago now. I’m really excited about it, though it has had to go on the back burner for a while due to other commitments.

  58. Penny Avatar

    My first paper piecing attempt was a hummingbird. We were at a girlfriends house for a few days out of town and there was wine involved. Needless to say the poor hummingbird didn’t quite make it, but I did continue on to paper piece eventually.

  59. Kate Avatar

    I’ve always been intrigued by this technique; so took a class through my guild. We did a New York Beauty…….oh my….not the block to learn on. Some day when the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I’m looking for a challenge; I may finish it. The piecing part wasn’t so bad but the long curved seam ……..shudder.

  60. Pam C Avatar
    Pam C

    I made a couple of little paper pieced blocks. I had to make them more than once to get them right.

  61. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    I did Amy Gibson’s Craftsy 2012 BOM — When I got to the Paper Piecing, I put it away! I tried one of the blocks and only got 1/4 done – I need to get after it again and finish the quilt! Thanks Michele for all your hard work.

  62. Charlotte Taylor Avatar
    Charlotte Taylor

    I always thought PP was so neat to look at. Carol Doak came to a town near us and my friend and I took her class
    and had a wonderful time. Have really enjoyed it ever since.
    Have found if you haven’t done it for awhile, it takes some getting used to again but guess like a bicycle, you never forget just a little wobbly at first. Love the crisp points.

  63. Brenda Van Dyke Avatar
    Brenda Van Dyke

    My first paper pieced project was a Project Linus pattern. My youngest granddaughter is called “Doodlebug” so I thought the Ladybug pattern was an appropriate gift for her first birthday. I now know that I did it backwards, but I finished it. Now I try to choose larger and simpler patterns so that I can practice the technique.

  64. Teresa Lollar Avatar
    Teresa Lollar

    I am a beginner quilter. This will be my first quilt, so everything I have not done before. I only started sewing 1 year ago. We have a sewing group at our church and we make dresses, pillowcases, and aprons and send with missionaries going to different parts of the world, including the US. We also make burial gowns for our local hospital. Any tools I can gather will be great

  65. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    My first paper piecing I will always remember. I was in New York visiting my sister. She introduced me. I made 2 potholders. I can’t say that it is my favorite piecing method but I do have a project in the works that I work on occasionally. Thanks Michele.

  66. Bonnie Bertsch Avatar
    Bonnie Bertsch

    Haven’t tried paper piecing yet but I have signed up for Delighful Stars, so here’s hoping I can learn

  67. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    My first (of only three!) paper pieced blocks was a flower I made to use in a birthday card for one of my nieces. It turned out OK, but it wasn’t an “aha” moment where I said “I love doing this!” I may try it again when the urge strikes. =)

  68. Christina Avatar

    I have not tried it yet just because I have not had the opportunity. I think its a great way to learn a new technique.

  69. Kerri Hunter Avatar
    Kerri Hunter

    My first paper piece experience was 2 or 3 years ago, I joined a BOM on the internet called “Sew Interwined” the instructions were so easy to follow that my blocks were perfect, however I then thought cool I can have another go at PP and was so confused and made so many mistakes that I just thought oh well I may never do pp again, until the delightful stars BOM came along and now i think i’m ready to have another crack at PP.

  70. Sandi Avatar

    My first paper piecing project was a paper-pieced Christmas tree. It turned out okay but I have yet to finish it. Maybe I should think about doing that before next Christmas. 😉 I have paper-pieced a lot of crazy quilt blocks since then and have a snowflake design that is pieced but would be better done as a paper-piecing project. It really is fun to do and not nearly as difficult as the first tries sometimes are.

  71. Lee Avatar

    I did a paper piecing last year for the first time. Its was fun and I would love to do some more!

  72. Gail Avatar

    My first paper pieced project was a stained glass cross and it was very pretty for a first try. I have tried a few other things and have made some crazy mistakes but I am still learning and enjoying it!!!!!

  73. Jeanne Avatar

    I have not done paper peicing and look forward to learning it in the Delightful Stars Quilt Along. It sounds fun and challenging.

  74. Misty Schmidt Avatar
    Misty Schmidt

    Thank goodness I have a very dear and patient friend, although I live in texas and she lives in Maryland, she sent me a tutorial of the process one piece at a time …she was so helpful, I cant say that paper piecing is my favorite of all times, I still have some issues but thank God for dear friends that help to make you better!

  75. Julie B Avatar
    Julie B

    My first paper piecing was a dragon fly I designed myself. I had never paper pieced before. It measures about 2 inches square and has 4 sections. I designed a carrot for an Spring project. I found it got easier with every project.

  76. Kay Strong Avatar
    Kay Strong

    I just recently did a simple paper pieced with Amy Gibson. It was part of a block. Took some time to figure out about placing the fabric and then the sewing. The instructions were not included, except for the size for cutting. Tried a practice block and will do all six of these. I am too impatient to do a whole quilt of them but they do get precise. Would love to win.

  77. WyoDi Avatar

    If I hadn’t been so tight with my fabric, my first paper piecing experience would have gone much smoother! But once I got going, I just love it!

  78. Julie Hallquist Avatar
    Julie Hallquist

    My first paper piecing project I did I love it. I was hooked.

  79. Maria Avatar

    I finally mustered up the courage to sign up for a “beginning paper piecing” class next month. I’m attention challenged (putting it politely) and have been hopelessly confused by the videos I’ve watched. Can’t wait to learn this skill!

  80. Maureen Avatar

    I started paper piecing while doing a BOM. I’ve been doing it for about 2 yrs now and love it! The points are so perfect! I’m amazed at the patterns people come up with. There are so many beautiful star blocks and of course I always pick the ones with over a 100 pieces. I’m working on a stained glass one now that I had to take a break from. I know I will love it when it’s done.

  81. Dorothy Hansen Avatar
    Dorothy Hansen

    I haven’t tried paper piecing yet but I look forward to trying it as I need to make a new quilt for our Master Bedroom! I have the fabric just looking for the right pattern!

  82. Nancy Avatar

    Love paper piecing! My very first try was with a fairly simple pattern so it was easy and fun. I think you may have picked a first project that was just too complex. It takes a bit of practice to get it right. I have made 6 quilts that are paper pieced and they all turned out pretty good.

  83. Merril Levien Avatar
    Merril Levien

    I tried paper piecing for the first time in a workshop. It looked so complicated and intricate. But, my instructor taught me step by step and I was amazed at the perfection and I was hooked. It was a friendship braid. I think it is the perfect project for first timers. The only part I don’t like is removing the paper on a large project. lol.

  84. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    This is my first paper piecing experience….I’m scared, but don’t know why…I’m going to start tomorrow!!!!

  85. MC Avatar

    I’ve only paper pieced one block, and it turned out to be way above my skill level but turned out pretty cool despite it all!

  86. Celine Avatar

    Here is the picture of Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland, paper piecing. The picture didn’t show in comment 46.

  87. Mary Avatar

    My first paper piecing project was a Lady Liberty. I enjoyed the process and would love to give it a try again

  88. Julie Avatar

    My 1st PPP was a darling little 10″ dresses block which ended up being done in 4 parts and was a total disaster that I haven’t returned to. The instructions were woeful. However, I persevered with the method and believe it gives the most precise crisp points to stars. I didn’t know you could PP curves and am off to Google that! This picture is of a Faceted Star I sewed yesterday.

  89. Alex Gee Avatar
    Alex Gee

    I have been scared for years to do paper piecing – terrors, sweats, brain fade – just at the thought. And then a certain person running a QAL included some paper piecing stars, and i thought, i’m a big girl, i can do this!! .. I tried..just a small 6 inch block with a few strips in it… well, after the tenth attempt with fabric up the wrong way, strips too short – all of these put into the permanent recycle bin (trash)… i made this and then didn’t do any more until this week…. this was my 11th attempt and i didn’t do any more until this week… but i’m glad i did ..

  90. kbo Avatar

    Being new to the local quilt guild I joined the “friendship block” group. The second month I was to paper piece a Christmas block with 64 pieces within it. The owner didn’t provide near enough fabric. It was a stitching nightmare.

  91. Cindy Lucas Avatar
    Cindy Lucas

    Hi Michelle I am looking forward it starting but am out of town at theiment. I’m a little scared lol

  92. Cleary Kipe Avatar

    I’ve been paper piecing for years and I find the smaller the pieces the harder it is for me to get them lined up right. Here is one of my earlier pieces

  93. Susan G Avatar

    I was introduced to your blog who is doing your quiltalong. Your photographs and tips are so clear and helpful. Paper piecing is fun, but I can imagine the value of your piecing. I have described paper piecing to non-quilters as the equivalent of using your non-dominant hand to draw an object you’re viewing in a mirror. Any and all tips are helpful.

  94. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    A few years ago we lived at the beach and I wanted to make a Mariners Compass to hang above the sliding glass doors that faced the ocean. I had just started quilting and found a simple pattern. There are some mistakes and lessons learned but I loved the process and still love that wall hanging!

  95. Jo Avatar

    The first thing I paper pieced were hearts and it hooked me I really enjoy paperpiecing

  96. Margaret Schindler Avatar
    Margaret Schindler

    I took Peggy Martins class on Craftsy and learned to paper piece. I love it.

  97. Karen Avatar

    I haven’t yet but would like to.

  98. marilyn Avatar

    My first paper piecing experience was from a Peggy Martin book, “Quick Strip Paper Piecing”. I did it in a class at our LQS, and I loved it. It turned out beautifully. (not perfect by any means)

  99. Deloris Avatar

    My first Paper piece was cats and hearts that I then put in a quilt from my oldest godmother

  100. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Mine was a diamond log cabin Christmas tree skirt for my mother in law-only instead of paper, I used muslin and put all 3 layers together at once! It turned out beautiful, but I never got mine made! Diamonds are NOT this gal’s best friend when they are log cabins!

  101. Deborah Smith Avatar
    Deborah Smith

    If I can remember.I think it was the Farmers wife, or something like that. It was about 30 years ago

  102. Dedra Avatar

    Commented earlier about my experience with tiny 1/4 inch log cabins, and thought I’d add a photo

  103. Melody Avatar

    My first experience was at a local quilt shop and it was awful. Then I tried it again, taking a Carol Doak class. I had much more success once I had a better understanding of the technique(s)!

  104. Penny R Avatar
    Penny R

    My first paper piecing was a wall hanging that has 3 bird houses and 1 bird. I liked the technique and didn’t have any trouble with it.

  105. Cindy Avatar

    The quilt group I belong to issued a challenge about 3 years ago. I decided it was time to learn how to do paper piecing. I made a table runner using a block named “Toad Lily Star” from Schwartz and Seifert’s “Garden Stars” book. It must have turned out okay because I won first place and received a pair of Gingher shears—Wahooooo!!

  106. thunder Avatar

    my first attempt at PP was not pretty at all. the second however was much better. a friend suggested a very simple block. a heart. not very many pieces. easy, to get myself familiar with the technique. it worked very well. I made a lot of hearts.
    I still do not love the process, but I sure love the results.!!
    after the hearts, I did this 🙂

  107. Pam bricher Avatar
    Pam bricher

    My first paper piecing was a fan looking block. Turned out pretty but I didn’t know to change to smaller stitches so when I started taking off paper some of the seams came apart. So sad

  108. Florence Daly Avatar
    Florence Daly

    I have done some paper piecing in tutorials. I also tried to paper piecing in a miniature quilt, still haven’t finished it. I think I will have to set myself down and concentrate.

  109. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    Have a couple books…but still haven’t tried doing a Paper Pieced project…YET! lol Love Hexie’s so much…definitely planning to learn how to make those too! 🙂

    Have seen so many cool PP blocks lately too…the need to be brave & jump in is getting stronger than my chicken-liver scaredy cat tendency!! (nervous giggling…)

  110. GeoMama Avatar

    I drafted my own block (Y=X graph block) to try my hand at paper piecing. It was tons of fun and since I have drafted another one of my own.

  111. GeoMama Avatar

    I drafted my own first paper pieced block. It probably would have been good to start with something simple and more traditional, but that’s not who I am.

  112. Jenny Holton Avatar

    I have not tried paper piecing. I used to watch my mother quilt and have tried some lap quilting. I am interested in learning something new. Mother seemed to love to quilt and I think I would as well.

  113. Rochelle Mezzano Avatar

    My friend taught me, I did well. We made a baby quilt which looked like crayons.

  114. Domaris Foss Avatar
    Domaris Foss

    I’ve Never Tried PaperPiecing. I Have Only Been Quilting 4 Years. I Am 73. PS, Don’t Understand Why Each Word Is Being CapitalizeD! Aghh!!!

  115. Jodi Avatar

    I shied away from paper piecing as long as possible, but I took a wonderful class from Sandy Zuker in NC and it had paper piecing. I did the log cabin at least 6 times. It had 4 colors and they came out poorly when not in order. But I fell in love with paper and have done a lot since then. Signed: Jodi

  116. Heather Cummings Avatar
    Heather Cummings

    I have never tried paper piecing in this since – I have done paper pieced ‘quilts’ for scrapbooking pages & layouts and these have turned out quite nicely.
    As far as trying it with fabric, just not brave enough yet.

  117. Debra Avatar

    A sense of achievement at the completed piece. I still have it 42 years later.

  118. Delaine Avatar

    I have’t tried paper piecing yet, but it is on my bucket list. Thanks!

  119. Nancy Avatar

    I just finished a queen size quilt. It was my first time doing paper piecing, and I must say, at first I didn’t like it very much. Before I was done, I was hooked. I can’t wait to do more. The pieces come out perfect, wish is better than my other quilting projects.

  120. Diane Avatar

    I just checked out a book from the library on paper piecing as I’ve finally worked up the courage to give it a try. Thanks!

  121. Melissa Lamb Avatar
    Melissa Lamb

    My first attempt at paper piecing was a small star miniature quilt. I fell in love with the process.
    Thank you for all your quilting tips!

  122. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar
    Carol Ann Johnston

    I was fortunate to be able to “sit in” for a paper piecing class with Carol Doak. I bought her book, Mariner’s Compass Stars, and made a wall hanging with her first pattern, Africa Star.

  123. Linda v Avatar
    Linda v

    My first time was about 15 years ago. It was very confusing to me.

  124. bobbiesews Avatar

    I fell in love with a displayed wall hanging-tried the class and found myself so confused. Never touched the book or project after the class. Am going to try again now that I’m retired and have my own sewing room. Love the precise-ness of PP.

  125. superstitches Avatar

    My first experience was many years ago. I loved the accuracy of the method but ripping the paper off was another story. I’ve since learned better methods for that.

  126. Linddylou Avatar

    Haven’t done much paper piecing lately, but my first experience was a disaster. I got some help from a good friend after that. Do like paper piecing, since you always get a perfect project.

  127. Renee Heinbuch Avatar
    Renee Heinbuch

    I created a Santa wall hanging. This was a class that I took a few years bak and the instructor was very helpful. I am now inspired to try it again! I have several patterns just waiting for me!

  128. Rose S. Avatar
    Rose S.

    I keep putting off making my first paper piecing project because I am such a perfectionist and I know mine will just be lame compared to the others on here. I need some prodding!!

  129. Helen K. Avatar
    Helen K.

    I’ve been wanting to try a paper pieced project, but I keep putting it off because I’m a little intimidated by it. I’d probably purchase your beginner’s tutorial if I were chosen because this might give me the confidence to jump into something else. A confidence boost is exactly what I need!

  130. melissa Avatar

    I have sewn some hexies but have not yet completed a paper piecing project.

  131. Dennis Mullins Sr Avatar
    Dennis Mullins Sr

    I have started a hexagon but have yet to get started again. I scare myself by telling me that it doesn’t look right so I stop. Maybe this book will help mem to get over myself. Happy Quilting Day.

  132. Theresa Avatar

    I haven’t tried paper piecing yet. Always seemed too complicated to figure out.

  133. MPaula Avatar

    I loved paper piecing from my very first project. My last project is still on my quilt wall. It is a paw print with a bird in each corner. My intention was to make enough blocks for a lap quilt but the paw was difficult. Probably I should turn it into a pillow.

  134. Jean Avatar

    I have never tried paper piecing. It looks way too complicated. If I can find some good directions to do it, I’d like to give it a shot!

  135. Trina Avatar

    I’ve done paper piecing a few times now. Had great instructions and google at the ready the first time around. Fumbled through a few other techniques but was really pleased with the final outcome!!

  136. Ruth Rocker Avatar
    Ruth Rocker

    I don’t remember what my first PP project was, but I do remember being very pleased with the results. I think it was from one of Carol Doak’s books, though. I definitely like PP and use it when I want to make sure my points come out sharp and crisp in more intricate stars.

  137. Pat Davies Avatar
    Pat Davies

    I made the Judy Neimeyer bubbles quilt for my 1st paper piecing. It was challenging & fun

  138. Janice Hamman Avatar
    Janice Hamman

    It’s been so long ago that I don’t remember my first PP project. I do remember in the earlier ones mistakes such as not having enough fabric for a patch and having to rip it and try again. I also remember trimming what I thought was the seam allowance only to discover it was the patch I had just sewn. Somewhere along the way, I learned to use a piece of manila folder when trimming the seam and a quarter or eighth inch ruler that only left the part to trim extending past the ruler. I like to paper piece, and I especially like the accuracy.

  139. Virginia Avatar

    My first experience was a miniature sampler kit, I liked it right away and have done many projects since including my favourite a very colourful New York Beauty, a perfect was to get all those points.

  140. Karen Pollard Avatar
    Karen Pollard

    I’ve only made one thing-a small Christmas wallhanging. I would love to learn how to paper piece, but I’m so scared to try!!! I need help learning more about it.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  141. Beatriz Avatar

    My first paper piecing was the painted desert , I don’t have picture but I can say though it was challenging it was also very gratifying. I will be doing it again,I gave the first one to my sister.

  142. Shauna Avatar

    I’ve only done one paper piecing project, and since I’ve not really had any instruction, it came out ok, but it took me several tries.

  143. Jeanann Avatar

    I’ve enjoyed paper piecing for many years. I’m self-taught and tend to miniaturize patterns for my projects.

  144. Lynda Avatar

    Each week I sit in the library and look at the wonderful quilting books imagining what I could make. I never take them home because I know I would never attempt them. I have done one or two smaller quilts but they are always simple easy patterns. Paper piecing has always been one I would love to try so if I was to win this I would definitely give it ago as it would be a sign to give me the courage to try.

  145. Linda Jerome Avatar
    Linda Jerome

    I can never seem to get started correctly with paper piecing so I don’t really feel comfortable doing it.

  146. Susan P Avatar
    Susan P

    Never paper pieced. Had a friend do one for one of my student quilts and turned out okay. Would like to learn because I really want to work with hexagons. Also, my school kids challenge me with their different shapes in their block designs for their class quilts so sometimes paper piecing would be best.

  147. Pam Avatar

    My first paper piece quilt was a miniature. My friend talked me into doing miniatures and said we could get them done faster and make more quilts! That wasn’t the case but I did hand quilt that piece. Since then I made my daughter a log cabin for her wedding using blue and white prints. It turned out perfect! I love the precision you can get using paper piecing. The the preview of your new book!

  148. Karyn Ashley-Smith Avatar
    Karyn Ashley-Smith

    The very first thing I ever did was paper piece, so I never knew to be afraid of it *grin* I found my first blocks from 1996 or so and fell in love with them all over again! They are wonky as the day is long, and the colors/materials are SO 90’s…. but I love them! Debating whether to frame them or make them into pincushions or make a wall hanging…. I find the technique easy, as long as you cut your pieces big enough. You just cannot be cheap with your fabric while your learning…..

  149. Shelly S. Avatar
    Shelly S.

    The first paper piecing I did was part of a Row Robin in my quilt guild. I searched the internet and found a free pattern for a paper pieced fire hydrant (my guild mate’s quilt was dog themed). It was a fairly easy pattern, and I enjoyed it so much, that I also did some paper piecing for the next quilt in the Row Robin – these were Amish blocks.

  150. Tiffany Avatar

    I made a pincushion with a heart for a swap. I tried it about 4 times before I liked it – but it was still imperfect. I’d love to learn how to improve, it seems like it could be fun and create such nice points!

  151. Phyllis M Avatar
    Phyllis M

    My first paper-piecing attempt was frustrating and very unsuccessful. I saw a pattern on line and attempted to do it without much instruction and wasn’t able to get the fabric to cover where it was supposed to cover once it was flipped. I have since taken a class and have had much success with the process. After taking the class, I was much more confident in the process and have made and completed a few small projects.

  152. austen Avatar

    i have not tried it because i am terrified. i am new at all of this. i just need to build my confidence. what i like about it the most though is there is a line for me to sew on which is why i am so attracted to it. (my vision is not great) so i guess i just need a slap on the head 🙂

  153. Linda Webster Avatar
    Linda Webster

    My first paper-piecing project was a disaster. I would sew a fabric onto the previous one and when I folded the just-sewn fabric back…………it was too small. So frustrating that I never finished that project. Now I’m participating in the Delightful Stars Quilt Along and I’m a little scared!

  154. DORIS CLAUDE Avatar

    I love paper piecing! Nice sharp points. And batiks! Front and back of fabric is the same! 🙂

  155. Sharon Ingalls Avatar
    Sharon Ingalls

    My first paper piece was a class I took which I learned nothing I hated it. It took a long time before I tried again and this time I learn how to do right I’m not good at it but I will keep trying. I love the fact that you can get perfect points. Thank You for the Great Give away.

  156. Mary Anne Williams Avatar
    Mary Anne Williams

    I have never done any paper piecing because in scares the hooey out of me. Believe me I am full of hooey. I love to quilt, but never seem to find the time. I have decided to make it a priority starting this week. Monday’s are going to be dedicated to my quilting projects so why not start a new project next week.

  157. Linda Clinkenbeard Avatar
    Linda Clinkenbeard

    My first attempt at paper piecing wasn’t too bad. I bought the paper piece book of Noah’s Ark and did several practice pieces. Next I made a denim valance with dolphins for my grandson’s room. I have since then made a Christmas tree skirt and a queen sized quilt. I do enjoy paper piecing.

  158. Theresa Taylor Avatar
    Theresa Taylor

    I taught myself paper piecing in 2001 it took me several times to get it right. But I figured it out and completed the block . I fell in love with the technique since then. I have taught a few people paper piecing in the past few years.

  159. Richard Healey Avatar

    I first tried paper piecing almost a year and a half ago. I crashed and burned bad. Recently in my quilt guild they have talked about it and even about a challenge involving it. So I again tried and this time I read up first and wow what a difference. 2 weeks ago I made 12 paper pieced blocks and wow what a difference it is to just not be afraid and know what I was doing up front.

  160. Rosemarie Graham Avatar
    Rosemarie Graham

    I have not tried paper piecing as of yet. I would like to try it as I am all for trying new things in quilting. The way I see it is, I cannot fail as long as I keep myself open to trying new challenges .

  161. Rhonda Rylands Avatar
    Rhonda Rylands

    I first attempted paper piecing when I was about 25 , I’m 66 now. It was a sad attempt,no pattern and no lessons. But in mt lat 40’s I unpicked it all and thanks to a friend loaning me a quilting magazine ,I now had a pattern for a grandmothers flower garden. Within three months I had completed the top,quilted it with a twelve inch hoop and had it on my bed ! It contains 3,380 hexagons and scraps from up to forty years old. It has won first prize at my local show and to me is invaluable .

  162. Sherry Avatar

    My first paper piecing experience was in 2012 when I participated in the “Bowls With Borders” blog hop and we used a pattern by Regina Grewe. It was a challenge at first but I had fun with it and have done a few more projects since then.

  163. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    My first paper piecing was making tulips for a coat. I got them off a vest pattern. I pieced together the tulips for a long yoke, and made the rest of the coat out of denim. After a dozen years, it is looking rather frayed, but I still like it.

  164. Heartsdesire Avatar

    My first paper piecing block was a sailboat, and it did not turn out very well, and I’ve never tried it again. I’ve seen lots of lovely paper pieced projects, and after seeing your paper piecing tutorial for beginners, perhaps I’ll try it again.

  165. Dianne Freer Avatar
    Dianne Freer

    I am new to quilting and thought doing last month Mug Rug would be an easy start. I cried but finish it. Poor partner didn’t say a word. So sweet but I have since learned more, love it and really want the challenge of paper quilting even if I go crazy trying. This is how bad I did : binding and dove flying the wrong way*#@ and if that wasn’t embarrassing enough nice of her but it went World Wide on FB. I really need to prove to the world if I can you can with the great help of you my friends(if you still are) and Quilting Gallery. Well I was going to post a pic but can’t to do right either. Wish me Luck

  166. Cindy Dahlgren Avatar
    Cindy Dahlgren

    My first paper piecing attempt was in a class. I actually found it fairly easy, but the teacher kept telling us how hard it was. It made me nervous, but I decided to take part in a couple of paper piecing quilt alongs, and found out it was easy, and I love it! I would love winning your booklet, because I always figure more information, more patterns, more fun, and better projects.

  167. cathy lewis Avatar
    cathy lewis

    the first time I attempted paper piecing was so frustrating. the first and 2nd piece of the paper piecing was so confusing to me. I so desperately want to learn to paper piece. I would like to take a class with a patience teacher

  168. Jeri Niksich Avatar
    Jeri Niksich

    I haven’t tried it for one I am terrified of it, it looks so complicated and 2 I am a beginner quilter teaching myself how to quilt and have only been at it for 1yr. But by the amount of fabric I have you’d think I was a professional lol

  169. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    Haven’t done much paper piecing. But I love the stars and want to do them. I used to do a lot of crazy patch and I hated the mess of tearing away the paper. Isn’t that silly! Thanks.

  170. Jill Ellis Avatar
    Jill Ellis

    I always started paper-piecing by sewing down the first piece, realizing it was wrong, then tossing it away. Finally, I picked a pattern of a cat sitting on a pile of quilts, and I went to a friend’s house to work on it. She asked why I picked something with such teensy, tiny pieces as my first paper-piecing project. I got it done, it reminds me of my cat of the same color, and it hangs on the wall of my cube at work. Ten years after I made it, I entered it in my quilt guild’s quilt show and won a ribbon!

  171. Jan Harbuck Avatar
    Jan Harbuck

    My first paper piecing project was a New York Beauty block. Since then i have completed a Mariners Compass, several bird house blocks and i have actually drafted a block for a design i wanted. I love to paper piece !

  172. Susan Avatar

    Paper piecing has always seemed so fussy. But maybe your tutorial will change my attitude! I will give it a try. Thanks!

  173. Amy Cofer Avatar
    Amy Cofer

    I felt like I was trying to do everything backwards when I did my first paper piecing project. My brain was so confused.

  174. Susan Svoma Avatar
    Susan Svoma

    My first paper pieceing experience was awful. Had to rip out many times because I’d sew in the wrong order or on the wrong lines. My daughters are all working on some great Judi Niemeyer quilts with no problems, so I’m considering trying again.

  175. Geni Pickens Avatar
    Geni Pickens

    My first pp project was a miniature star sampler I created using EQ5. Loved paper-piecing even though I had to redo several blocks it was still fun and I learned a lot since I was self-taught.

  176. Jeneta@PlumJam Avatar

    My first paper piecing experience was a positive one. I decided to make a Christmas quilt and found a free online pattern. I had no idea that paper piecing was any different to ‘regular’ quilting. I look back now and am pretty pleased that I managed to work it out! After 15 years I still love my paper pieced Christmas quilt (with its dodgy binding!) and bring it out each year.

  177. Cambria Thompson Avatar

    My first experience with paper piecing was really fun!!! I took a class at one of the local quilt shops and we used Alex Anderson’s paper piecing beginner book. I loved it so much I began collecting paper patterns and purchased the paper piecing paper that you can print your own patterns out .

  178. Anita Avatar

    I have never tried paper piecing, but I want to try. It will be by next project.

  179. Judy Avatar

    I have not done any paper piecing yet but I do plan to. I don’t really have a reason why just haven’t taken the time to try it yet.

  180. Fran Wiest Avatar
    Fran Wiest

    My first, and only, paper piecing was when, as a brand new quilter, I joined the local quilt guild and was given a paper piecing pattern to make my name tag!! I didn’t have a clue! But thanks to the many fantastic bloggers in quilt land, I managed to make a passable name tag. Several years later, I am anxious to try some paper piecing and would love to make these fantastic stars, thanks!

  181. MoeWest Avatar

    It took a few tries and reading of tutorials and tips from others, but I have it figured out now. I still find it slower than regular piecing but I like to do it once in a while.

  182. Debbie Wood Avatar
    Debbie Wood

    I have not tried this yet. Just started quilting last Sept. It’s my next step. Your book would really help. Thanks

  183. Judy B Avatar
    Judy B

    I saw a magazine years ago, that had just came out, called the Foundation Piecer. I loved all the wonderful things shown, so following their directions I was on a roll! I prefer pictorial patterns.

  184. Nita Avatar

    My first one was a houses block for a bee group. I hated it so much, I cried!

  185. Beth Strand Avatar

    My first paper-piecing experience was with a few small blocks that are still in the Orphan Block box. I’ve moved onto many other projects and I just love them!

  186. Joan H. Avatar
    Joan H.

    I tried paper piecing several years ago and I was so frustrated with it that I have never tried again. I would really like to try it once more but with some good instructions this time.

  187. *Nicole Sender Avatar
    *Nicole Sender

    I have not tried paper piecing but I think it’s time I start to learn.

  188. Hanke Avatar

    I’ve made different paperpiecing projects and I love it! The points are great when you use the paper piecing technic. At the moment I am working at the farmers wife quilt. Thanks for the chance!

  189. Saskia Avatar

    My first paperpiecing was this beautifull Sneeuwklokje (Snowdrop) for a friend who gave me a lot of snowdrop bulbs.
    With the working discriptio I could make it.

  190. Dawn Rehmels Avatar
    Dawn Rehmels

    I have done paper piecing only once with a small sewing group years ago. It was a very simple block, only 3 or 4 fabrics. It was successful in that I gained an understanding of the process. I’ve not taken the time to explore it further, but with so many neat patterns out there, it’s just a matter of time.

  191. Sally-Jane Avatar

    I know the basic’s having watched people at my lessons do paper piecing, but have yet to try it….
    Like everything new, it is daunting, until you know what/how you are doing, and then it all becomes easy… all you need is good tuition to get you started – looking forward to learning a new technique!

  192. Renee Crigger-Baker Avatar
    Renee Crigger-Baker

    My first paper piecing project was a little house with a tree, I choose these to do a Christmas block for our drawing in my quilting group. Everything was going great.. I was done, and then I noticed the point on the tree was not connected 🙁 I took it any way to show my attempted and they had me put it in the drawing still. The lady that won those blocks quilted a gold star on the top and it looked perfected, you couldn’t even see that I messed it up.. 🙂

  193. Cindy kilpatrick Avatar
    Cindy kilpatrick

    I made a baby quilt for my great nephew that had farm animals and a tractor amd barn on it. He turned 4 this month and still ises t be quilt today.

  194. Monique Avatar

    I haven’t attempted paper piecing yet as I have too chicken to try.

  195. Donna Turner Avatar
    Donna Turner

    I LOVE paper piecing! It was the year 2000. The sun was shining, and I was going to take my first quilting lessons at Quilt Odyssey, the love child of my sister, Missy Molino. Between classes, I wandered the aisles of the vendors’ mall and stopped at every demo of each technique being shown in the various cubicles. One was paper piecing. I marveled at the crisp seams and corners, the intricacy of the designs. I couldn’t believe that “sewing by numbers” could bring forth, even from my novice hands, a perfect block. I was hooked!

  196. Valerie Avatar

    I have actually taken two paper piecing classes, with very well known teachers, who shall remain nameless because I do not think it is their fault I could not get the hang of paper piecing. I think I was still too much of a newbie to sewing and quilting for the classes. Still want to learn some day, maybe your booklet would help me – unless you want to come here and teach me one on one? 🙂

  197. Kiska Avatar

    What a kind thing to do. Paper piecing isn’t one of my favorite things as I’m not confident in doing it. I would love to win so I can become better at paper piecing.

  198. Truus Avatar

    My first attemp was a tulip when I did a course many years ago. Many fabricpieces are thrown away,because I did the pattern in the wrong way on my fabric.
    A few years ago I ‘ve made a whole quilt with many paperpieced flowerblocs.
    With your lessons online I hope to get some new tricks to learn.

    have a nice day

  199. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    My MIL first introduced me to paper piecing many years ago. I loved it from the very first block. Now I sometimes convert traditionally pieced patterns to paper piecing because it is so accurate.

  200. mary Avatar

    I’ve tried paper piecing but tend to get confused and give up on it…..

  201. Kim Avatar

    My first paper piecing is still unfinished because it just doesn’t look right. Although I enjoyed what I did, I am frustrated with it and have just packed it away for another day. Would love to learn more techniques that would give it sharper points and the look it is supposed to have!
    Thank you for this give-away!

  202. Karen Avatar

    I would really like to be better at paperpiecing! would love your tutorial!

  203. Stacey King Avatar
    Stacey King

    I have never paper pieced before because I am just now starting to learn to sew and quilt. I have a feeling that I am going to love to paper piece so I can’t wait to get caught up on my Delightful Stars project!

  204. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    It’s been a long time since my first paper-piecing experience, but it went pretty well. I did have a tendency to cut pieces to small at first, but I got over that and have little difficulty now.

  205. Dolores Avatar

    From what I can remember of my first paper piecing experience, it was favourable and successful. I just thought that it wasted fabric to get what you wanted. I still paper piece today but it isn’t my first choice.

  206. kaholly Avatar

    Many years ago, I saw a paper piecing demo at a quilt show on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Intrigued, I gave it a try. I took to it like a fish to water.

  207. Dwynette Valenti Avatar

    I remember being totally frustrated because the fabric was never the right size to cover once I sewed and ironed! But the angles now make more sense to me and I am better at it! I can’t say I love it, but it is very useful at times!

  208. Lynne Hannant Avatar
    Lynne Hannant

    I had a bit of a rocky start with paper piecing trying to put together in my head how the steps should go. A local quilt store teacher helped me by giving me a handout and then, in less than 2 hours, I got the hang of it. There’s no turning back now – I love it!!! I’m attaching a photo of my first piece.

  209. Carol Avatar

    I paper-pieced a wall hanging with 9 different paper pieced blocks. I remember going very slowly, reading directions very carefully, and finishing without too much difficulty. Then we had a paper piecing lesson at quilt club–and that went very well for me, and I learned a few more tricks. I enjoyed the process but have preferred the regular piecing method, for the most part.

  210. Patricia Hersl Avatar
    Patricia Hersl

    Granny Nannies were my first exposure. They were just too cute to resist. That project–who knows where it is now. I think maybe a table runner for a gift.

  211. theresa sheldon Avatar
    theresa sheldon

    I’ve only done 2 paper pieced projects. My first was a crazy quilt (blocks) for a baby and my second was a round wall hanging for my mother in law. Lots and lors of tiny points! They both turned out well and I am looking forward to giving it another try.

  212. Esther Sherrill Avatar
    Esther Sherrill

    Paper piecing scares me.

  213. Linda Bailey Avatar
    Linda Bailey

    My first paper pieced is in the trash ! Ha Ha I have since learned and getting better.

  214. Judy Snook Avatar
    Judy Snook

    My first paper pieced project was a pine tree at a free demo at a quilt store. It seemed hard at the time. Fortunately I’ve learned how to do more complicated patterns.

  215. Karen J Avatar
    Karen J

    My first experience with quilting was making a paper pieced vest from Carol Doak’s book in 1996. I haven’t stopped yet. Whenever I see a block, I think “how do I paper piece that?”

  216. Candy S Avatar
    Candy S

    I actually don’t remember what my first paper pieced block was. I only know that I love the process and have done many, many pieces since. I have even drafted a pattern of my own when I couldn’t find one that fit the project I was making.

  217. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    I have done so many I don’t remember which was the first one I did! I remember doing a log cabin block for a quilt for my guild that was quite large and no one had figured finished size until I got to doing the math! We had to remove the last 2 rows on all the border blocks to keep the monster from being over 120 X 120! (Guess who got the primary job of ripping the squares with the smallest of stitches–me and my big mouth for speaking up!) But, it turned out beautifully and received quite a high bid at the auction for the charity we donated it to! All’s well that ends well!

  218. Brekke Avatar

    I haven’t paper pieced yet, but my goal is quilts for Christmas!

  219. Sandra Aiken Avatar
    Sandra Aiken

    My first paper piecing experience was a challenge. I kept cutting thru the paper and the fabric. I wasted several pieces of fabric. My BFF was very patient with me and I finally got it. Now when we do paper piecing mostly for baby blankets, I always take my time and still sometimes I still mess up.

  220. Tammy Hempel Avatar
    Tammy Hempel

    The first time I tried paper piecing went really well. I found the process was easy as a matter of fact I liked it because I was having trouble sewing a quarter inch on the sewing machine. I was just learning how to use a sewing machine at the time. Sewing on the lines helped me a lot to get use to the sewing machine as well and the block I put together looked really nice. The seams were actually straight!! he he

  221. Jayne Avatar

    My first paper piecing project was a Periwinkle Star. And I loved it. Every bit of it. After a couple tries to test it and figure out what paper piecing was all about…I was pretty much hooked! Using a template with lines helped me make perfect little stars!

  222. Mary Avatar

    My first paper pieced project was a Pineapple block and I was hooked on it from that moment on. I personally LOVE the technique for the accuracy.

  223. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    my first PP was the head of a horse two years ago. There were many rip outs and lots of put away for now’s, but it finally came together. Sorry I just deleted the picture off my cell a couple of weeks ago. Argh poor timing here, LOL I put the horse in browns and tans. I used it as a part of a sewing machine cover for my sons fiancé. It was challenging, probably should have started with something not so difficult, but I learned a lot through it all and am totally hooked on PP now.

  224. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I think I must have bought the same ones as you! I didn’t have much luck with mine. I guess it was unclear instructions. I want to try again but just haven’t tried it.
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  225. Ann Sexton Avatar
    Ann Sexton

    I tried a small 5 ‘ block,was ok but not really fun,,turned out ok . Need to do more before deciding if I like it but have seen so many pretty paper pieced patterns .I want to learn and try a few!

  226. Kathy Davis Avatar
    Kathy Davis

    My first paper piecing experience was awesome. I had the best teacher who went slowly, step by step and by the end of the class I had a completed project and went back for more!

  227. Dru Thomason Avatar
    Dru Thomason

    I enjoy the precision of paper piecing, but I still have a problem getting the first piece turned the right way. Even after thinking and placing it…it still will be wrong side out!

  228. Beth Avatar

    My first paper piecing, and my second, ended up in the trash. Always too many exposed raw edges!

  229. Karrie Smith Avatar
    Karrie Smith

    I haven’t tried it yet, but I would LOVE to learn!!! Especially to learn stars!

  230. gail Avatar

    The problem I had when I first tried to paper piece was that my fabric piece never seemed to cover the area it needed to when I had sewn it and folded it up. I was trying to be too stingy with the fabric, but it wasn’t worth trying to use a too small piece. I am still interested in using this technique because when I have done it with the right size pieces, it is amazing at how precise it looks.
    So many techniques, so little time!

  231. Maureen Avatar

    I am just beginning to learn the art of quilting. I tried it several years ago, but I was working full time and just couldn’t keep it up. I crochet, sew, embroider, and do all kinds of crafts. I swore that when I retired this will be my next thing to conquer. Here I am. I’ve been learning this mostly on my own….and it has been a challenge. But I’m sticking with it, learning something new everyday and I praise myself when I do. I’m like a sponge just wanting to soak it up. I appreciate any help from my experienced piers. Please let me win!!!!

  232. Nellie Arriola Avatar
    Nellie Arriola

    I have always wanted to learn to paper piece but have been very intimidated by the whole process! I’m a self taught needle worker. I’ve even purchased a pattern and all required fabrics a couple of years ago. Yet I’m still lacking the confidence to start my project. Your book seems very informative and I think it would help greatly. I would like to be entered in your giveaway. I enjoy reading your newsletters this past year. please keep sending them!

  233. Patti Avatar

    My first paper piecing attempt was 2 blocks for my baby daughters quilt, which was also my first attempt at a quilt, and they didn’t come out too bad. I had done the 2012 BOM on Craftsy, and the video tutorials helped lots! My second attempt was for a pillow for my older daughter, which was very intricate and came out great!

  234. Sallie Avatar

    My first paper pieced project was a block for a sampler quilt in a beginner quilt class and I was successful.

  235. missy k Avatar
    missy k

    I have always liked paper piecing. I took to it easily I guess. I have made mistakes, but usually that pieces are small and I am using scraps, so I can easily grab another piece of fabric and continue.

  236. Rebecca Avatar

    I am making my first quilt and have never tried paper piecing. It is on my list to learn.

  237. Judy Danz Avatar
    Judy Danz

    My first paper-pieced block was an easy block taught by an excellent (local) teacher and the block was a success. I am not addicted, but there are projects where paper-piecing is the only way to go and I feel very lucky that I know a frustration-free method like the one Michele teaches.

  238. Susan Avatar

    My first attempt at paper piecing was a class I took at a local quilt store. It was not a real good experience. The teacher was impatient if you didn’t keep up and even then only gave attention to a few of the students that already know how to do this. I did manage to make one block. I took another class in PP from another teacher when the store underwent a change in ownership. Pretty much the same experience. I have learned more from Carol Doak’s book and instructions than I have from taking regular classes.

  239. wendy Avatar

    I learnt to paper piece last year with quiet play’s bom. I loved it straight away

  240. Donna Bushkie Avatar
    Donna Bushkie

    I needed one small block for a block of the month quilt about 3 years ago. I never finished that block after trying many times. Substituted a regular block instead. I just got a mental block. I really am intelagent.intelligent, awh not stupid Just me Donna B.

  241. carol c Avatar
    carol c

    I first joined a bee, and did 12 blocks of a dog sitting inside a paper pieced dog house, so all the dogs were fussy cut to fit in the door, No Lesson, Just read some on internet and tried my hand at it. found some seams not all the way made and fixed those, and everyone in the bee loved them. Stars are my weakness.LOL

  242. Liz Avatar

    My first paper piecing adventure was the center star of a king size quilt. I finished the star but not the quilt. The inner square of the star was an 8 x 8 star which was 1/8 the size of the outer star. Some pieces finished no bigger than the nail of my pinky! It was daunting yet beautiful when done. The inner star in a square took me 40 hours which is how long it took to do the larger star with the larger pieces. Now I am hooked on paper piecing and love the results.

  243. Inge Cairns Avatar
    Inge Cairns

    Hi, my first try at paper piecing involved a lot of unpicking and a few words! Lol… I was doing a lot of English paper piecing at the time, making houses blocks and I wanted to make a large pincushion to hold the thread catcher for my sister. Eventually I managed to finish it but I now wish to make the Farmer Wife Quilt using this method and a few tips and hints will be fantastic!

  244. Hayley Avatar

    I was lucky – the first paper piecing I did was for the lighthouse QAL hosted by Faith at Fresh Lemons. Easy with lots of photos. If I had started with something harder I may have given up!

  245. Charlene Carmeans Avatar

    My first paper piecing project was a delightful wall quilt I believe called Crazy Daisy. Each square was paper pieced and then the daisy’s was appliqued on top…After I got the hang of it, Smiles, it turned out beautiful and hangs in my dining room over an antique buffet…Very Colorful…

  246. Mara Avatar

    I have tried Paper Piecing but I don’t like the waste of fabric.

  247. Daphne Avatar

    I haven’t yet tried paper-piecing. My friend showed me a project she’s working on and it looked so complicated that I really felt I could never just take it up on my own. I’d love to learn along with your tutorial. Thanks!

  248. BillieBee Avatar

    Actually it went quite well even though I had no clue what I was doing. I was making a block to be included in a quilt as a gift.

  249. Sandra Starley Avatar

    I love paper piecing, I’m teaching it at the Minnesota Quilt show this June. It really isn’t hard and you get great results. Glad my sis and Mom showed me how much fun it can be.

  250. Susan Farr Avatar
    Susan Farr

    Love to learn more about paper piercing.

  251. Jodi Avatar

    I just learned to quilt a few months ago. I have been doing a lot of 9 patch patterns. I have been wanting to try some different ones but, haven’t found anything that is in easy to understand instructions yet. Stars is one of the ones I really wanna try but when you read it in quilting books sometimes it looks greek. I work full time and have my mother-in-law that helps when I can get up to see her. I have a friend that quilts but we can hardly ever get together cause of my work. (I work with special Needs Kids) So it’s very long hours with some of them. I would love this book or any book to help me futher my quilting experience.

  252. Christine B. Avatar
    Christine B.

    My BQF tried to explain the process over the phone – didn’t really work at all! Turned out she was describing it wrong, telling me to put the fabric on the printed side of the paper and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t see anything to sew! I’ve since gotten a LITTLE better! LOL

  253. Sandra Starley Avatar

    Thanks for the give away chance! I love paper piecing, I’m teaching it at the Minnesota Quilt show this June. It really isn’t hard and you get great results. Glad my sis and Mom showed me how much fun it can be. Here’s part of one of my classes/patterns

  254. Linda Cejnar Avatar
    Linda Cejnar

    My first attempt at paper piecing was approximately six years ago. It didn’t seem so hard at the time. In January I tried again at a class at Road to California. It was like Greek to me. I finally got my saw tooth triangles completed with only one fabric sewn backwards. I’ll try it again, soon I hope. If the learning curve goes down in the next six years I better try before then!

  255. Linda Forbes Avatar
    Linda Forbes

    I began quilting several year ago when I was between jobs but then put it aside as I was pastoring a church full-time. Am now just getting back to it after about 8 years which means the class I took is long faded from my memory. My husband is now partially disabled and has been sewing with me. He has a good eye and can do anything. Thanks to my mother we now have two sewing machines and can work side-by-side. I love star patterns and would a chance to win your book.

  256. Linda Pawlak Avatar

    I have never tried paper piecing! For some reason it really intimidates me, just like FMQ did until I tried it recently! I really need to take a deep breath and dive right in. Thanks for the chance!

  257. Vera Avatar

    My first experience was confusing. It ended up with messy back side as I didn’t know I should trim during the process. Once I watched free tut on Craftsy my second try went smooth.

  258. janet Avatar

    Need to learn more, it scares me

  259. Doris P. Avatar
    Doris P.

    Hope to start soon. Gathering pronects – just need more time!

  260. Kimberly Simmons Avatar
    Kimberly Simmons

    I have a wonderful teacher and DS is my first time. Love it.

  261. Dennise Winset Avatar
    Dennise Winset

    I have only made one quilt. I have not yet really got into making all the different things yet! But I am excited to learn and I think that anything that will make it easier or come out right will be worth the knowledge! Thank you for the chance to win!

  262. Kirsten Leysieffer Avatar

    I will attempt my first paper piecing at a class with Deb Karasik in two weeks. I’ve been concentrating on building skills one at a time, and enjoy taking classes to learn new techniques.

    After enjoying the A4A quilt-along, I did purchase the Paper Piecing Tutorial when it came out to add to my library of techniques.

  263. Linda Avatar

    My first time was a hot mess. I’ve played around a little more since then but not much. I’m going to try more when I finish two UFO that are late. Haha!

  264. Linda Avatar

    Not so great but Km going to play more after finishing quilt Im working on

  265. sue acland Avatar
    sue acland

    Paper piecing? I’ve only done it to make hexagonal designs for cusion covers.
    I’d like to try more so will start to follow your ideas.
    Thank you. Sue*

  266. Florence Daly Avatar
    Florence Daly

    I have a miniature quilt in the works that is paper pieced but it is in a box waiting for me to get another burst of energy

  267. Moyra Myburgh Avatar
    Moyra Myburgh

    My first block that I saw quilting done was the Pineapple paper pierced block and that just got me into quilting and taking a sampler quilt class. I love PP and the pineapple block, going to make it for our bed.

  268. Charlene Avatar

    Two weeks ago my daughter made a special trip to my house to teach me how to paper piece. I purchased the book “Vintage Quilt Revival” to learn from. I’ve now made every block in the book once and have completed one top (which is on my long-arm now). I was afraid to try paper piecing because it was just so confusing to me. Obviously, she is a very good teacher since I’ve accomplished so much in such a short time.

    My advise is don’t be afraid to try something new.

  269. Kristi Avatar

    The very first thing I ever paper-pieced was a foot and foot pedal pattern by Badskirt. I log cabined it into a bigger block and turned it into a pipe for my friend Katy/imagingermonkey. I have been hooked ever since! I taught my mom (Charlene see above) and I’m pretty proud of what she’s done!

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