
The Aiming for Accuracy quilt-along (QAL) was held in the Summer/early Fall of 2013. The lessons, blocks and detailed photo tutorials have been removed from this site and are now available for sale as a complete booklet.

Find out more about it here: Aiming for Accuracy Booklet.


Hi everyone! Below are the prizes for Lesson 8 of our quilt-along. Submit your Lesson 8 photo(s) below and see the photos that have been submitted. Continue to visit this page to see the new photos as they are added.

Lesson 8: Prizes

We have six prizes to give-away for this lesson. Please show your thanks, and support the sponsors by visiting their sites to learn more about them.

Jennifer of SewHooked has donated two copies of her Texas Twofer Collection which include six Texas-themed paper pieced patterns. Both patterns awarded for this lesson.

Texas Twofer Collection

Shelly from Prairie Moon Quilts has donated two of her latest patterns: Out To Pasture and What the Hex? One winner wins both patterns.


What the Hex

The Fat Quarter Shop has donated four $10 gift certificates. One awarded for this lesson.


Denise Clason has donated a bag full of her Stitchin’ Up the Pieces buttons. These are no longer available, and may not be exactly as shown in the photo.

Up the Pieces buttons-denise clason

Val from Pastimes Online has donated five twist packs containing (20) 6″ squares of coordinating fabrics. One awarded for this lesson.


2 responses to “A4AQAL: Photos & Prizes – Lesson 8”

  1. Amy @ Butterfly Angels Avatar

    Congratulations Lesson 8 winners!!!

    #71 Carol Kussart of Illinois
    #39 Peggy of Texas
    #97 Debbie Gilmore of California
    #87 Bobbiesews of California
    #23 Wilma B of ALberta
    #8 Judy Davenport of California

    Well CALI is well represented, huh?! LOL Congratulations ladies. Please go check your email boxes, even the spam. It’s already there waiting for you. Do NOT post here, please!!

  2. Debbie Gilmore Avatar

    Yay!! Thank you very much for coordinating-Amy. Thank you Michelle for the great lessons. I’m working on Week 9 at this present moment-waiting for the iron to heat up. So excited to be a winner this week!

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