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African Challenge African Challenge
By: Trudi, United Kingdom

A challenge set by a member of my local quilting group. She had spent many years living in Uganda and had quite a collection of fabrics of the region. We were all challenged to take a selection of the fabrics and make a quilt with them. Background, borders and bindings were additional fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"

African Ladies African Ladies
By: Mary Winegar, Illinois, USA

One of my bee members had a supply of African fabric. We were all challenged to create a quilt using it. I am making African Ladies. Currently quilting it. I will add additional “personality” to the ladies after the quilting is complete.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 63"

Drums of Africa for Jenny and Patrick Drums of Africa for Jenny and Patrick
By: Pat Ferguson, Utah, USA

I started with another quilt for a wedding gift and it just didn’t seem like the bride and groom. I accessed their desires for gifts on a website and noticed that they wanted an African inspired Bedspread–hence the themed heartstring quilt with a controlled colorway.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"

Jubilation Jubilation
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

Designed for the 2008 “Celebration of African Women”-self designed crossstitch center of 3 women in tribal dress is quilted in silk/metalics/beaded. Border is 9-patch re-cut to desired look and quilted with silk/metalic and beaded. Thin sash and binding fussy cut from speciality fabric.

Quilt size: width: 29" height: 32"

Klimpt Braid Quilt Klimpt Braid Quilt
By: Sherry McDonald, California, USA

My daughter wanted a quilt that would go with her african style decorating so I chose some Klimpt fabrics because of their rich dark earthy colors and blended them with other fabrics to get the look she wanted.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 85"

Let it rain Let it rain
By: Lil Lutgen, Luxembourg

a class project, in the beginning nothing was planned, there was a square of randomly fused scraps, also african prints and then I let the fabrics talk to me and lead me into this village
here I used also for the first time paintsticks, quite fun

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 22"

Métissage Métissage
By: Malice, Switzerland

J’ai toujours beaucoup aimé les tissus africains. J’ai allié des élément naturels à ces tissus

I always liked African fabrics. I combined elements of these natural fabrics

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 48"

Town House with a Country view Town House with a Country view
By: Carole, British Columbia, Canada

A UFO quilt top, dissected and reworked. I used Africa Inspired fabric in panel fashion. Yes, I did cut out, I made holes made holes in the actual already quilted top,putting the fabric behind and finished from the front. Looks FAB with a light behind it!
It is done in 3 panels.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 34"

3 responses to “African Inspiration Quilts”

  1. annmarie Avatar

    Every week when I go to vote I’m not able to see all the entries. This week there were 8 entries & I could only see 6. I must be missing a page 2 or something but I’ve looked everywhere & can’t figure out how to view the rest. Please help. Thanks

  2. Ann Flaherty Avatar

    Love the quilts, love the theme. Nice work!

  3. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Ann Marie,

    Do you know what web browser you are using? I’ve tested in several, and I don’t see the problem you are describing. Can you send me a screen shot? Also, do you know if you have your fonts increased?

    Thanks Ann, I love the fabulous colours of these quilts. Very hard to choose just one.


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