I came across these three video tutorials created by Sharon Schamber where she shows using Elmer’s School Glue for attaching binding to a quilt. It sure looks easy when she does it. Yesterday afternoon, I picked up some of the glue, we’ll see how well this works out.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

23 responses to “Binding with Elmer’s School Glue”

  1. kim Avatar

    Thank you for these, they are great!!!

  2. BCQuilter Avatar

    I had discovered this technique a few months back. It works great. As a beginner quilter, it makes more sense than the way I learned. I always had problems attaching the end pieces. No more!


  3. Diane Avatar

    I just put on my binding with elmers school glue and Sharon’s instructions. What a pleasure to not deal with pins. It worked beautifully.

    I played the video, paused it, went to my machine did the step, went back to the video, etc. It was like I was taking a class. Wonderful!

  4. debbie J L Avatar
    debbie J L


  5. Kathy Avatar

    I am looking forward to trying this on my next quilt. this is the best thing I have learned in a while.

  6. sharon nash Avatar
    sharon nash

    I would like to purchase some tips for elmers glue, I don’t see where to purchase?

  7. Kaye Avatar

    I did a practice piece and now I am ready to bind my Butterflies quilt. This was awesome. Much easier to execute than the way I was taught. Thank you!

    I made two mistakes to beware of:
    1st: the seam allowance is crucial!!! Mine was a tad too large and I couldn’t fully cover the seam on the backside of my test piece.
    2nd: I didn’t leave enough space to fit the binding ends together as nicely as Sharon shows on the video. Err on the side of too much space.

  8. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Kaye, great tips.

    I love Sharon’s method, and am still using it exclusively a year since I found those videos. I’ve gotten pretty good at measuring the amount of tails to leave.

    For me (since I’m right handed), I leave a generous amount at the start. When I come around to the final side, I often just glue it down, but don’t stitch it yet. It’s enough stability to keep it in place while I join the ends and if I need more flexibility, I can easy lift up the edge without having to pick out the stitching.

  9. Kathryn Stewart Avatar
    Kathryn Stewart

    I, too, found this video series on the internet and was VERY excited to try it… I had a heck of a time finding the metal tips for the glue, but finally did and couldn’t wait to try it out… It worked PERFECTLY! I’m very excited about the technique and posted a note referring to this technique and how well it worked on a quilting blog, but the person there refuses to use this technique because she is afraid of the glue attracting bugs… Similar to why we use sizing instead of starch… which kind of rained on my parade a little bit… Does anybody anywhere know if this is a reasonable concern? I sure hope it’s not anything to worry about… I know the glue washed out when you wash the quilt, but the first time I used it was on a signature quilt for my parents 50th Anniversary, and I don’t want to wash that quilt….

  10. AJ @ Quilt Binding Avatar
    AJ @ Quilt Binding

    Quilt binding is the key to finishing up your quilt, so don’t cut corners or your corners may cut out on you!
    .-= AJ @ Quilt Binding’s latest post: Do Follow Blog, Comment Luv, Keyword Luv =-.

  11. Patty Rockwell Avatar
    Patty Rockwell

    Kathryn, I just discovered the video on the Elmer’s Glue binding technique. I, too, am having a difficult time locating the metal tips for the glue. Can you tell me where to look?


  12. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Patty,

    Sorry, but I’m not sure where one can get the tips from. Sharon used to sell them in her store, but I don’t see them listed anymore.

    You might be able to find something here:



  13. TheaM Avatar

    I’m also concerned about putting all that glue and starch into a quilt – but for a competition quilt, that’s not going to bother me one bit – I’ll just wash it before I ‘retire’ it!
    If I were doing this on gift quilts, I think I might do a little soak in plain water along the binding to help get rid of some of the glue & starch before giving it away (after it’s dry, of course).
    I’ve seen those pointy things at JOANNS,

    and this is in the scrapbooking dept online :

    Quilled Creations Ultrafine Tip Glue Applicator Bottle

    # 1096916

    reg. 4.99

    sale 2.99
    .-= TheaM’s latest post: A Cute Christmas Story… =-.

  14. Mishka Avatar

    So far, I’ve always washed all of my quilts before giving them away, so I haven’t had to worry about it. I’ll admit, I don’t always glue when stitching to the front, but do when flipping the binding to the backside.

  15. Paul at Vancouver Video Production Avatar
    Paul at Vancouver Video Production

    I actually no nothing about quilts. It’s just that my sister needs some help and gladly I’ve found this video. Thanks, this could be of great help.

  16. Ms Bind It Avatar
    Ms Bind It

    I must say I love these videos. To use the elmers glue is amazing! To bind without pins is even more amazing!!!

    Thank you for sharing…

  17. Kim Avatar

    Working on my very first quilt, I found this set of videos immensely helpful! Thank you so VERY, VERY much. I now have a pretty decent looking first quilt with a fantastic binding!

  18. Mishka Avatar

    You’re welcome Kim… I’m glad they were helpful to you. I use the glue binding often too.


  19. Phillis Avatar

    I think this is just great, I will try this.

  20. Linda Green Avatar
    Linda Green


  21. sue fintel Avatar
    sue fintel

    I watched Sharon’s video 2 times. I noticed that she trimmed the outside edge of the wall hanging and binding the same. I have been told by 2 different judges when I took a wall hanging and place mats to my county fair, that my binding was not full and I should leave more to the edge of the batting and wall hanging and I was not given a first place ribbon because of it – what is the correct way to do it? thank you -Sue from Nebraska

  22. Debbie R Avatar
    Debbie R

    I was taught that to have full binding, trim 1/4″ beyond the quilt top when squaring up before you add the binding……I just stumbled on Sharon’s method of using school glue & I am excited to try that for the 1st time this evening! Now I am not sure if I can still use that 1/4″ extra?….Sharon’s video does not show it, so we shall have to wait & see. Leaving the extra 1/4″ has served me very well & kept my bindings full though. Now if I could just find those tips!! I was sure I saw them at Michaels a couple of weeks ago, but not now!

  23. Karen Avatar

    Thank you!!!! I’ve been unsatisfied with my mitered binding for awhile and you just taught me several tricks that will help me perfect them!

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