The Aiming for Accuracy quilt-along (QAL) was held in the Summer/early Fall of 2013. The lessons, blocks and detailed photo tutorials have been removed from this site and are now available for sale as a complete booklet.
Find out more about it here: Aiming for Accuracy Booklet.
Welcome everyone to Lesson 7 for the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along (A4AQAL). My apologies for the unavoidable delay in getting this week’s lesson posted. If you’re new here, check out the main QAL page where you’ll find all the information so that you can join us on this QAL adventure.
We have weekly prizes that everyone can enter. Schedule change! Each Sunday (evening), there will be a blog post available on the Quilting Gallery site, where you can upload your completed photo for that week’s lesson. Check the main QAL page for the link. You’ll have until the following Sunday evening to enter. For those that have completed Lesson 6, submit your photos here before midnight on Sunday (tomorrow) (EDT).
Our Volunteer Prize Coordinator, Amy Gay of Butterfly Angels Quilting, will choose winners on Monday and will announce the winners on the prize blog post, in our Facebook Group and send emails. Please be sure to check your spam folder as Amy has been having difficulty reaching some of the winners from previous lessons.
We are chatting up a storm in our Facebook Group and you can also share photos in our Flickr Group.
Disclaimer: This quilt design, tutorial and all photos are copyright Michele Foster of Mishka’s Playground. Please respect my copyright and do not copy this tutorial or republish it, for free or for sale, in print or online. You may use this tutorial to create quilts for your own personal use for free or for sale. However, please credit Michele Foster of Mishka’s Playground for the design. No mass production is allowed.
5 responses to “A4AQAL: Lesson 7 – Unit C2”
Thanks Michele 🙂
This Quilt Along has been fantastic. Thanks so much for hosting it for all of us. Your design looks like such a challenge but you make it go together so easily.
Thanks Michele, I have learned much from these lessons. I know this is early but will you be touching on machine quilting & giving suggestions? Unfortunately for me, I did not participate in last year’s lessons. Should I revisit those?
Do anyone know if you can download color chart on ipad to set up squares. Thanks
Nora, here’s how I did it with my iPad…I saved the color chart picture to my photos. Then I bought Juxtaposer from the App Store for $2.99. It’s very easy to layer photos with that app! Good luck!