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A Christmas Star By: Adrie Jansen, Netherlands
A Christmas quilt, only made with red, white and green scraps. Nice to do. Handpatching and handquilting with a gold thread , wat was not that easy, but the result is very nice.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"
A Christmas Wish By: Anna, Sweden
My version of the popular BOM pattern A Christmas Wish from 2009, although I changed the original font to something more in my taste. Hand embroidery, machine piecing and hand quilting – a pleasure from the first stitch to the last.
Quilt size: width: 27" height: 27"
Busy Little Christmas Elves By: Michelle C, Delaware, USA
This quilt is made from a pattern by Gail Pan. This is the first embroidery quilt I have finished…I’m hooked! 🙂
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
Catch A Christmas Star By: Dolores, Kentucky, USA
This quilt was a monthly block quilt. I don’t usually follow patterns so I used my own color scheme and tweaked the applique patterns to my tastes. It will be used as my Christmas wall display.
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 58"
Charming Christmas Cardinals By: Kate, Oklahoma, USA
The green and red paisley fabric had to come home with me. I knew I’d want to make a Christmas quilt with it. I also collect cardinal fabrics and a Christmas quilt seemed to be the place to use one of that stash. Made from a Quilt in a Day pattern called “How Charming” by Anne Dease.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 66"
Christams 2010 By: Vicki Graff, Idaho, USA
This is the first quilt I have made to keep. All the other’s are gifts that I have given away.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 64"
Christmas Around the Year By: Melissa, Indiana, USA
This was the first quilt I started. Not the first one I finished, but started 🙂 I made it for my Mother-in-Law who loves Santa Claus!! It now goes on her bed each and every year. This was her opening it on Christmas morning 5 years ago 🙂 She really loves this quilt and that makes me happy.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 45"
Christmas Bullseyes By: sheila Cragie, Australia
One of my many Christmas Quilts. Made with Bullseye Blocks from a swap with Quilters from the online group SouthernCrossQuilters (squilters). blocks pieced together and quilted by myself.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"
christmas DWR By: grace thorne, Maine, USA
this is my first heirloom quilt, hand pieced and hand quilted over a number of years. it has a cotton batt for that vintage look and feel. the colors are vintage too, forest and maroon, rather than traditional red/green
Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"
Christmas Lights By: Kitty, California, USA
“Quiltmaker” Mystery Quilt – Designed by Bonnie Hunter – made especially for Grandson #1 whose birthday is 12/23. He helped me with the layout and recognizes scraps used in other quilts I made for him and his brothers. He loves the border fabric – half-eaten gingerbread men and cartons of milk!!
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 82"
Christmas LogCabin By: Susan Lesh, Indiana, USA
The center squares for the Log Cabins are 4″ lottery blocks I won. I held onto them for years then an internet challenge came along to send off orphan blocks to some stranger and they make something for you out of them. I got back this stunning top, I just had to add the borders and quilt!
Quilt size: width: 92" height: 103"
Christmas Magic By: Milka Rajic, Serbia
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"
Christmas Memories By: Karen Goad, Arkansas, USA
Christmas Memories is designed by Connie Sue Haidle of Apple Blossom Quilts. I used needle turn applique method and hand quilted. The quilt is hanging in my living room for the holidays. I intend to use it every year! I worked on this quilt for over a year and enjoyed taking every stitch by hand.
Quilt size: width: 84" height: 84"
Christmas Stars By: Heather Spence, Washington, USA
I made Christmas Stars as a sample for a strip class that I was going to be teaching at a local quilt shop. But, because I can’t leave anything the way it says too, I added a border. It’s a fun Christmas quilt and the stars just add that little something fun!
Quilt size: width: 78" height: 78"
Cranberry Jelly By: Michele Vaile, United Kingdom
I love quilts, but haven’t made one for a while. I hope that I haven’t lost the knack. Hopefully this quilt shows how much colour they can bring to a room. Everyone should know how to quilt.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 50"
Friends for Christmas (Amanda Ryan) By: Amanda Ryan, United Kingdom
This design is from from Lynette Anderson’s book Friends for Christmas. It was my first attempt at applique, and I was a little daunted at first, but once I got going I loved every minute of it. It was also my first attempt at free motion quilting, and three years on, I’m still quite happy with it.
Quilt size: width: 49" height: 54"
Friends for Christmas (Kerrie Schwandt) By: Kerrie Schwandt, Alberta, Canada
This was the first applique quilt that I made. I also learned echo quilting which I did on my machine. I chose all my own fabrics and created this over whole of 2007! I love this Christmas quilt and have it hanging in me entry way ever Christmas season! My favorite part is the 3 wise penguins!
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 55"
Here Comes Santa Claus By: Nancy Fowler, Texas, USA
This little wall quilt is a design by the Piece O’Cake girls, Becky Goldsmith and Linda Jenkins from their book, Welcome to the North Pole. I made it and another one from the book in 2004 and had so much fun choosing fabrics and embellishments!!
Quilt size: width: 40″" height: 55″"
HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS By: Helen McNaught, Australia
As a lover of Applique, I couldn’t resist making my version of It’s a Holly Jolly Christmas which was originally published in Australian Homespun magazine. I added some great Christmas buttons on the final border and used just about every scrap of christmas fabric I had in the backing.
Quilt size: width: 43" height: 43"
Icecrystals are hexagonal By: Margeeth, Netherlands
I wanted to make a christmasquilt without green, red or gold.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"
kertboom By: Annelies, Netherlands
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 32"
My evergreen Christmas Tree By: Liliana Bronstein, Argentina
Este es mi 3º proyecto y me encantó hacerlo con las indicaciones de mi genial profesora Cecilia Koppmann (muy conocida en mi pais). Tiene diferentes telasverdes (half squares) para formar el árbol con un encuadre de telas rojas, está embellecido con lentejuelas grandes y medianas.
Quilt size: width: 28" height: 40"
Myn krystkleed By: Jelly, Netherlands
Panel met applicatie
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"
Nutcrackers and Trains By: Mary, Washington, USA
I made quilts for my Children in 2008. They are to sleep under them December 1-24, starting with the youngest in the family. Christmas Eve – put it under the tree for SANTA to take a nap.
Quilt size: width: 62.5" height: 90"
Oh Christmas Tree By: Sarka, Australia
I found a picture of a christmas tree hanging in a quilt book and set out to re create it for our family. Somehow I did it 🙂
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 65"
On the look out for Santa By: Vreni Kohler, Singapore
I made this quilt for a quilt challenge in Singapore a few years ago.
Quilt size: width: 29" height: 36"
Scrappy Christmas By: Julie Fukuda, Japan
My poor old sofa, having made it through nearly 40 years, six kids, and numerous pets, needs something to cover the worn spots and protect it from future wear. Looking through my box of holiday fabrics, I decided to see if there was enough to reward the sofa with a Christmaspresent. Sure enough.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 56"
The Nativity By: Christine M, Australia
This is a nativity I made many years ago. Actually I made eight of them! It is the stained glass technique. I loved the simplicity of this pattern yet it says so much.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 21"
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