Glorious Autumn Block Party and Super Deals for Quilters

Hi everyone! Welcome to Day 11 of our Glorious Autumn Block Party. Today we have Jessie Kurtz of Harding Hill Designs as our featured designer and 40% off savings from Fort Worth Fabric Studio too.

Visit the Block Party Headquarters for more info and upload your completed blocks to the Flickr group.

Super Deal from Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Fort Worth Fabric Studio

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Fort Worth Fabric Studio is an online quilt store full of fabulous fabrics, bundles, kits, and patterns! You can expect great customer service with special attention to your order. Nearly always, next day shipping and many times, same day shipping! We promise you "online service with a smile".

We are home of the Friday Bundle Batch, an assortment of fabrics that are hand-selected to perfectly complement each other! Check for a new Bundle each Friday!

Today’s Super Deal:

40% OFF all Woodland Trails by Riley Blake! No special code is required. The discount applies to all Woodland Trails yardage & panels! SALE runs through October 2nd at midnight, CST.


Start shopping here!

Featured Designer: Jessie Kurtz

Jessie Kurtz

Web Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Email

How did you get into quilting?

My first sewing project was a small messenger bag I made 15 years ago. It has a small funky beaded trim which I just love. I can’t part with it because I was so proud of my little creation. I was so excited to have created something and from there my eyes were opened to all the creative sewing possibilities out there. I love quilting because of the amazing fabrics and all the different ways one quilt pattern or even one quilt block can go.

How/when/why did you transition from a quilter to a designer?

Although I’ve been quilting and sewing for 15 years, I am newer on the pattern design scene. I’d been sketching and designing patterns I’d like to use and make for myself for a few years. I made several quilts for myself and from some of those original sketches I released 8 patterns last year and have 10 more in the works right now. I love designing and writing patterns!

Which quilt is your favourite? Did you design it? Why is it your favourite?

It seems like whichever quilt or pattern sample I am sewing at the time is my favourite! But, my ultimate favourite is a quilt made by my great-grandmother. I’ve talked about it here previously, during the awesome Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along. It is a simple but large quilt of 5” squares all cut with scissors! My great-grandmother was in her 80’s when she made it and not able to see very well anymore. I know it was not an easy project for her but she kept working on it. I love it because it shows her strength and determination to keep going even though it wasn’t easy. That quilt, like so many others people have created is example of the stories quilts tell about history and the human spirit.

How many UFOs do you currently have? I have about 15 UFOs right now! All ranging from small to large.

What size of quilt do you prefer to make/design? I like to write patterns that include different size options but usually I gravitate towards lap quilts for myself.

What colour do you use most often in your quilts? I am drawn toward bright colors but I’m trying to mix it up a little more .

Favourite one-sentence tip for a new quilter: There are no quilt police so don’t be too hard on yourself if your sewing isn’t perfect in the beginning….just keep sewing!

Favourite size and brand of rotary cutter: I Love the Olfa 60mm.

Favourite quote or mantra: Just keep sewing.

Block Party #11 – Fall Burst

Here’s Jessie’s block, Fall Burst. This block would look great in many different colour combinations. Jessie has put together an excellent tutorial to help you with her block. Head over to Jessie’s blog to download the tutorial.


Designer Give-Away

Jessie is hosting a giveaway on her blog of two of her quilting patterns. Enter here!

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