Beginner's Quilt-Along

Hi everyone, welcome to Block 3 of the Beginner’s Quilt-Along (QAL). If you’re new here, you can join the QAL at any time. Complete the blocks one at a time each week, or you can set your own pace. No stress! Most of all, have some fun and hopefully learn a few tips and tricks along the way. See the main Beginner’s QAL page for more information and additional links.

Pat Sloan is quilting along with us too. She’s making two sets of blocks using her gorgeous Eat Your Fruits and Veggies fabrics. See her take on Block 3 here!

Don’t forget to upload your completed block to the Flickr group each week for a chance to win prizes. I have added a Sponsors and Prizes page that I will update on a regular basis. Winners are chosen randomly from the completed blocks submitted by 6:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday.

We have two prizes this week:

First, the Fat Quarter Shop have donated a set of their new Little P’s patterns. These quick and easy patterns are perfect for the beginner quilter.


Second, Pat Sloan has donated a scrap bag of her new fabric line with Moda Eat Your Fruits and Veggies.

pat sloan learning center scrap bag prize

Since the Fat Quarter Shop has donated a set of their patterns each week of our quilt-along, I went back and chose a second winner for our first block. Congratulations to maisie131957


The winners of Block 2 are:



If you’re a winner, please check your photo on Flickr for instructions.

Block 3 -Time for Ice Cream

Time for Ice Cream aka Shoo Fly

Our third block is a Time for Ice Cream, more commonly known as Shoo Fly. Jinny Beyer’s The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns, states that this block was first published by Ladies Art Company in 1897. It also appeared as Fence Row in 1935.

Here’s a Mosaic of photos from Flickr featuring the Shoo Fly Block. You can click the links underneath to see the full image on Flickr.


1. Shoo Fly, 2. Shoo-Fly Wall Quilt, 3. Underground Railroad – Shoo Fly, 4. Shoo-Fly-Doll-Quilt for SMS quilt-along, 5. Doll Quilt 2, 6. Shoo Fly Quilt , 7. Quilt for Jane, 8. Shoo Fly Quilt – DQS8, 9. Split Shoo-Fly Wall Quilt

A note about block colours: I chose to represent this block in two colours; however, you can use a different colour for the centre block and for the half square triangles. The design choice is yours to make.

Beginner’s Lesson and Block Tutorial

The beginner’s lessons and block tutorials for the Beginner’s Quilt-Along have been removed from this site and are now available for sale as a complete booklet.

Find out more about it here: Breezy Beginner’s Sampler Quilt.


10 responses to “Beginner’s Quilt-Along: Block 3”

  1. Jo Avatar

    Done! I’m totally loving my squares! Sadly, i only use an ipad so i can’t post pics…no prizes for me! Come on block 4!

  2. VickiT Avatar

    Thank you for another great block and awesome tutorial. Now I need to see if I can get caught up since I have last weeks’ block to get done also.

  3. lee Avatar

    Wow – done? I am just getting to reading the post! The tutorial makes it look very easy! 🙂

  4. Kellie M. Mercie Avatar
    Kellie M. Mercie

    Tutorial maker is so easy i love this blog so much . By this i learn a lot . and such more information to learn .Thanks to share this great idea of yours .

  5. Carol Avatar


    I notice that the half square triangles that are joined for the final 12.5 measurement, I am going to have a problem with a couple of the “points” when we do sashing. They are not the same and will not be 1/4 inch.

    What did I do wrong? Was it the last squaring up of the 12.5?

    Second question.

    When we connect the three strips each time, I am still forcing the “locking” three block seams. I think it is when I am running the last couple of stitches for the connection of two blocks. I try to go straight. I am using a connector fabric at the beginning and the two blocks go straight but once I can’t hold on to the end of the blocks I am navigating and sewing, I think I may be off a stitch or two and it is causing the problem.

    Any tips to keep those last couple of stitches the same width and not shifting?

  6. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Carol,

    What’s your Flickr name so I can see your photos?

    Not sure what you mean by the last squaring up of the block .. I suggest not squaring up the blocks at this time. I’ll give a lesson on that when we attach our binding strips.

    Second, this is a common problem, and even I do it too if I’m not paying attention. The key is to continue holding the fabric in place as it is guided through the machine until past the needle. Your 1/4″ seam should remain consistent until the very end. This is probably why your 1/4″ seams aren’t accurate on the edges, but I need to see the photos to be sure.

    Hope this helps!

  7. JoHam Avatar

    Just discovered your tutorial. Love it, especially your choice of fabric. Hope to do the blocks so I have to dig in my stash. Easier said than done!

  8. 4dreamsr Avatar

    Using a stiletto to hold that last little chunk of seam fabric is what I do to keep my seam straight to the end. Also hold onto the left side of the seam as that end feeds thru. A wooden skewer sharpened on one end is what I use. Resist the urge to use the point end of scissors or seam ripper. Tragedy may occur to fabric!

    Also on this block especially, if it doen’t end up 12.5″ unfinished after piecing, your seams to sew up individual 4.5″ unf blocks is off. In other words, if each of the 9 blocks used to piece this block are 4.5″ unf then it should measure 12.5″ if those last seams are 1/4″.

    Michele, love this BQA & hope you don’t mind me putting my 2 cents in.

  9. DJ Langer-Street Avatar
    DJ Langer-Street

    This was fun to make and I enjoyed the practice of making HSTs. Thanks so much for doing this.

  10. Jean Adams Avatar
    Jean Adams

    Hey I just discovered ur blog and I want to do the Quilt along how do I get the information for the beginning blocks 1 2 3…Thanks