It was my birthday last week, and my family spoiled me big time with wonderful quilty (and not quilty but beautiful) things.

I had been coveting this wallet for over a month. When I went to buy it with birthday moola, it was gone. So disappointed. Went back to the store the other night, and asked what happened to the leather wallets. One week there were five, the next week none. They had been put away in a drawer. This one came home with me:

I saw my dealer last week, and picked up these wonderful Aurifil threads. All are 40 wt. which I use exclusively for piecing, appliqué and often for tight quilting too. Spool by spool I’m building up my stash.

My mom found these old (1996) magazines at a second hand store. They are mostly black and white with the occasional coloured photo, templates, no rotary cutting instructions. It’s fun to read how blocks were put together in the “olden” days. LOL

An adorable basket my mom picked up at the second hand store too. Not sure yet what I’ll do with it, but I’m sure I’ll find a use for it soon. It’s in excellent condition and quite large.

A peek inside:

Books, books, books… I had put together a wish list of books I wanted. Here are the three new additions to my quilting library. I’m thrilled with all of them.

Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts by Laura Wasilowski:

Beautiful Botanicals by Deborah Kemball – she just won first place in the Wall Quilts category in Knoxville, see below.

The Ultimate Appliqué Guidebook by Annie Smith.

Now to find some time to read and stitch!

8 responses to “Birthday Goodies = Stash Building”

  1. Tara Lynn Darrr Avatar

    I want that wallet!!! Love old quilting magazines too!

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Tara,

    I bought it from a local store, but you can buy them online too:


  3. Diane Dodds Avatar
    Diane Dodds

    Love Laura Wasilowski’s work, I met her at the Chicago quilt show last year and came away with one of her kits to make and a book. Love her art! Enjoy your book.

  4. Deborah Avatar

    Happy, happy Birthday!! You received some wonderful gifts! Love the wallet and the books. Enjoy!

  5. grace thorne Avatar
    grace thorne

    a terrific haul, michelle….hope somebody’s paying attention here….LOL

  6. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    What fabulous treasures!!!!! Hmmmmm lets see ……you can use the wallet when purchasing gorgeous fabrics that you can then stash in that cool basket as you use your threads to hand applique something wonderfully inspired by your new (and old) books, heck, birthdays can be terrific! ENJOY

  7. Jacquelynne Steves Avatar

    I have had my eye on that Beautiful Botanicals book, every time I see it in the quilt shop! Hope you had a very Happy Birthday!

  8. fleurette Avatar

    Happy Birthday, hope it was fabulous! What beautiful gifts, enjoy!

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