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- Total submissions: 8
- Total countries: 5
- Total provinces: 1
- Total states: 4
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African Challenge By: Trudi, United Kingdom
A challenge set by a member of my local quilting group. She had spent many years living in Uganda and had quite a collection of fabrics of the region. We were all challenged to take a selection of the fabrics and make a quilt with them. Background, borders and bindings were additional fabrics.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"
African Ladies By: Mary Winegar, Illinois, USA
One of my bee members had a supply of African fabric. We were all challenged to create a quilt using it. I am making African Ladies. Currently quilting it. I will add additional “personality” to the ladies after the quilting is complete.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 63"
Drums of Africa for Jenny and Patrick By: Pat Ferguson, Utah, USA
I started with another quilt for a wedding gift and it just didn’t seem like the bride and groom. I accessed their desires for gifts on a website and noticed that they wanted an African inspired Bedspread–hence the themed heartstring quilt with a controlled colorway.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"
Jubilation By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA
Designed for the 2008 “Celebration of African Women”-self designed crossstitch center of 3 women in tribal dress is quilted in silk/metalics/beaded. Border is 9-patch re-cut to desired look and quilted with silk/metalic and beaded. Thin sash and binding fussy cut from speciality fabric.
Quilt size: width: 29" height: 32"
Klimpt Braid Quilt By: Sherry McDonald, California, USA
My daughter wanted a quilt that would go with her african style decorating so I chose some Klimpt fabrics because of their rich dark earthy colors and blended them with other fabrics to get the look she wanted.
Quilt size: width: 65" height: 85"
Let it rain By: Lil Lutgen, Luxembourg
a class project, in the beginning nothing was planned, there was a square of randomly fused scraps, also african prints and then I let the fabrics talk to me and lead me into this village here I used also for the first time paintsticks, quite fun
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 22"
Métissage By: Malice, Switzerland
J’ai toujours beaucoup aimé les tissus africains. J’ai allié des élément naturels à ces tissus
I always liked African fabrics. I combined elements of these natural fabrics
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 48"
Town House with a Country view By: Carole, British Columbia, Canada
A UFO quilt top, dissected and reworked. I used Africa Inspired fabric in panel fashion. Yes, I did cut out, I made holes made holes in the actual already quilted top,putting the fabric behind and finished from the front. Looks FAB with a light behind it! It is done in 3 panels.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 34"
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