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“I Like to Make Houses” By: upstatelisa, New York, USA
Wonky houses, bright colors, lime green, black and white… the title says it all!!!!
Quilt size: width: 41" height: 53"
All Snowed In By: Maya, California, USA
This mini quilt was made for the Four Seasons holiday swap. The pattern was adapted from one in the Dec 2009 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting. I am not very good at following directions(!), so I made it my way by scaling the houses down and using paper piecing instead.
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 21"
Around the Neighborhood By: Judee K, California, USA
This was my first quilt. It is appliqued blocks for each month of the year. It was a Block of the Month online that I did in a month. From this project I was convinced I needed a new sewing machine. It is embellished with buttons, lace and ribbons.
Quilt size: width: 51" height: 64"
Bright Houses By: Kristy Armstrong, Kansas, USA
I love house quilts and bright colors so this quilt always makes me smile!
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"
Button Tree Lane By: Becky Jorgensen, Utah, USA
I passed this one around as a Round Robin. Everyone sewed the house + a tree. Love it! So different from everything out there. I added the border, but it is still in the to be quilted pile. :)
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 56"
Casa Amarella By: Frances Arnold, Georgia, USA
This quilt was based on a photo that I took in Porto, Portugal. I loved the mixture of steps and row houses, and especially the yellow one. It is mostly paper pieced with added fabric painting and thread painting.
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 20"
Dreamhouses By: Inge Slaats-Peekel, Netherlands
I made 5 blocks of the Home Sweet Home Quilt, designed by Gail Pan. I planned to make the whole quilt, but then I wanted a small wall quilt, so I stopped after making 4. This quilt is now hanging in our sitting room and I’m looking at it with great pleasure every day.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Home is where the heart is (Chris Jones) By: Chris Jones, Netherlands
I made this little quilt for dear friends in Belarussia where I felt myself at home!
Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"
Home is where the heart is (Jan-Maree Bal) By: Jan-Maree Ball, Australia
I made this quilt to please myself, loving the colours and the 100+ buttons sewn on it. It comes from “Hearts Aplenty” by Lynda Milligan and Nancy Smith. It hangs where I see it every day and it just makes me happy to look at it.
Quilt size: width: 49" height: 40"
house quilt By: Christine, Australia
my house quilt is friendship blocks made by my quilt group friends and I put it together and hand quilted it. It’s a reminder of days shared…
Quilt size: width: 51" height: 66"
L’HOSTAL By: Christelle Hingant, France
“L’Hostal”, it is a panel of “welcome”. This is “Benvenguda” in occitan language of the south of France.
Quilt size: width: 28 1/2" height: 27 1/2"
Little country house By: Jolanda Pandiscia, Portugal
I made this quilt as one of my first attempts. It is for my boys bedroom. I like it because it is fresh and “naif”.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 18"
Moving house By: Margeeth, Netherlands
This little quilt I made for a challenge “moving house” while I was actually moving house.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"
My Grandma’s House By: Vickie Clontz, North Carolina, USA
I started my quilt as a calendar challenge, and dedicated it to my grandma when she passed away while I was working on it. I had to imagine her new home to work through my grieving, and created a home in her favorite color, lavender with the river of life and street of gold, her flower gardens also.
Quilt size: width: 20″" height: 20″"
October By: Joan Pye, Ontario, Canada
Fall colours and red schoolhouses. This quilt is now on my bed at the cottage.
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 110"
Pyramids By: Canary Quilts, Michigan, USA
I presented this to my sister at her wedding this year as a gift. It is based off a picture they took on a trip they took to Egypt and I wanted to help them preserve the memory. When you enlarge the picture you can see the Camel in the distance and the bird that is up close to the view along.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 24"
Season’s First Snow By: Holly Elam, Alabama, USA
I made this for a dear friend who lives in Montana.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 30"
Spencer’s Village By: Julie, California, USA
Many of these house blocks came from a monthly online “block lotto”. I added some more houses, the trees and the road and designed a little village for one of my nephews.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"
Tall Stories By: Doris Dove, United Kingdom
There are 196 small log cabin blocks in the quilt. Each block measures about 1 3/4 inches square and has 9 strips in it making 1764 pieces in total before the border! Everything came from my scrap bag and the design is one of Flavin Glovers.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 30"
The little village By: Gunilla, Sweden
A BOM last year and here is the result. Every house has a name e.g. Lydia´s House, Jimmy´s Place etc.
Quilt size: width: 33 1/2" height: 38"
Third Street By: Darlene, Ohio, USA
This is a tablerunner that I pattern tested for Debbie Grifka at Esch House Quilts. When I show this to people I get ooh’s and aah’s. So I see it becoming a gift in the near future!!
Quilt size: width: 48.5" height: 12.5"
Ventana By: Carla, Brazil
I made this window to remember my the country side of Equador where I come from.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 70"
Vintage Four Seasons By: Glenna Hailey, Oklahoma, USA
The houses on this quilt were rescued from an old top that was in rags. I set them together and embellished them with applique and buttons to represent the Four Seasons. Rescuing and giving unusable old quilt pieces a new life is my heart work.
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"
Wow, this was such a difficult decision this week!! Usually one or two really stand out to me. Not this week — I wanted to vote for ALL of them! :)
Hi Michelle: It seems the choice gets harder and harder to make each week! I chose the vintage blocks saved and embellishe with applique – sweet!
I read the list of weekly quilt competitions with interest and would like to showcase my sister website which specializes in vintage houselinens and other occasional items such as vintage quilts and quilt kits.
Have a great weekend.
Janet in chilly Nova Scotia
I couldn’t vote :( It only shows the results…
Okay! If I give you all my address, will you mail all those wonderful house quilts to me? Guess not, but, they are all so pretty or charming or fun or elegant. Thanks for sharing!
bonjour le choix fut difficile !!mais bravo chris ton panneau est magnifique !!!!!je dis bravo a tous les participants !bonne chance a tous
I absolutely love those quilts! They are so creative. I especially love the one that has the river running through it.